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Chapter 1 Celia Is Captured!!

"Bang, bang, bang!".

There was a sharp knock on the door.

The damaged and dilapidated gate can no longer be supported. With the sound of "frame", the door plate falls heavily on the ground, making a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and raising dust all over the ground.

"Cough cough cough."

A crisp and creamy female cough came from the dusty dust.

"Uncle is lazy. The dust is so thick. I don't know how long it hasn't been cleaned."

It was a girl with a height of about 1.4 meters, red ponytail, long pointed ears, and a body of Lolita.

She covered her mouth and nose with one small hand, and the other hand kept dispersing the thick dust around her, whispering.

She went through the dust that rose around her, her eyes fluttered everywhere, as if she was constantly looking for something.

Finally found it!!

It was a tall figure, lying on a lectern to sleep.

It seems that the sound just now did not disturb him.

Ignoring her own image, the girl took out a magic stick and smashed it on the speech table.

"Dong Dong Dong"

There was another loud sound.

Seeing the man, she still didn't have any reaction. The girl became irritable, grabbed the middle-aged man's ear, and kept pulling and shaking.

The man didn't know whether he couldn't stand the pain or shook. He woke up with a confused face, rubbed his sleepy eyes, stood up and stretched slowly.

From time to time, a burst of dust falls from the dilapidated church. Some dust falls on the hair of middle-aged men, making the already greasy hair look worse, like a disordered bird nest.

It was a man with a height of 195cm, a bearded face and a rough appearance like a giant bear.

But the girl was only about 142 cm. The two stood together and formed a sharp contrast, just like the combination of beauty and beast.

"Uncle Sean, no good! Sister Celia has disappeared in Granzhisen for several days. Let's go and save her."

The girl stamped her feet, looked up at Sean, and said anxiously.

"Di, find the main task [Save Celia] and accept it.

Task requirement: rescue Celia

Task reward: a special skill point, several divine power points, and a novice gift package.

Mission punishment: directly kill. "

Sean, formerly known as Wang Dashu, was originally an uncle in his 30s, who had a beautiful wife and a pair of lovely daughters and was very successful in life and career.

I don't have any bad habits, so I usually like a game called Dungeon and Ghost Swordsman.

Although Wang Dashu is tall and powerful, he is gentle and kind-hearted by nature. Instead of playing ghost swordsman, who likes to fight and kill, he has played the same profession as his own doctor, the holy man, commonly known as the wet father.

However, Wang Dashu slept for a while and woke up to find himself crossing into the world of the game, the land of Arad, and also getting a system called "The Best Daddy".

This system will provide rewards for completing various tasks, including skill points, experience points, and various stores that can exchange various things.

The original owner of this body was a man named Sean, who was a pastor sent to Glen Town by the Pastoral Association.

However, the pastor drank heavily every day for some reason, and finally drank himself to death and was possessed by Uncle Wang. However, Sean had a strong desire to become the greatest pastor.

Uncle Wang is a kind man. He said to himself, you can rest assured that I will become the greatest priest in your name!!!

After saying that, I felt comfortable for a while, as if I had drunk a glass of ice cream on a hot summer day in July, and the strange feeling of my body disappeared, and I accepted all the memories of Sean.

At this moment, King Dashu, no, Sean is really alive.

Sean looked at the small and lovely girl in front of him, and couldn't help thinking of his daughter. He said to the girl gently:

"What's wrong with Daisy? Tell me the story in detail."

Then he touched the girl's hair kindly.

In an instant, Sean's hand sent out a soft light, and a light that made people stable came from Sean's palm.

This is a skill that every priest must cultivate, called calmness. However, Sean has systematically rewarded three skill points, and many core skills cannot be learned even if their divine power level is not enough, so he upgraded the original calmness to [purification].

Purification can dispel all negative effects, but Sean can't do that now, but it's much better than most junior priests.

It has to be said that the system product is different. Daisy has slowly settled down, and her heart, which was beating violently, has also recovered to calm.

Daisy was also surprised to feel this power. This effect can only be achieved by clergymen above the deacon level of 18, but isn't Sean's divine power fluctuation only level 5?

When did uncle become stronger? Is this still the drunken uncle?

Looking at Daisy who was confused, Sean smiled, rubbed Daisy's hair, and asked with a magnetic voice unique to mature uncle:

"What's wrong with Celia? Why did she suddenly run to Glen Forest?"

Daisy blinked the unique green eyes of the elves, shook her head, and scratched her head with a lovely face:

"Well, Uncle, I don't know, but let's go quickly. Everyone is waiting for you. It is said that there is a devil beast in Glenzhisen, otherwise everyone would have started early."

Sean frowned and knew the seriousness of the matter, and why everyone had to wait for him, when he was a novice priest with only Level 5 divine power.

Divine power is a unique way of cultivation in the land of Arad. Generally speaking, through continuous cultivation and experience, the soul will become more powerful, and the soul will feedback a force, which Arad calls divine power.

Divine power can exert all kinds of incredible power, such as strengthening the body, releasing magic, various exquisite swordsmanship, and so on.

The demonized beast is a kind spirit beast, an alien, etc., whose body has changed, suddenly gained a significant increase in strength, became bloodthirsty and cruel, and if it is scratched by the demonized beast, it will also be infected.

However, since there is yin, there must be yang, and the priest's unique divine power can just dispel the evil, and the weapon blessed by the priest's divine power can double the damage to the evil beast.

The most important thing is the divine power of the priest, which can help the spirit beast and the infected alien to recover to their original appearance.

This is why every gathering place will be assigned a priest, because it is too important. Even if it is only one level, it has an irreplaceable role.

When Sean was still in a daze, he suddenly lost his balance of gravity and almost fell down. It turned out that he was dragged away by Daisy, a little Laurie.

Although Daisy is small and young, she is actually hundreds of years old, but the long life of the elves makes her look extremely young.

After all, the life expectancy of elves is 10000 years, so Daisy is really just a child for elves.

Sean was almost dragged by Daisy, so he felt Daisy's amazing power level, level 18!!!

And also know the cultivation direction of Daisy, the battle mage.

This is a special school of elves. They give up the advantage of wisdom to develop their bodies, and finally reach the state of breaking all laws with one effort.

As long as Daisy has completed the test of the elves, she can learn the relevant secrets and officially become a fighting mage!!

It is a rare talent for the elves to know that Edith's age can reach this level.

Compared with my level 5 magic power when I was over 30 years old, I have to admit that I really live to be a dog!!!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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