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Chapter 1 Xiaren Street

Xiaren Street, the only place in the Fallen City where there will be water after the rain, almost all the people here have been abandoned. Time has abandoned them. You can even see the ancient buildings of 2088 here; The government abandoned them, which is the only street in the city that has not been rebuilt; Even they themselves would abandon them. A man mercilessly pushed the woman who begged him to stay into the puddle and walked away without looking back. Even though the woman cried loudly, she just hesitated for a moment and still did not look back.

"Hello -" Fat Jack pestled the woman in the puddle with his baton, "who allowed you to shed tears? You lowlife, your tears will pollute the environment, don't you know?"

"Yes... I'm sorry..." The woman sobbed and answered, raising her hand to wipe her tears. The muddy water seemed cleaner than her tears.

"Go home quickly, lower class, the air you breathe makes me sick!" Fat Jack said and kicked her again, turned around and walked away.

The woman struggled in the puddle for a long time but still couldn't stand up. The kick was very heavy, and no one came to help her, because they knew that if anyone extended a hand to her, they would also be kicked into the puddle.

Pang Jack is the sheriff of Xiaren Street. He is the only person who has been transformed in the whole street. He is a garbage abandoned by the government and failed to transform. The mechanical leg always makes a sound of "creaking" when walking, but he feels very good, because people here never dare to laugh at him. He is just like the king here, the king of an abandoned garbage country.

The "king" walked a little farther, and saw a group of children in front of him bustling around a little boy. The little boy was leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets, and his face was smiling proudly, He closed his eyes and said slowly, "Now who wants my signature will start to queue up. This small transformation is just the first step for me to become a guard. When I become a real guard, you will not have the chance to see me..."

Before he finished speaking, the little boy heard the sound of "creaking" getting closer. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Fat Jack's big face was almost touching his nose.

"Boy," Fat Jack grabbed the boy by the collar with his mechanical arm, lifted him up, and asked viciously, "What did you say you were going to be?"

"Nothing... nothing..." The little boy grabbed Fat Jack's arm with his right hand, his legs kicked in vain in midair, but his left hand was still in his pocket.

"Take your hand out."

The little boy closed his eyes tightly, his feet were still kicking, and his left hand was still not moving.

"I asked you to take it out!" Fat Jack threw the little boy on the ground. The little boy was thrown like he was going to faint, but the hand still didn't move.

"You little bastard..."

Fat Jack was so angry that he raised his fist to fight. Suddenly, someone behind him shouted, "Hey, that fat guy."

Fat Jack was stunned for a moment, but did not look back. He just heard the man yell again, "It's you, the fat man."

Pang Jack finally turned around this time. Seeing the people behind him, he was even more shocked. There was a naked man standing in front of him. There was no trace of transformation on his body. He never thought that he would be called "fat man" by a streaking lower class.

After the shock, there was anger, extreme anger. He was so angry that he didn't want to confirm whether the man was calling himself or not, nor did he want to comply with the false "Guardians are forbidden to kill humans" rule. So he turned around angrily, raised his mechanical arm angrily, flashed out the barrel hidden in the mechanical arm angrily, and fired angrily.

"Bang --"

At the moment of the shooting, a man several meters away had come to him. Fat Jack was shocked again, and then he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then fell on his back.

The man looked at Jack who had fainted, looked down at himself, nodded thoughtfully, and squatted down to take off Jack's pants.

"Don't... Don't move..." Fat Jack didn't wake up. He was talking about the boy who had been thrown to the ground. He struggled to stand up and stumbled to the man. "Lower class, don't fight the guards."

The man looked up at the little boy, ignored him, and then lowered his head to take off Jack's pants. Those rules seemed to him that none of the pants that did not fit him was important. Of course, there might be more than one pair of pants, perhaps also a coat and shoes? Who knows

"Stop!" The little boy was worried. "I'll take you home. You can wear my father's clothes."

The man really stopped this time. He looked up at the little boy again and still didn't speak.

"My house is very close," the little boy pointed out not far in front of him. "It's right there."

The man looked back, stood up, and looked at the fat Jack lying on the ground. A trace of reluctance flashed on his face. He seemed to like the pants, or the suit?

The boy's house is really near, so a naked man didn't have time to attract passers-by's eyes. Of course, it may be that passers-by didn't care about this. After all, they didn't care about a woman who couldn't stand up, let alone a man who didn't wear clothes? They walked into the most dilapidated house. There was no one in it. There was only a bed, a wardrobe, a small square table, and on the table there was a rusty kitchen knife with blood stains and a bloody little finger. These two things were very rare in this era. Now there is no iron kitchen knife on the base, but the little finger can see it, But the little finger on the table is harder to see than the iron kitchen knife.

The man could not help rubbing his nose. The bloody smell that had not dissipated made him feel uncomfortable. The little boy went straight to the wardrobe and found a shabby suit of clothes. He handed it to the man and said, "This is the best suit of clothes my father had ever worn. You can wear it."

"Thank you." The man took the clothes and put them on his body in twos and threes.

"I should thank you," the boy said, rubbing his head. "If it wasn't for you, I might have been killed."

"Doesn't it matter if he kills people?"

"The Guardians' Law stipulates that the guards are not allowed to kill human beings, but it is only used to protect the superior. We are inferior. Even if we are killed, no one will take care of us."

"A man is a man. If he wants to kill you, you can kill him. Even if such scum really dies, it deserves it. I only want his clothes, and you have to stop me." The man's voice was a little dissatisfied. He seemed to really like Fat Jack's clothes.

"Don't you say that about him!" the little boy angrily said, "He is a guard, and the guards are heroes!"

"Is he a hero like that?"

"He..." The little boy lowered his head, "he just doesn't like us... but the guards are heroes!"

"Why are they heroes?"

"Because, because they can kill those damn monsters!"

"What monster?"

"Those are the damned evolutionists, the damned monsters. They killed my parents. They could have let us go in the war two years ago, but they didn't. We are just inferior people, and there is no threat to them at all. But they don't care. They just think it's funny, they think it's funny. Those monsters, they even laugh, and they use it Some strange and disgusting superpowers tortured us inferiors and laughed. It was a guard who used his body to resist the flame of one of the monsters and pressed me under his body that I survived. I also want to be a guard, a hero, and kill those damn monsters. " The little boy clenched his fists as if he was going to crush his teeth.

"Are you going to be a guard, a hero, or kill those... evolutionists?"

"The guardian is a hero!!!" The little boy almost growled, "The guardian is a hero! The hero should kill those monsters to save them!!"

"Good, good." The man put down his hand that blocked his ears. "Is that why you cut off your fingers?"

The man looked at the little boy's left hand. It was obvious that the little thumb on the table was his own. Instead, it was an unknown, thick mechanical finger. The joints had been completely broken, and it was curled up stiffly. The little boy's little thumb was roughly wrapped with bandages, which were also covered with blood stains and dirt.

"This is the first step for me to become a guardian. Remember my name. My name is Gary. I will become the strongest guardian in the future. I will let my name spread all over the earth, so that those monsters will be frightened at the news. I will let the world know that I am a hero!" Gary said, raising his head as if he had done this, as if he had forgotten that he only had a scrap metal finger, I also forgot that I was almost killed by the so-called "hero".

"Well, I remember, Gary, now you have a chance to be a hero, and I hope you can take it." The man said and patted Gary on the shoulder, his eyes revealed an inexplicable trust.

"Really? What chance?" Gary's eyes lit up and jumped out of bed excitedly.

"Go and get something to eat, and I will be the first person saved by you. I'm starving."

"Good! You wait!" Gary agreed happily and ran out of the house. Suddenly he stopped at the door. "Wait, are you kidding me?"

"Why do you think so? Don't heroes should help others? Do you, as a hero, have the heart to watch a person who helped you starve to death? If I hadn't starved to death because of your timely help, would your conscience feel good? Then would you still be worthy of being a hero?" The man said, lying on the ground, covering his stomach, and said weakly, "You... could have... saved me..."

"You, you win." Gary was overwhelmed by the series of questions. "What do you want to eat?"

The man stood up and patted the earth. He said casually, "Look at it, go back quickly."


Gary was about to go out when a black cat suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a snap, scaring Gary. What surprised him more was that the cat fell so badly that it could stand up and limp into the room. Standing in front of the man, it slowly turned into a woman and lay on the ground, Reach out and grab the man's trouser leg: "Quick... run... they are coming..."

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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