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Chapter 1 Cherry Blossom Rain

It is the season of cherry blossom in full bloom again. The petals are pink and brilliant, like the cheeks of a girl. People like me who see things and yearn for love can't see such beautiful scenery. Maybe my heart is like the petals fluttering with the wind, turning into dust and grinding into soil. Only Acacia is like old days.

I don't like cherry blossoms. I just miss an emotion, a melancholy emotion like the rain of cherry blossoms,

I like loneliness. I like telling my loneliness to cherry blossoms. Whenever I tell my story, there will always be a gust of wind blowing, and the petals will float down in the wind, as if I heard my heart.

That year, I had just finished the middle school entrance examination, and the results were not ideal. It was estimated that only the high school near my home could take me in. I didn't regret it. If it was my fault, I had to blame myself. I chose to read novels and play games when others were studying. It was not that I didn't want to learn, it was just the boring knowledge in the books. I really couldn't include it in my mind, Both teachers and parents are worried about me. Is it true that in this era, all things are inferior but reading is superior?

At that time, my family environment was not good. My mother had no financial resources. My father was a small civil servant. He got those dead wages every month. I also had a sister who was in primary school. The family was very poor. If there wasn't a vegetable garden behind my house, I didn't know how to survive. I could eat all year round and be self-sufficient, but I still had to wear clothes and pay tuition fees, We also have a huge amount of money to spend on those who can't get out of the pot. As a child of a poor family, I am not sensible and have never done anything to satisfy my parents, but I will not be as presumptuous as my classmates. After all, children in such an environment will have some inexplicable inferiority complex, which has opened up the relationship between me and my classmates and alienated me from my parents, For a while, I also complained to my parents: "Why are other people's parents so good, so hard, and so rich?" At that time, I got the answer that "money is useless." I also said that I think it's better to go to someone's home, which is also like what my parents said? I don't understand.

In the first month after graduating from junior high school, I chose to work to earn some money because I wanted to buy a phone. At that time, smart phones were too expensive. I bought my first mobile phone with one month's salary, the one with buttons and touch screen. I applied for the first qq number. The nine digit qq number may not be forgotten in my life, because it is the beginning of a story, I think it's almost my end.

I don't know if anyone will remember that the function of adding friends on the ancient QQ is to input the age, gender and location, and then you will find people who are "soul mates". At that time, I was confused and motivated, so I added a girl with the same age as me. The location, of course, is to choose a province or city far away. I rarely heard of this place, Maybe I only heard of this city in the weather forecast of CCTV, because there will be a sense of mystery and surprise in the unknown.

At that time, I unexpectedly passed the friend request, but the introverted friend didn't know how to speak or communicate, so this unknown friend was put on hold. One day, I had already gone to high school, and played cf in the Internet cafe playing truant. When I heard the prompt tone of qq, I thought it was the teacher's anger, and my classmates rushed me back to the city, so I instinctively cut the screen to see the news, OK, It's not the worst thing I thought, but having a good friend for her birthday, I didn't want to send her a blessing, so I went to play the game myself. Unexpectedly, this is the beginning of my story.

When I came home from the Internet cafe at night, I looked through my mobile phone and saw a friend who looked like a girl. She replied to me with a "thank you". I looked at the chat record tactfully and found that she was a friend I had added long ago who depended on the condition to search. Of course, I could speak freely across the screen. I pretended to be outgoing and funny and talked with her, We exchanged geographical locations and some personal information. As a new friend, we talked a lot. We talked about learning. She said that she was going to take the middle school entrance exam and would study hard. Ha ha, I don't know why. I would even talk freely if I hated learning. I told her that I hate physics and chemistry. What's the use of learning those things? I don't want to be a scientist, However, when I divided my high school into liberal arts and science classes, I still chose science. Compared with the subjects that need thinking in physics, chemistry and biology, I hate boring political geography more. As for her, she said that her head teacher is a geography teacher. Her geography and politics are pretty good. She said that she would choose liberal arts in the future, because she likes Chinese history and culture, and likes poetry, especially Nalan Xingde's poem, the Mulan poem

If life is just like the first sight, what's the sad autumn wind painting fan.

When things change at leisure, people's minds change, but the Tao makes people's minds change easily.

Lishan's words stopped the midnight, and the rain of tears finally stopped ringing.

He is like the lucky Royal Guards, who wish to be together on that day.

We talked about hobbies. She said that her favorite color is pink and she likes cherry blossoms because she likes fragile things. Cherry blossoms are fragile, and this more downblown and rainy plant seems to be waiting for degradation at any time. She said that she liked the moment when those fragile things broke, what a divine and wonderful moment: the weak ones became fragments; The delicate becomes incomplete; The beautiful becomes nothing. My favorite idols were Jay Chou and Xu Song. At that time, in junior high school, Xu Song's music was very popular. His songs, such as moth, constellation book, plain face, were all single cycle. She said that his favorite song was Broken Bridge and Canxue. I told her that what I like most is plain face, because it is really too evil, because the streets are all his plain face.

We talked about local special snacks. I said I like the northern "pot stuffed meat", "chicken stewed with mushrooms", and "autumn harvest". She asked me what autumn harvest is? I told her that potatoes, beans, pumpkins, and corn were stewed together. Ha ha, it was delicious. I also told her that my mother would do all these things. She didn't reply to me in time, as if thinking about something, I asked curiously, "Are you still listening?" She said, "Yes, but she is unlucky. Her parents divorced from the beginning of her memory. She has lived with her father and grandmother all the time." At that time, I didn't know what to do, so I slowly replied, "Sorry, I don't know", She said, "It doesn't matter. I'm used to it, but I envy you all." In fact, I will be silent when I come here, because I'm not the kind of happiness she wants, but I can't tell. After all, I haven't been abused, but I have a good treatment.

From that day on, we often sent news that every day she told me about what happened at school. I told her about the wonderful events that happened here. So and so were admitted to the hospital because of a fight, so and so were upset because of a broken love, and a class of high school students beat the classmate into a vegetable because his classmate sent his girlfriend flowers... She was always surprised to reply: "No, really fake? ”。 From a few sentences every day to the end, I would stare at the screen after sending messages as if I were possessed by her. I could reply to her messages in time, but when she did not reply in time, I was very worried. One day, she did not reply to me, I kept sending messages, and then I still could not wait for her reply. I was so disappointed that something was lost, Do I already like her

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