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Chapter 1 [] If it is so easy to go back to the past, what are you afraid of "choice"?


In May, summer is still lingering. The day is getting earlier and earlier, and the sun is getting warmer and warmer.

In the kitchen, Lin Qin boiled macaroni in a small pot while putting butter into a pan. When the butter melted, he beat down two eggs and fried them separately. Then he threw the little hot dog intestines that had just been cut into pieces, and all of a sudden they became small octopuses. This magic operation made her suddenly feel that she was Huang Lei of the late night canteen, but her "guests" were still sleeping soundly in the bedroom. While boiling, she quickly added water to the capsule coffee machine, threw the capsule in, and took out a box of strawberries to wash and slice one by one.

When all this was almost finished, her "guests" came into the kitchen after washing up. "I had a hunch that I would have a good breakfast. This Monday was not bad." Lin Zhenrui helped put the cooked tomato and macaroni, fried eggs, and hot dog intestines on the plate, and put the coffee out on the table.

"What's your plan today?" He sent a mouthful of macaroni to his mouth.

"There was nothing to do on Monday morning. There was an activity in QP area at 2:00 p.m., and they went back to the newspaper office at 3:30 for a meeting. They still ate outside in the evening." Usually Lin Qin would cook dinner at home when he came home early, but if it was too late for the regular meeting on Monday or the afternoon interview, they would eat outside.

"I envy your reporters. They have free time and can earn some contribution occasionally." Lin Zhenrui, a startup dog who has to work overtime every day, is quite compatible with Lin Qin, a freelance professional in family time allocation.

"Don't be sour, the paper media market is not good, the layout is reduced, and we have been worried about our work all month." Lin Qin began to pick up the hot spots on mobile phones today, and what information can be done.

After breakfast, Lin Zhenrui helped to put the things into the kitchen and went to work. After cleaning, Lin Qin found that it was less than 9 o'clock. Since she suffered from low back pain last year, the doctor advised her to exercise more. She would choose to get up early a few days a week and go downstairs for a walk. Today, she had plenty of time to make breakfast after getting up early and exercising. Even she did not expect that when she was less than 29 years old, all the functions of her body began to convey aging signals. She put away Zhenrui's pajamas that she had changed in a hurry, and sat in the floating window in a daze.

The bay window of the master bedroom should be her favorite corner. When she moved in that year, she bought a thick knitted felt pad and put a small pillow near the wall. On the other side, she built a small bookshelf with a small table on which she could occasionally drink tea and write. Looking out of the window, there is a small road with two lanes and a park in the middle of the street, which is neither quiet nor too noisy.

In contrast, Lin Zhenrui's most satisfied place in the master bedroom is his own projector. When he wants to watch a football game or a movie, he collapses in his bed. Press the remote control to watch a blockbuster. When he moved in, he insisted on setting up one of the four rooms as a study. Lin Qin also said that he "who reads books will go to the study specially." But he still wanted to have an independent space to do work and read books. He also thought wickedly that he could force children to do homework in the study in the future. When the "small dark room" makes it impossible to write homework, don't go out, "The bedroom is going to do something that the bedroom can do," he said with a wry smile.

Lin Qin, a character worker, has a big brain hole, and when he thinks about things, he will think far away. She remembered that she and Lin Zhenrui had been in love for five years and married for two years. It has been more than a year since she moved into her new house. In the past two years of marriage, she and Zhenrui have been making small troubles, but each time he takes the initiative to bow down and beg for peace. After all, she is three years older than him, and many things are said to be indifferent. They also have always agreed that they will not have children in the past two years, and enjoy the world of two people. When they have time to pack their bags, they will go on a short trip. The elderly at home are also very open-minded and do not urge them. In their parents' minds, both of them are decent children.


At about noon, Lin Qin began to shake in front of the wardrobe, "I really have no clothes to wear". She was thinking about where all the clothes she bought had gone. The weather in southern cities is always much longer in summer than in winter. In May, she felt that she had worn all kinds of thin shirts. Today's event is a forum type event. The air conditioning in the venue should be strong. She wore a chiffon light blue shirt, a tartan suit, and pencil pants and low heels before going out. Only this kind of activity that doesn't need running can make you look better. Lin Qin is not tall, but she is better than the "ancestral" fat eating gene. She weighs about 85 kg when she is less than 160. Standing with 178 Zhenrui, there is still a significant height difference. "Your figure is very suitable for being a reporter. You can arrive at the scene when others can't get into it." Zhenrui's occasional tongue often stops her. Because it is convenient to park at the destination, she drove her car out. Lin Zhenrui bought a car before his marriage, but because he still has a company bus, Lin Qin drives a lot.

At the conference center, Lin Qin got off the bus just in time to see the TV station's interview car in the parking lot to prepare equipment.

"Qin! Have you eaten? Go to the wordy fans!" Meng Fei, a reporter on the location of the city TV station, has a poetic name. She is bold and unconstrained. She is a local girl in Guangdong. She doesn't know where she learned the word, so she asks people to "wordy fans".

"Let's go, I haven't had lunch yet." Lin Qin was hugged by Mengfei, and she turned to say hello to the photographer uncle who came with her, Every time Lin Qin comforted her, "Why don't you look for them in the company?".

In previous TV dramas, female hosts would partner with handsome photographers, and they could take beautiful photos every day. However, the reality is so skinny. Mengfei said she was the victim of the Korean TV series "In Love with a Female Anchor": Who said there was handsome Yin Li Shi in TV stations? And the infatuated photographer? The photographer would only say to her all day: "You are too fat for the camera and you need to lose weight!" Lin Qin thought to himself: the point is not the photographer.

The two o'clock event really needs to be delayed for half an hour to start. Fortunately, the reporters communicated with the correspondents in advance and interviewed leaders and enterprise representatives before the event. The reporters who were in a dilemma all day would not stay until the end, so the interviews were all quick decisions. Reporters of TV stations can often openly urge correspondents to arrange interviews because of the need of editing later. Mengfei is the main player this time. The correspondent neatly arranged the leaders of the host and the representatives of the enterprise to be interviewed, which left more time for TV reporters to edit, while other media reporters could also seize the time to write and release during the event.

After the interview, Lin Qin found a place to sit down and began to arrange the script structure and supplement the interview content. Lin Qin is a famous fast hand of the newspaper office. Generally, when she interviews, she thinks about the structure of the manuscript. While writing the manuscript, she can also think about what title is highly summarized and highlights the characteristics. After receiving her manuscript, the editor can release it without major changes. However, she is not keen on speed, because she knows that this puts a lot of pressure on peers. So she would take a break after writing, and only after the photographer also passed the pictures to the manuscript library did she upload her own manuscript.

At this time, her mobile phone gave a push, and the CC of Youbao was the first to rush to send the push. "It's crazy, right? You said that she is not good at it, and her mobile phone APP logo of this small video has not been removed!" Once again, the focus of Mengfei's attention deviated. Everyone in the circle knows that CC is famous for its speed competition, and every time it posts, it throws the link to the contact group, which makes other journalists very embarrassed. Lin Qin is not impressed. After all, she has heard a little about the performance KPI assessment of Youbao. If there is no click rate, this article will be written in vain.

On the stage, the enterprise representatives who just received their interviews are introducing their start-ups. The founders of start-ups are generally young. Just now, when facing the questions from reporters, he answered fluently, and his attitude to the leaders of the host is neither arrogant nor humble. His youth and self-confidence make his speech more convincing. Lin Qin not only remembered that seven years ago, he also knew Zhen Rui in a similar activity. After so many years, he was less youthful, but more calm and sophisticated.


At the same time, Zhenrui is attending the International Precision Medicine Summit Forum in the conference hall of Four Seasons Hotel. He is scheduled to speak in the middle of the morning. This time, he mainly introduces the application of molecular diagnosis technology in personalized treatment in infectious diseases, and promotes his own precise diagnosis technology - digital PCR detection system (a gene detection method). These topics are somewhat obscure in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of industry insiders, this is a blue ocean in the industry, and everyone wants a share of it. No matter in terms of business level or scientific research strength, Zhenrui's company is still in the first echelon in the industry, many competitors pay high attention to the digital PCR detection system they are developing, because once successful, it will break the monopoly of foreign enterprises in this field for many years, and achieve lower cost detection under the standards of high sensitivity and speed. What's more, Zhenrui is a big enterprise with a halo of birth and its own attribute of excellent students, which makes people more wary and challenging of him.

Zhenrui was admitted to Peking University in the college entrance examination that year. At that time, he did not know where he heard that "21 is actually the century of life science", so he entered the College of Life Sciences in a hurry, and read biophysics by mistake. After graduation, he was recommended to study for a master's degree, and then continued to study for a doctor's degree. After obtaining a doctor's degree in bioinformatics, he has always been interested in "life science". After graduation, he worked as a bio information engineer in K Group, a top biomedical company in the world, and achieved the position of senior manager step by step. After five years of work, he keenly felt that precision medicine occupies an important strategic position in the development process of modern medicine, while large companies are slightly conservative and slow in the layout and application of emerging industries, so he made a decisive attack, set up his own doors, and led close teams to start businesses. Due to his industry popularity and accumulated investment contacts, his company ExAcarbon has been valued at nearly 500 million dollars less than two years after its establishment, and is expected to be the next "unicorn" company.

"This diagnostic technology can be used for prenatal screening of pregnant women, for faster and lower cost genetic disease risk assessment, and also for typing and quantifying infectious pathogens. In addition, it can also be used for tumor liquid biopsy, early tumor screening, precise drug guidance, and post monitoring, which can greatly improve the treatment effect." Unlike those forceful speeches, Zhenrui's speeches are more eloquent, not urgent, and absorb people into the biological language like telling stories. After the speech, the forum entered the tea break stage. Zhenrui went to the drink area and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Zhenrui, you just said it well." A lazy and funny voice sounded behind him. Zhenrui turned around, and the man looked at him with a smile.

"Oh, you are here, but I also guessed that you might come back today." Zhenrui expected to meet a former colleague on such an occasion, but this Zhang Bo is a good base friend who worked with him in K Group. Although Zhang Bo is four or five years older than him, they all have special common interests in terms of interest, academic research and even marketing. However, Zhang Bo is not called Zhang Bo. His name is Zhang Tiesheng. Because he is a doctor, and he has a mysterious resistance to his real name, everyone calls him Zhang Bo.

"I come here to study and have lunch together." Zhang Bo used to be teased like a big smiling brown bear. He also happily invited him to dinner. I think he must know that the next lecture is no more interesting than Zhenrui's speech no matter what.

"Let's go, my place, let's give you a meal." Zhenrui felt that he had not been so relaxed for a long time.


After Lin Qin handed in the manuscript of the main forum, he was dragged by Mengfei to see what could be added to the content of the sub forum. They stopped in front of a branch hall.

"Take the time machine to find the 18-year-old Bu Bu crisp."

"Oh, this is really a ghost, Qin, go for a walk!" The two people were attracted by such a nonsense slogan. Lin Qin found that it was also the product promotion meeting of the biological company, and immediately felt no interest. "Because of my family's influence, I already know what they are selling!"

The people on the stage were really talking about the content of skin gene detection. "Our detection process is very simple, that is, placing an order → saliva collection → receiving samples → extracting DNA → online detection → report generation." The founder of the company talked on the stage, but because the distance is too far, Lin Qin did not care to look at the content of the PPT and the image of the speaker. "The report you received will be evaluated from the aspects of whitening, anti acne, anti allergy and anti-aging, so as to know your scientific skin care and avoid your sensitive ingredients. This targeted and scientific skin care will be easier to achieve results." Lin Qin turned his eyes, which may not be another kind of "IQ tax". She remembered that someone had told her that she had been tricked into paying for a genetic test of a child's talent. She interviewed experts and relevant departments for this purpose, and later concluded that talent and genes have a certain correlation, but the specific genes that bring about which talents are not clear under the current technical conditions, let alone can be used as a basis to predict a child's fate. At least at this stage, we can't take it too seriously, we can only take it as entertainment. When she saw this product for the first time, she was very excited to ask Zhenrui about the beauty test. However, he dismissed it and felt that the genetic test in this area was not instructive to a large extent. However, Mengfei was still very excited. She took the photography brother to shoot the trial site, and contacted the founder to interview him after the speech.

Lin Qin walked into the interview room with her in the mood of "everyone is coming". The founder of the company, accompanied by the public relations staff, was facing the door with his back to tidy up his appearance. Hearing the sound behind him, he turned around. When the four eyes are opposite, Lin Qin feels a numb feeling that has been stirred by the current, followed by a full of regret: why am I following?

Mengfei is still doing some interviews for the news camera that she has known for a long time. Lin Qin holds up her mobile phone to record, feeling that she can't concentrate all the time. With the end of Mengfei's interview, she turned to Lin Qin and asked him, "Do you have anything to add?" Lin Qin came back to his senses and thought, "At this time, he said that he didn't show his embarrassment to others". She still suppressed a question: "Is Mr. Lv making products on the assumption that everyone wants to return to 18? What if some people don't want to return to 18?" But after asking, she wanted to bite her tongue. What are these problems? How can any reporter ask such questions to such a very orthodox enterprise representative? Mengfei also turned around with a puzzled look and waited for the answer.

The other side obviously didn't expect to encounter such a problem. He was slightly stunned, and returned to his more confident and comfortable state, Smile and say: "We usually judge a person's skin condition from its tightness, tenderness and smoothness, which are inextricably related to collagen. Collagen is a nutrient that must be supplemented by the human body to delay aging. Many studies have pointed out that before the age of 20, life activities are vigorous, and the human body can translate the nutrients in food into Complex physiological activities can transform collagen to meet the needs of the body's growth and development. That's why we say we can help you return to the age of 18, because that's when your collagen is the strongest. " In fact, Lin Qin didn't stop to say anything. Anyway, she now hopes to leave here as soon as possible.

After the interview, they said goodbye and were ready to leave. "Journalists and teachers, please wait a moment." They looked back and saw Mr. Lv carrying two gift bags. "These are some of our company's product materials and a small souvenir. In fact, we have not only beauty, but also some other genetic disease, obesity and other related gene testing services. You can visit the company when you are free." After several attempts, they walked out of the meeting under his escort.

"Lin Qin?" Mengfei looked at her stealthily, and Lin Qin smelled a trace of gossip.


Lin Qin at the weekly meeting was a bit absent-minded. The leader is gushing about reviewing the manuscripts of last week, and others are either playing with their mobile phones or letting themselves go.

"At the morning's event, I was interviewed by Mengfei about a biological company's product launch. Guess who I met." Lin Qin still couldn't help sharing this "thrilling" encounter with Zhenrui, and opened the WeChat dialog box and typed.

"I also met Zhang Bo after today's talk. I also took him to the tea restaurant where we always go for dinner. He is actually very fond of people from Northeast China. Who did you see?" Zhen Rui is really a person who is not anxious to gossip at all. He wants to ask each other after he has finished talking about what he wants to say.

"Oh, because it's delicious. I saw Lv Xinrui!" Lin Qin also said the key point after replying.

"Eh... What products have they issued?"

Lin Qin felt that the people around him were all people who couldn't figure out the key points. I rolled my eyes and lost the link of the manuscript.

"Deceptive things." Zhenrui is concise and comprehensive.

Dinner at their favorite barbecue restaurant. Zhen Rui glanced at Lin Qin while baking pork, and said in a cheap tone,

"How about pulling your hair when you see your predecessor?"

"I will pull my hair when I see the former incumbent. Why should I pull him?" Lin Qin felt funny.

"When I was 18 years old, I still couldn't forget you." Zhenrui was a little sour.

"Hey, do you want to go back? You can start chasing me when you are 18 years old!" Lin Qin was skinned.

"If he dares to take you back to 18, I will take you back to 80!"

After the childish and senseless dialogue, Lin Qin began to care about Zhang Bolai. When she interviewed Zhenrui at the event, he actively led the line, so she has always been grateful to him.

"He said that they are now fighting fiercely in the company and will soon have to adjust the structure. The vice president in charge of sales may take a group of subordinates away."

When Zhenrui was in K Group, Lin Qin heard many stories about striving for power and profit, but she also knew that this was a common problem of large enterprises, and there was always conflict between vested interests and reformers.

"But now he has a good idea. Now artificial intelligence is becoming popular, and he is developing a digital life system that can create life big data, the Internet and artificial intelligence together."

Again and again, Lin Qin feels that his IQ has become zero. Seeing her puzzled face, Zhenrui continued.

"In other words, clone one more you! In the parallel world, you can train yourself according to the characteristics of each person in the digital system of artificial intelligence, so that you can live in the parallel system. The computer calculates the possibility and gives options. What you need to do is to choose the best one you think. For example, diabetics should strictly control their diet for a few months to half a year, and the blood sugar curve can be very clear. They can make a very personalized blood sugar management plan for what they eat with high blood sugar and what they eat with low blood sugar. "

Lin Qin suddenly realized. "That is to say, after digital life networking, more solutions can be provided for a life when it encounters problems. Because one person's life program cannot solve all problems, only when all people work together to help each other, can more problems be solved?"

"That's right! Your predecessor is still thinking about returning to 18 years old, while I have already thought about the next 100 years." Zhenrui has a bright expression of revenge.

After taking a bath in the evening, Lin Qin is sorting out today's interview materials. She takes materials from the gift bag given by Xin Rui and takes them back to the bookshelf. At this time, she also gets a small box. When the box was opened, there was a simple smart watch with a card on it, which said, "Slogan - Let Genes Give Life to Time Machine". Lin Qin smiles. If it is so easy to go back to the past, every present choice will no longer have difficulties.

Copyright: Tea Flavor

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