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Chapter 1 Xiangning Town, Luoen Drink Shop

East China Sea, Lanerlun Island, Xiangning Town.

It was early summer, and the scorching sun was hanging high above the ground, which made the ground hot. The sea breeze occasionally blew up the heat wave, which did not make people feel half cold at all.

But even so, the residents of the island are still working hard.

The fisherman catches fish and chops firewood, but the most dry thing is to pick fresh and mature lemons from countless lemon trees for sale in other towns.

In this peaceful and peaceful picture, a small wooden house with five characters "Luoen Drink Shop" is particularly attractive.

"Ron, give me a cup of kumquat and lemon with ice!"

A middle-aged uncle appeared in front of the shop with firewood on his back and sweat all over his head, and shouted to the busy boy in the house.

"I want Cool Lemon!" Another young woman with a framed lemon also trotted over.

"OK, please wait a moment." The boy named Ron answered.

The melon seed face and single eyelids are different from the dark skin of the town residents who work all year round. The exposed skin of the young people is very white, as if they have never done any work.

In fact, it is the same.

Ron, whose original name was Ron, was not a person in the world, but an ordinary senior high school student from the earth.

Because the college entrance examination is approaching and the pressure is too great, Ron logged into the browser after reviewing, and planned to find a shy website to ease his mood. Unexpectedly, as soon as he clicked in, his whole body felt like an electric shock. When he opened his eyes again, he would have appeared in such a place.

There are lemon trees everywhere.

The sound of the waves is whistling in my ears.

A group of children were sitting around in front of themselves, anxiously calling themselves "Brother Lorne".

At first, he didn't understand what was going on. After a while, he found that he had passed through and attached himself to a 14-year-old boy with a name similar to his own.

The reason is that when the boy was fishing with those little devils at the seaside, his leg suddenly cramped and sank into the sea bottom. Later, when the waves washed him ashore, he was already drowned, so he happened to be lucky enough to occupy the boy's body.

I wonder if it is because the soul will change the outside. After entering the young man's body, his appearance has gradually changed.

With the passage of time, a year passed, his appearance gradually became more and more similar to that before the crossing, and his skin gradually faded away from its original color and became white, which surprised everyone who had seen his appearance before.

However, Ron himself doesn't care much about this. It doesn't matter what his appearance looks like, but the key is

Why did he come across the world of the pirate king?

Yes, yes, this is the world of the pirate king!

He also found it a week later when he bought a newspaper from the claw of a news bird flying by.

Newspapers were mixed with a bunch of pirate reward orders, and the news published that the navy's trainee ship was attacked by the pirate Edward Weibull, resulting in heavy casualties. It was today's navy general, "black wrist" Zefa, who led the trainee ship.

In this way, Ron can roughly understand his current time line. Ace seems to have about three years to go to sea, while Luffy has nearly six years to go.

However, after learning about these things, Ron did not have much impact.

Although he also liked to read the cartoon The One Piece when he was on the earth in his previous life, he didn't know what was called "cruelty" until he really came across the world.

Not all the pirates are as kind as Luffy and others.

In this year, he has seen some residents of Xiangning Town robbed or even killed by passing sea bandits no less than five times, while people in the town are powerless.

He is also one of them.

Therefore, he has no mood of joy and joy, and even more no intention of speaking about being a pirate.

He looks like this now. It is estimated that even an ordinary adult can't beat him. If he is made a pirate, he will be killed in a few days, or he will look up to himself in a few days.

So, after thoroughly getting familiar with his identity, he took advantage of the town's rich lemon to open this drink shop. Because it is now summer, the business is much better than before.

"Nah, a glass of 30 Bailey." Ron pushed two glasses of lemon drinks onto the table.

"30 Bailey? It was 20 Bailey the other day. Why did the price rise?" The middle-aged uncle complained.

"I can't help it. Don't you see that the lemon tree harvest is not very good in this season recently, so the price of lemon has naturally risen..." Ron shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, if it goes on like this, I guess I can't even afford lemon juice."

Although they complained, they quickly paid for the drinks and drank them off on the stone bench beside the road. The sour and cool feeling immediately filled their bodies. After a while, they stood up and went on working.

Ron smiled, looked at the darkening sky, wiped the table and closed the door.


In the evening, in a stone house near the edge of the town.

Ron carried a fishing net in his right hand and a small white box in his left, and walked in from the door.

"Brother Lorne!"

"Brother Loren is back!!"

As soon as I entered the room, I was surrounded by seven or eight children.

"Brother Lorne, what food have you brought back?"

"Is it a fish?"

"Wow, there are crabs. I can eat hairy crabs cooked by Brother Loren again tonight!"

The children were very excited to look at the fishing net behind Ron. When they thought of the hairy crabs that Ron had cooked with the secret sauce a few days ago, they could not help but feel their mouths watering.

"Well, this is your pre dinner drink. Please wipe your hands with a cloth and be obedient." Ron put the box down, and there were eight different colored lemons in it.

When the children heard this, they immediately sat down obediently, took a clean handkerchief from Ron's hand, and began to wipe it, but their eyes were staring at those cups of juice from beginning to end.

Ron felt funny.

In fact, this group of children was met when he just woke up that day.

Most of them are orphans in Xiangning Town. Their parents either died at the hands of sea pirates or left their children to go to sea to become sea pirates. They can be said to have no regard for their children's family.

Among these children, the oldest is only 12 years old, and the youngest is less than 8 years old.

Ron's body was one of them before. When he came across, he naturally took over his predecessor's work and took care of these poor children.

At the beginning, he did it out of kindness, but later, when these children thanked him from the bottom of their hearts, a sudden voice prompt instantly refreshed his spirit.

Like now.

[Ding! You have received sincere thanks from the children]

[Positive energy essence+8]

[Accumulate 1000 highlights and officially open the hero card system]

[You have obtained the novice benefit. You can use the current essence to unlock a Yasuo (full) card. Do you want to exchange it?]

Ron listens to the prompt sound in his mind, and then selects the confirmation button.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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