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Chapter 1 Add so many zeros. What do you want to do

PS: It's not the number of words. If some words are not explained, Zha Yang is afraid of being seen in the clouds. Annotations are really important, PS is really important, and the content in the [] box is also very important.

PS: Speak more and make more mistakes. Try to enter as quickly as possible. Don't talk so much nonsense. Speaking slowly will have the same effect!


Go downstairs, breakfast is ready, and family members finally appear.

The happy ending of a family reunion, no, generally speaking, the beginning is happy, the end is happy, this is the vulgar plot of the popcorn movie, what nonsense! (I wonder if it will be the end of a family reunion?)

Uncle Ben is a strong man. From the perspective of readers, Uncle Ben is definitely better than Team USA and Thunderobot in the movie. Anyway, I feel that way. If you have to talk about it, you can replace the tendon flesh of Team USA with real muscles like Bruce Lee.

It's not a direct PS. The skeleton hasn't been changed, but the volume is still the same, and the body is still the same. But the essence of the body has changed, and the texture of the muscles has changed. After all, the things that come out of the gym can still make you feel like a frivolous person.

Looking at Uncle Ben's muscles, it's so invisible that people can't stop licking.

Look at the muscle lines. They are so smooth and beautiful!

Cough, brain tonic is not in the middle.

There is no such stiff muscle block that protrudes directly when the force is not exerted. How can I describe it? Oh, my god, I'm so poor at words.

It is not without muscles, but not protruding ones. It is consistent with human hair mechanics. It contains great energy. The kind of muscles that can burst out quickly, anyway, is not the flashy ones that can be practiced. It is the kind that really has power. It is really powerful. It immediately changes from a harmless kitten to a fierce tiger. It doesn't matter whether you are powerful or not.

[Let me tell you something quietly: Uncle Ben's body is not a bad street in New York City (an exaggeration). The pillar of most families, whether he is male or female, has a good body. The key is not the body, but the power. This is forced by the world today. Without power, there is no right to speak. Life and death are not controlled by people, and even you can't live. This is the kind of words (red) straight (naked) white (naked) said. In addition, the extraordinary people are better at hiding. Most of them are people who look weak but are in fact in a big mess. Vision is very important in this era. If you are afraid of offending people you should not offend, you will easily die.]

Uncle Ben saw Li Yang coming downstairs, gave him a hug, and brought along a big, sunny smile. "Eat first, and then our family will leave for school."

Stable people, Uncle!

My uncle, the head of the family!

My aunt Mei, a strong woman, also looks like a bird in front of my uncle (if you talk like this, you will be silly, just like Camorra in Manville is called "the most dangerous woman in the universe", just talk about it. If you believe me, ha ha. But at this moment, the picture is like this. The real situation is that the big guys guess by themselves, leaving enough room for imagination).

On the other side, the little fart boy who had already eaten started the new day's "muzzle prelude" [Note 1]:

"Hey, Bruce. God, you really got up late today. I didn't expect that. You know, I always thought you were a willpower emperor, a super cruel man, and a super strong man. You have always been an example for my brother and I to learn from. Unexpectedly, calm, as if you were nervous today, you started to get up late..."

Li Yang will not reply to this situation and cannot encourage the evil trend of Little Peter. At this time, he will be more energetic to engage in Little Peter, so Li Yang has only one way to deal with this situation after getting used to it:

act as if nothing were on one 's mind.

"Brother, today is your big day. Peter, I can also go to school with your light today. Damn it, why are we a school? I really want to go to other places. New York is so big, and I have never been to so many places. Oh, what a New Yorker! What a shame!"

"Well, although you are from the High School Department, I'm just from the Middle School Department, but I have been to the High School Department, and I haven't looked for you before. What's more, the place we are going to today, the Sacrifice Hall, is just on Stark Square. Stark is really good, and it's a privilege for local people! Alas, as long as the students have to go to this place, everyone has been there. Brother, you have also been there. There is no mystery at all. If we open up the hidden places of our school, it will be very refreshing. "

"But today I can finally play truant. Alas, no, no, that's a pity. Alas, this is a rest day. I'm a good boy. I've never played truant, just think about it like this."

"My God, forget it, shit, I really want to go somewhere else! However, brother, today you are the main actor... "

[The danger of the world has emerged from the tip of the iceberg in Little Peter's mouth. What did the big guys realize from what Little Spider said? Ha ha! To correct the problem, the sacrificial hall is not called the sacrificial hall, but the student's nickname, Stark Square, is a local discount. Indeed, father and son both went out of this high school, and they are celebrity alumni. If you can put your own name on the square here, it will definitely add points. Well, in the case that the strong are like a forest, and the group companies of the World Bull Break have branches in New York, Zhongcheng High School is a magic high school of the world bull. It is not simple, and many strong people come out. In short, a lot of information is revealed. Although it is said by children, their perspective can also be seen.]


When the fire is not focused on Li Yang, listen to:

"You know, at the beginning of the evil invasion, after the captain of the United States took the serum from the federal super soldier plan, the great Mother of Earth Star burst out the fruit of transcendence and flew directly into the captain's body. The captain of the United States led the roaring commando team to kill outside the city and kill America here. The whole Earth Star can see the captain's figure, which is enough to say It is invincible, which saved our New York from destruction and contributed a lot to the peace of the world. Later... "[Note 2] (Peter is a fan of the US team, and many people in the world are fans of the team leader. This devil is not the other devil, so don't go in.)

Praise Rogers. Without Rogers, there would be no federation. Without Rogers, the whole original America would have been destroyed. At least New York would have been destroyed. It could not be as big as it is today!

[The original America in the big background, the original America, has been divided into pieces. Although New York sounds like a city, it is incredibly big. There is a former American territory, so it is the world's largest city. There is no comparable city. There are many superheroes here, and mysterious side forces are everywhere. There are countless corporate forces here, which is jokingly called "Enterprises without a branch office in New York are nothing" ·······································································································································! Is the world that big? This question will be mentioned later.]



[Note 1]: As for Peter's mouth gun, almost any version of it is Peter's mouth gun. After all, Manway's second mouth gun is not a false name. Only under death watch, Peter in the world is not a spider, although not masked, but he is now a mouth gun in front of acquaintances, but Peter in school is not like this, He looks like a good student, learning from his brother, so he has never been bullied. Big boys understand the meaning of the expansion of good students, ha ha! Peter in the school is not very talkative and serious. Although he is a bit talkative in front of his closest friends, he prefers the "boss" style.

[Note 2]: Peter's nagging only tells some information about the US team. It's not true or false, and it's not wrong. But it's absolutely one-sided, and can't be called many right. After all, Peter didn't fight with the team leader, and he didn't experience the team leader's deeds personally, which makes it inevitable that there will be a lot of hidden information that will not be recognized by the public. After all, he is still a child, and his vision has not arrived yet! In general, this is just the result. The result is that New York still exists and has grown many times larger. The American team is still alive, which is one of the secrets of New York. Of course, the captain has already become the captain of the Earth Star, and his business is Earth Star. Although New York is the largest city in the world, compared with the whole federation, the whole continent, and the whole Earthstar, New York is not without strong people for some small things.

PS: Let's not talk about the Earth. The Earth Star is the Earth. You can understand it.


PS: Zaoyang is not a team fan, but a Nini fan. So, there is a reason why the team is so good. As for the reason, please see next. In Zha Yang's opinion, it is natural for the captain to lose. It is the time that makes heroes, and it is the result of the common hope of Earthstar and the people. Please read on and be patient.

PS: Please recommend, collect and be on the list. Dear friends, if you feel a little bit, please don't be stingy with your little hands, and support Shiyang Yibo.

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