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Chapter 1 The Great Rich Farmer System

Some parallel space-time.

January 24, 2019.

At ten pm.

Tangxi Town, Xingcheng, Binnan Province, China.

The orange light spilled on the street, and the cold wind mixed with the drizzle came to Chen Haoran's face, which made him fall into the ice cave in an instant. He was so cold that he shivered and involuntarily tightened his long black cotton padded jacket.

Press the lock key to lock the door and run to the six storey building across the road.

When passing the mobile phone store on the first floor.

Chen Haoran purposely opened the glass door and went in, slightly blaming the middle-aged woman who was doing health work, saying, "Mom, it's so cold today, and it's raining outside. Why don't you go upstairs to have a rest?"

The middle-aged woman, named Hu Xueqing, dressed neatly and looked smart and capable.

She straightened up, turned around and looked at Chen Haoran with a smile

Chen Haoran shook his head and smiled, "I'll go upstairs first..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked by the sudden appearance of several lines of blue virtual subtitles.

[Host locked successfully]

[The binding of the rich farmer system begins...]


There is no sound during the whole virtual caption conversion process.

After the first two lines of subtitles disappeared, a blue virtual progress bar about 10 cm long was slowly moving.

All this naturally attracted Chen Haoran's full attention.

As a result, his whole person became a little dull, as if he had lost his soul.

Hu Xueqing was so frightened that she thought her son was in some evil. She threw away the broom in a hurry, rushed to Chen Haoran in front of her in three steps and two steps, grabbed his arm and shook it gently: "Well, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

Chen Haoran's mother's cry brought him back to his senses in an instant. He looked at the worried look on his mother's face, felt guilty, took a deep breath, and pretended to be relaxed, saying, "Nothing... nothing, nothing. It may be that I just blew a cold wind outside, and now I have a headache. I'll go back to take a hot bath and have a rest."

"Really ok?" Hu Xueqing frowned and worried. The woman's intuition told her that her son's reaction just now was definitely not so simple.

But when she saw that her son didn't want to say more, she didn't ask again.

Seeing that his mother didn't continue to investigate, he was a little relieved.

But at the thought of the progress bar that has not disappeared, the whole heart hung up again, and it was more fierce than before.

She looked at her face secretly and dared not change anything.

It's like a little boy who made a mistake, afraid of being caught by his mother.

Fortunately, apart from worry and concern, my mother did not show any surprise and curiosity.

This made Chen Haoran feel relieved, because he was reminded of the strengths of the portable system of some novel characters.

However, the system virtual caption is not seen by people other than the host, which is only a basic configuration.

As an old bookworm who has been immersed in novels for nearly ten years, he has been familiar with various systems.

But what the hell is this big rich peasant system?

Do you really want to farm for a living in the future?

This is too low, isn't it?


Chen Haoran shook his head and put these unknowable ideas behind him.

Then I collected my mood, walked around my mother slowly, and kept an eye on her face to further confirm my idea.

The final result is quite gratifying.

But my mother was a little puzzled: "Are you evil or what? Don't bother, my eyes are going to be dazzled by you."

"Del, let me go upstairs first..."

Chen Haoran's house is located in Room 202, a six storey building, with a shared area of 11 square meters and an internal area of 142 square meters.

It was purchased in 2016. At that time, the average price of rough housing was 1500 square meters, which cost 210000 yuan.

Later, he bought furniture and decoration, which cost more than 200000 yuan.

Such expenses are enough to create a comfortable and beautiful three bedroom apartment in a small place like Tangxi Town.

Back home, Chen Haoran simply said hello to his father, and couldn't wait to enter the bedroom.

Turn on the air conditioner, sit on the computer chair, and stare at the system binding progress bar.


As time goes by, the progress bar gets closer and closer to 100%.

More than ten minutes later, there was a knock at the bedroom door. Chen Haoran immediately took out his mobile phone to make a model and played.

With a "squeak", the door of the house was opened by my mother. She leaned in half and asked, "Didn't you just say that you had a headache from the cold? Why didn't you take a hot bath earlier and ask your father to cook a bowl of ginger soup?"

Chen Haoran touched the back of his head and just wanted to say something, when his mother continued to complain, "You are so old, you don't know how to maintain your own body."

"All right, I'll take a bath right away." Chen Haoran was not a bit upset when listening to her mother's nagging. Instead, he stood up and walked to the wardrobe with a smile on his face.

Because at this time, the progress bar in front of him was about to be bound successfully, and it was still 5% away from 100%.

That is to say, it can be completed in about one minute.

Thinking about the system stream novels he has read in the past, Chen Haoran is particularly expecting his own system functions, but he is afraid that he will be unlucky and the resulting system will be a cinder.

With this feeling, I took my clothes and walked into the bathroom in my mother's puzzled eyes.

At the moment when the bathroom door was closed, the mother took back her eyes and whispered: "Look at the spirit, it's not like he's caught a cold. Is there something fishy about this guy?"

"What are you whispering about?" Dad came over and asked.

Mom waved her hand. "It's OK. Go and cook a bowl of ginger soup for Ranran so that he won't suffer from the cold."

"Oh." Dad, thinking, didn't ask more, turned and went into the kitchen to get busy.

Shower Room.

As soon as Chen Haoran was about to turn on the nozzle to wash his hair, he found that the progress bar in front of him had reached 100%, and a soft electronic female voice came from his ear: "The system was bound successfully!"

"Congratulations on becoming the first host of this system."

At the same time, all the blue virtual progress bars disappear and become an eye protection virtual screen about 2.5 meters long and 1.3 meters wide.

Several lines of blue cursor options are displayed above.

Great Rich Farmer System

[Host: Chen Haoran]

[Level: LV0]

[Experience value: 0/2]

[One button service]



Out of curiosity, Chen Haoran touched the blue cursor option with his fingertip, and found that instead of penetrating the virtual screen, a hard glass like texture was transmitted.

There is something in this system!

It can actually form a solid screen in midair without any external force. It must not be a vulgar thing, and it must have something extraordinary.

It is also equipped with system intelligence, which means that I don't know how high the IQ is?

Can you communicate normally like people?

The fingertip gently glides over each blue cursor option to simply understand all the seven options. It is found that the first four options cannot be opened at all and can only be used for reference.

However, after the click of [One click service], [Mall], [Warehouse] and other options, there is a unique and rich content.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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