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Chapter 1 Bad Start (for all kinds of support!)

"Gulu...... Gulu......"

The sense of suffocation and oppression constantly hit Rosen, feeling that his hollowed body was powerless.

His eyes wanted to open, but his eyelids were as heavy as a weight, and the darkness and sense of falling constantly stimulated him.

I.... Where is this? Nightmares?

Why can't you wake up?

Why can't you open your eyes? Is this the boundless hell

no I don't want to die!

I..... I..... There are so many dreams that have not been realized

The end of the pirate king hasn't come out yet!

As if it were a memory, Rosen's eyes flashed with inexplicable streamers, and he struggled to shake his eyelids.

"Poof... Gulu!"

The extremely strong sense of suffocation was like emptying the oxygen in his chest. Under the stimulation of death, he opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is the diffuse and rippling sunlight And the clear blue water.

This What's the matter? I'm taking a nap!


Rosen, who was awakened by the fear of death, saw the changing environment in front of him, and before he could react with a strong breath, he rolled his eyes and fainted completely.

Only the occasional convulsions of his body could prove that he was still alive.

It's a bad start


To the south of the four seas, on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Solbe.

At this time, two men, one tall and one short, were smoking on the coast of the small town port.

From the demeanor of the two people, it is obvious that they are not serious people.

They are members of the Karol family community in the Kingdom of Solbe. They came to the port just to collect protection fees from fishermen.

"Ah... Kathy, look if there is a little guy over there." Suddenly, the tall man pointed to the sea and asked.

"Fur..." The short man vomited a mouthful of smoke, as if he didn't care about it. He glanced sideways and said, "It's a kid again. Go and get it and see if it can survive. There is always a shortage of people in the club."

"Hey! It seems that he can make another profit! Ha ha, what a lucky little guy!" The tall man grinned when he heard this, revealing a jagged yellow tooth.

As he spoke, the man's action was not slow. He took off his clothes quickly and jumped down.

As the waves rise and fall, the boy seems to have lost his life for a long time. It is vaguely visible that his head is slightly messy with short black hair, a thin body and a wide and worn clothes. He is very young.


Rosen felt cold all over and his face hurt a little.

It was as if someone was slapping his white, delicate and smooth face with his big rough hands.


Who is such an asshole? I will not punish him!

I, Rosen, am also a greasy little boy in the eighty-seven generations of the Luo family's Tang Dao. How could someone hit me in the face?

Who is it! Who is it?

Rosen frowned and vaguely heard a man's voice.

"Hey, smelly kid, wake up! Don't be like a dead dog."

The harsh male voice was like a crow's cry. Rosen was awakened, and he slowly opened his eyes in anger. He was a face squatting beside smoking.

That face was full of disgust.

Who is this person! What's the matter with him? I'm in my old house. Why did I enter the city!

"Fur... wake up, wake up quickly, don't expect us to carry you back, wait and follow us to the club." The short man stood up and shook his ash, also looked at Rosen, and casually warned:

"Kid, don't expect to run away. You are lucky that we can save your life. From now on, your life will belong to the club. Work hard, at least you won't die of hunger."

"Hahaha, boy, you are lucky! Hahaha, you will be my Chaka person in the future."

Kid? be drowned? This is nothing!

Rosen's face was dazed. At this time, he had not recovered.

But soon the word "drowning" awakened his memory.

That place in the sea, full of depression and suffocation, face the memory of death!

It's a headache... what's the matter.

Rosen could not help raising his hand, but at the next moment, he was frozen there!

He stared at his young hands with wide eyes, and his face was unbelievable.

Are these your own hands with knives? What do you think It's all hands of little fart children!

Rosen was shocked!

"Ah, ah! It hurts, it hurts!"

The next moment, before he could recall, the intense pain in his head was like someone suddenly greeted his head with a club mallet, which made him scream.

Rosen's abnormal movement immediately attracted the attention of two men. They looked at each other. The tall man named Chaka looked at Kathy blankly, and his eyes were dazed.

Cassie helplessly rolled her eyes and frowned at Rosen.

"Hey, kid, don't... lie in the trough!"

However, before Cassie's words were finished, Rosen had fainted gloriously.

Kathy twitched at the corners of her mouth and looked at Chaka.

"..." Chaka Erha face.jpg

Kathy turned and left.

Chaka looked at Kathy, then at Rosen, and silently caught up with Rosen at his waist.


Rosen was in a state of confusion.

Although his body fainted, his spirit was very different, and he could even vaguely feel the existence of his body.

But now he has no time to care about it, because the new memory fragments in his mind tell him.

He, Rosen, once a middle-aged fat old bacon, has passed through!

But this is not the most shocking thing for him. What excites him most is that what he passes through is his favorite anime - the world of the pirate king.

Although the crossing posture is a bit crooked, not falling in the East China Sea, and there is no way to meet any big people, the welfare of the passers is solid.

He has got an extremely tall system, which sounds very impressive.

'Fame system, the strongest and most beautiful welfare project series for passers-by in history,' is called fame system for short.

Cough cough, yes, it is a system that can become stronger as long as you become (give) a name (Tao) in theory.

Well, don't ask me what I'm doing. I don't know anything.

Rosen looked at the panel of the system, his face was full of smiles, which was a triumph.

"I didn't expect that I would cross into the pirate world. It's really a magical experience. It seems that my personality saved by my virginity for more than 30 years is still very secure."

In the mysterious mental space, Rosen's mental figure propped his chin and looked at the 3D virtual system panel in front of him. After his exploration, he had basically understood the system's ability.

The most important ability of the fame system is to accumulate fame values. As long as fame is promoted to become a celebrity, you can gain fame values to raise his level, and naturally, you can increase his ability and become stronger.

That is to say, you can become stronger if you become a star? Rosen thought.

Well, it's also wrong. You still need to have the ability and skills.

At present, as far as his foundation is concerned, this body is a bad whiteboard, very bad!

Name: Rosen

Reputation value: 0

Gender: male

Age: 10

Strength: 7 (3.5)

Constitution: 6 (3)

Agility: 8 (4)

Ability: None

Skill: None

Physical state: all values in hunger and virtual state are halved. The normal adult male value in the pirate world is 20.

Through his memory, Rosen knew that the child he passed through was a common vagrant in the pirate world, and the only memory fragment was the constant vagrant in cold and hunger.

Fortunately, there was no serious trauma on the body, and the memory fragments stayed at the moment when they fell into the sea.

Rosen looked at the system panel and shook his head slightly. In reality, he remembered that there were two men who claimed to be members of the community (not good people), waiting for his fate. The bad situation diluted the excitement brought by many crossings.

"What a bad start."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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