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Chapter 1 Ongoing

The hot sun was shining on the ground. A young man was sitting beside the door of the old house, with his back against the wooden door, holding a mobile phone, playing a game of eating chicken.

There is still one person left in the game. He has seen the position of Voldemort, and seems to have seen him from the opposite side.

Gunfight is imminent!

Suddenly, the phone drops a sound, "Your phone's power is less than 20%!"

"Shit!" Bai Yuan shouted.

He quickly clicked the prompt. He was killed by the opposite side in such a short time.

"Junk mobile phones are useless at critical moments

Bai Yuan directly withdrew from the game. He just played it casually, but he was not addicted to it. If he could not eat chicken, he would have no more power. Besides, the phone was too hot to play.

Get up, go to the second floor room of the small bungalow behind my hometown, take out the power bank, and charge the mobile phone.

Downstairs, the mother's voice came, "Son, how are you getting ready? You can take the shuttle bus later."

His mother's name is Yang Xiaojing, and his father's name is Bai Wenwu. Bai Yuan replied, "Well, well, nothing." He looked at the time and it was 3:30.

The shuttle bus will arrive at 4:00 this time. Walk slowly to the bus crossing. Ten minutes at most is enough.

He went home a few days ago because he had a sudden fever and cold. He didn't know why he got sick. Anyway, it was inconvenient at school and had a great impact on the class. The teacher let him back.

Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, and Bai Yuan has to attend it.

My mother saw him coming down from upstairs and said, "Here's a red envelope for you. Tomorrow will be the college entrance exam. Come on!"

Bai Yuan is not short of money, but he still takes it with a smile. If he has money, he is a fool.

"Thank you, Mom."

At this time, my father also came back from outside, "ready to go, come on for the exam tomorrow, have you brought an umbrella? The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow."

"Yes, it rained again. It seemed to rain last year."

My mother said in a aside, "It's cool when it rains. You can write your exams more comfortably."

Dad said, "Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, definitely take a provincial champion back," Bai Yuan smiled, not modest at all.

"Be modest and play normally. Your mother and I want you to take an undergraduate course. Of course, it would be better if you were admitted to a key university."

"Well, let me go."

Bai Yuan went to take a bus, and his parents were going to work in the field. Today, they were a little late. As usual, they went out early.

My family has planted 6 mu of grape land, and I have to go there every day. If I don't look at it, I can't rest assured. This grape accounts for half of my family's income throughout the year.

At the entrance of the village, he waited for about ten minutes. With a little smoke behind the car, he finally got on the bus.

Of course, the temperature inside the car has no change from that outside. It's just that when you open the window during driving, the wind blows in and it will be much cooler.

The shuttle bus in Jiangyuan Village is not equipped with air conditioners, so it's good to have a car. In the last two years, the road was still muddy, but now it's all cement. Thank the government! Finally, we have a good way to eat less ash.

There are five passengers on the bus, but few people take the bus. The bus runs twice a day, but only once more on Friday. If it runs three times a day, and no one takes the bus, it will lose money.

The passenger looked familiar, but could not name himself. He only knew that he was from his big village.

He sat on the side without sunshine. It would take him at least 40 minutes to reach Ancheng. He didn't want to be exposed to the sun.

The fare is six yuan. It hasn't changed for many years. It's just that there was a ticket seller following the car before, but now I have to pay my own coin.

Bai Yuan put on his headphones, clicked on the cloud music and began to listen to music. After forty minutes, he played with his mobile phone.

He uploaded a new chapter to the novel written a few months ago on his mobile phone. The book is called Swallowing the Starry Sky. It was found in the collection hall where he got the parallel space. He liked it very much and uploaded it to the Internet.

The museum suddenly appeared in his mind a year ago. As for its origin, Bai Yuan was not clear at all. There are a lot of books and equipment in it, only you can't think of, there is nothing he doesn't have.

Of course, the contents can't be taken out, but he wants to know the knowledge of that book. As long as he touches it, it will appear in his mind directly. The author's creative pictures and feelings can be experienced, and he can also master some of their abilities.

The achievement of the novel "Swallowing the Starry Sky" is very good. Now the collection has reached 100000, and it has been on the shelves for two months, both of which are set at 10000, which is a very good achievement.

Bai Yuan just wants to make a living. He is positioned as a communicator of culture.

When he got to the bus station, he got off and took the bus to the center of the county. Instead of rushing to school, he had to fill his stomach first.

We can see many students from Ancheng No. 1 Middle School here, some of whom are wearing school uniforms and some of whom are wearing their own ordinary clothes, which is easy to identify.

The day before the college entrance examination, Ancheng No. 1 Middle School was on holiday, and now it's the meal spot. It's normal to see students.

"Boss, order a couple of fried rice, not sour bamboo shoots, but a little spicy."

The proprietress smiled and said, "OK, take a seat first. Do you want scallions?"


After a few minutes, the landlady brought over the fried rice, and there was also a fried egg on it. Bai Yuan wondered, "landlady, did you send the wrong egg? I didn't want the fried egg!"

"It's for you. It's free. It's about the college entrance exam. I remember you have been here for three years. Come on!"

"Thank you, landlady. You have a good memory."

The landlady left with a smile. The fried rice of three liang was obviously much more than usual. After taking a bite, it tasted better than before. She thought, "Is it moving?"

Of course, I was touched. As a result, I ate a little.

After paying the money, I walked slowly to the school. There were several small intersections on the road where there were police cars parked. There were people inside, or they were standing outside in the shade.

The student on the way said, "In order to meet the college entrance exam, there is a sticker at the entrance of the New Century Internet Bar, which is closed at 11:00 this evening for two consecutive days."

"Yes, the same is true for Chaogui Internet Cafe. I heard that Internet cafes in the whole city will be closed for one night tonight and tomorrow night. But after the college entrance examination, Zhongci Internet Cafe can get 20 yuan of online fees by virtue of its admission card, and it will also give you a little more for recharging than others."

"After the exam, we will go to the Zhongci Cybercafe. I will play games for two months."

"Well, well, this must be there!"

During the college entrance examination, even the Internet cafes were closed for two days. He remembered that on the road before, he saw that the traffic police had obviously changed, the order was much better than before, and even the sound of honking the horn was much lower.

I thought that the people of the whole county were serving the junior high school students these two days.

During the evening self-study, the teacher saw Bai Yuan coming, walked up to him and cared a few words. As the top student in the class, he was taken care of by the old class.

The examination permit and examination materials will be issued together in the evening.

Old Ben is an old man in his forties. His daughter and son have been admitted to college. He said that he would not be a class teacher if he played with them this time.

Every time the students in Class Two heard him say this, they would reply with two words, "Innocent!"

Bai Yuan studied liberal arts. There are five liberal arts classes and eight science classes in Ancheng No. 1 Middle School.

There are many top scholars in liberal arts and none in science, but there are still more students in science than in liberal arts.

There are fifty people in their class, four boys! How dare you think! Can't even form a basketball team.

Old Ban's surname is Qin, and his name is far away. The examination permit has been issued, He stood on the platform and said: "Boys and girls, the three years of high school will be over in two days, and I won't say much about it. Tomorrow, the college entrance examination will be held. You must keep your admission cards and don't misplace them. You should prepare more stationery and pens for the examination. Don't forget the two B pencils. The college entrance examination is the time to test what you have learned in three years. It is a relatively fair exam. No matter what your scores are, thank you for your company in the past two years.

When taking the exam, you must be careful. The attitude is the most important. Of course, don't be too nervous. I believe that the psychological quality of our Class 2 students is the best. I wish you all a good result! "

There was warm applause from the podium, "Thank you, teacher!"

"Everybody review well!"

Bai Yuan checked the materials and put them all in the stationery bag issued by the old class. He can go to the exam room with them tomorrow morning.

They are the only exam site in Ancheng. The building of Grade Three is not used as an exam room, but you can review it here.

Bai Yuan read a book for a while, sorted out the things in his desk, and was ready to move back to the dormitory.

He whispered to his deskmate, "Fatty, have you moved your book to the dormitory?"

"Yes, there is one more thing. Move tonight."

"I don't think you have many books. Please help me move some."

"Go away, fat man can't move."

"Taking more exercise is the best way to lose weight. Moving books is the best way to exercise."

"No, just move it slowly yourself. After two nights, it will be over." The fat Jiang Jun said with a smile.

Bai Yuan can't help him, but the two just talk. When he finishes moving, tomorrow, he will help him move. Of course, they know their own temperament after spending so much time together.

During the break, everyone is discussing where to take the exam. If it is convenient, you can take care of it.

In the sixth examination room, Bai Yuan's seats are randomly arranged, and people from different schools have to be disturbed. It's a dream to have people around him, unless you are familiar with all the people in the five classes of liberal arts.

Two of the four boys in Class Two, sitting in front, are twins, called Wen Xiaowen and Wen Xiaowu.

They also came to ask where they were in the examination room.

Wen Xiaowen is in the tenth examination room, Wen Xiaowu is in the twelfth examination room, and Fat Man is in the third examination room.


After self-study in the evening, I moved books back to the dormitory, and then went to the canteen to buy a bucket of instant noodles.

After eating in the dormitory, they took a bath. The four people in the dormitory chatted for a while and soon fell asleep.

Of the four, Bai Yuan's score was the best, followed by Fat Man, and then the twin brothers. All of them had no problem going to two colleges.

However, it is not clear where to take the exam. Fat people and twins need to see the scores.

Bai Yuan depends on where he wants to go. Anyway, he thinks he can go anywhere.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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