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Chapter 1 Natural Disasters

In the seventh year of the Heavenly Sea, there was a severe drought, and the whole capital was full of sorrow and sorrow. There was no sign of warming up after three months of this natural disaster. The most serious thing was that it had spread to other villages. Although the whole world did not reach the point of cannibalism, tens of thousands of deaths and injuries were basically caused. Everyone is waiting for the relief food from the Imperial Court, and some village names have invited mages to do it, praying that their inner gods will suddenly come and save them from the danger. The fate and people will struggle in the end. Maybe they understand that in addition to the Imperial Court's rescue, other things are just a kind of good wish in their hearts, but they will still be alive, If there is no hope, what is the reason for survival? Those bones are cold? They also don't understand the belief that relatives report to the group for warmth. People always feel that someone will come to save the people at this time. This is hope.

On the Huancui Mountain, it is like spring all the year round, and the scenery is always good like a paradise. Ruoyin has lived here for 17 years, and he has never been out of the mountain since he was born. During the 17 years, he has never smiled or talked, except for a teacher with a white beard, his elder martial brother Ruofeng, a man as cold as his name, Ruoyin even doubts whether the elder martial brothers are illegitimate children of the master, because they are always the same face, and the outside world is just another kind of life for them. Shifu once said: their sect has been the embodiment of narrow sense since ancient times, practicing martial arts in a quiet world and saving people in troubled times. This is their mission, but from Ruoyin's practice of martial arts to the present, what he heard from his master is that the world is safe and there is no disaster. However, in this sect, there are always disciples who are always in this paradise, who have practiced swords all their lives but have never been sheathed. It's really sad to think about it. At this time, Ruoyin would vow to be the peerless hero who saved the lives. He would laugh when he thought about Ruoyin. He had thought about this fantasy for ten years, and sometimes even thought it had been successful. The only girl in the mountain, Xiao Xi, once told him that his master said, "If you find Ruoyin holding the sword handle and giggling alone, you can drive him down the mountain directly." At the thought of Ruoyin, he quickly put away his smile. He didn't want to leave this place where food and clothing were secure. He could think of anything. At present, he had to fill his stomach first.

The stream slowly walked to the door of Ruoyin's bedroom and knocked on the door outside: Senior Brother Ruoyin, Shifu, please go there to explain something.

If Ruo Yin returns to his senses and opens the door, he sees the smiling face of the little junior sister. He says in a bad way, "Is it possible that Shifu has brought delicious food and good wine from the foot of the mountain again? These days, I can't keep up with Shifu's martial arts progress. I need to make up.".

The brook turned around impatiently and said as she walked, "The world is in chaos outside, and we also bring delicious food. Our grain master on the mountain has changed the day into two meals, which should be for fear of starving the four of us to death before the New Year.".

Younger martial sister's words have some teasing meanings. She has never looked down upon this younger martial brother. She came a year earlier than her, but became a senior brother. The most important thing is that she is glib all day long, not as steady as Ruofeng. She grew up in the mountain. Except for the master and the senior brother, she has never seen other men in the world. She thinks that men are Ruofeng and Ruofen, Ruofeng is an ideal good person, and Ruofen is between the common people and the bad people. The most important thing is that she also thinks that Ruofeng's old age is the appearance of the master. In her heart, this is the difference between justice and evil, so simple.

Ruoyin followed behind and looked at the girl who was one year younger than himself. She was handsome, graceful, and a little shy and irritable every time she spoke. He felt that he could not tell her. He had only seen a girl in a brook on the mountain, and he felt that all women in the world should be like this, neither good nor bad, nor beautiful or ugly. In his mind, this is the so-called beauty, and it is so simple.

The feeling of Huancui over the years is that. It is so simple to think about problems and see things. All people and things are transparent in front of us. There is no need to think carefully, let alone intrigue. Xanadu, this should be so.

The two people had already come to the master's door. The brook gently knocked on the door, and the master's rich voice came: Come in.

The two people probe into the room. Ruofeng has already stood there quietly, with long hair covering half of his face and sword in his hand, just like a statue, while the master sits there calmly, and the whole room is filled with a feeling of depression.

"Master, please accept my worship" Ruoyin said with his head down.

The master sighed silently and said: Yin'er, you have been a disciple for 17 years, and you have already kowtowed too much when you were seven years old. Today, you worship again. When can you be as steady as your elder martial brother? You don't want to make progress all day long, and you are glib. I think you can ruin the reputation of our sect by going down the mountain.

Ruoyin smiled and said, "Shifu, I just saw the atmosphere was a little solemn. I'm afraid I won't speak again. The elder martial brother will stand there and fall asleep soon.".

The master said helplessly: Well, let's not talk about that. Today I call you three to come here. There is something important to explain.

Ruoyin and the three of them said together: Master, please explain.

The master looked at the brook with a solemn face and said, "Xier, tell me what the mission of our sect is.".

Xiaoxi replied: "Our ancestors have taught us that since ancient times, our sect has been to calm down the world and secure the fate of heaven, save the people in troubled times, punish evil, secure the world, change the world, and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. Everything is like a paradise in the world, which will bless the whole life.".

The master smiled with satisfaction and said, "Xi'er is really talented and intelligent.".

When Xiao Xi heard the praise, she smiled shyly and said: "Shifu has praised me too much. Xi Er was only earnestly taught by Shifu when he was young and naturally remembered it by heart.".

The master looked at Ruoyin and asked, "Do you know Zuxun?".

If I hesitated, I replied: Although I don't remember as well as my younger martial sister, I know that this ancestral motto was carved at the entrance of the mountain with sword technique. Since it is the ancestral motto, I feel that memorizing it is not reliable, so I should know the reason and do something to be worthy of my ancestors.

The master said: Yin'er, just talk with your mouth on the mountain. Remember to speak less when you are down the mountain.

"Why talk less"

"I'm afraid that others are not as kind as Shifu and will break your mouth."

If I covered my mouth subconsciously, the brook giggled beside me.

The master said seriously: Now there is chaos in the world outside. Lin'an and Lingtong counties have been in drought for three months. Corpses are everywhere. The Imperial Court has not provided food for disaster relief. Jianghu sects are also eager to try to merge and expand. The world will be in chaos soon.

Ruofeng standing below finally said: Shifu wants us to go down the mountain.

The master nodded: Yes, our sect has not been out of the mountain for more than a hundred years. I teach you peerless martial arts to make you invincible in the world and save the people when the world is in chaos. This is our mission

Ruoyin replied: Shifu. I see. You just want me to take my elder martial brother and younger martial sister down the mountain to save people. I know. I am the peerless hero. I have been dreaming this dream for 17 years. It turns out that everything is true. I am really the peerless hero.

Master said: Yin'er, you are wrong. They took you down the mountain. You should listen to them, especially your elder martial brother. He is your master when I am not here. Follow the teacher's order.

Ruoyin nodded awkwardly and said to the brook, "I listen to the elder martial brother, and you should listen to me.".

Xiaoxi looked at Ruoyin contemptuously and said, "I'm free and measured, and I don't need more words from elder martial brother.".

The master turned to Ruofeng and said, "I will give you three brocade bags. You go down the mountain and open the first one, and find a person. He will tell you how to do it. The remaining two will open at a critical moment. Remember that it is a critical moment, such as someone threatening your life.".

Ruofeng nodded and said, "Don't worry, Shifu, I will not humiliate my Shifu's life, and I will take good care of my younger martial brothers and sisters.".

Ruo asked: Shifu, why didn't you tell us who we were looking for the first brocade bag.

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes, why waste a treasure bag"

"Maybe you will be disappointed"

"No, Shifu, I believe that Shifu's wisdom has some implications"

"I said you would be disappointed"

"Master, please teach me"

"This is the rule of our sect, understand? Since ancient times, this is the way to go. Nobody has changed it."

"Shifu, can I ask the last two brocade bags again?"

"No, you will be more disappointed if you say"

The master turned to Xiao Xi and said, "Here are 50 taels of silver, which has been my savings for many years. Take good care of it. Your expenses on the road are only 50 taels. You should calculate it properly. Don't take it personally, especially Ruoyin. No matter what you say to him, you can't give him a penny of silver.".

Ruoyin asked in a hurry: Master, why don't you let me have the silver? I can plan the silver best.

The master said: This is money for you all the way down the mountain. Well, don't ask any more questions. Go down the mountain immediately.

If you ask me: Master, can I ask you a few more questions?

The master nodded: You can finish the question at one time.

"Can you go after this meal?"

"No, you have today's meal money in 50 liang silver"

"It seems that I am not ready to save people"

"You don't need to prepare. It's your destiny. It's been doomed since the day you went up the mountain

"Can you let the elder martial brothers go down the mountain first? Maybe they can solve the problem, and I can stay on the mountain to take care of you"

"No, I said, your life has been written, you just need to move forward, as you said, maybe you are really destined to be a peerless hero, and the most important thing is that you have eaten food on the mountain for 17 years, so it's time to go down the mountain to vomit."

The master suddenly looked at Ruofeng and Ruoyin and said: Remember, this is fate, don't fight against the fate, your future has been written, don't ask me the result, just go ahead.

Ruofeng said: Master, I want to tell you that I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Ruofeng's face was a little cold, and the brook seemed to see a different elder martial brother. It was strange and familiar. At that moment, the ideal seemed to have set out.

The master called Xiaoxi to him and said: If Ruoyin insists on asking you for silver. Just tell him that this is the money I got from pawning my sword. I can say how pitiful I am.

Xiaoxi suddenly smiled and said: Shifu, Xier knows how to do it.

It is evening to pack up. The night on Huancui is especially quiet. The three say goodbye to their master. Ruoyin has an unspeakable taste. Looking at the white haired master, the moonlight shines on the tranquility of the lake on Huancui. Everything seems to come back to his mind. The dream is so close to him. Ruoyin discovers that he doesn't want to be a hero, but he still wants to stay on the mountain, Watching the elder martial brother practicing martial arts every day, he secretly drank the wine collected by the master and quarreled with the younger martial sister. If he was lucky, the master would betroth the younger martial sister to him. Although he knew that the younger martial sister would certainly not agree, all the happiness he could think of was happiness, just as he just wanted to be a hero, not really a hero.

The three men looked back silently, looking at the ideal monument carved at the exit, with the master's destiny in mind. Everything was in the unknown darkness ahead. They understood that from now on, there might be no time to be quiet, and what awaited them might be the arranged destiny that the master said.

The master stood in the distance, the moonlight hit his face, still a serene smile, but slowly changed into a profound smile.

The voices of Ruoyin and Little Martial Sister came from afar.

"Xiao Xi, I think it's safer to keep the money here"

"If I tell you how the money came from, you won't be thinking about it."

"Isn't it Shifu's savings?"

"This is the master who pawned his ancestral sword. When the master told me, he could not help crying. You should know the importance of the sword to him."

"The sword can also be sold for money"

"Elder Martial Brother, are you still human?"

"No, I sympathize with Shifu. I just ask casually"

"It's good that you know. It's not easy for Shifu to support us."

"How much silver can my sword sell?"

"The master also said that if you dare to sell swords, let me cut your arm first."

Ruoyin suddenly laughed and said: I really just asked casually.

At this time, Ruofeng opened the first brocade bag, which read

"Go to Lin'an County and find a man named Zhong An. He will tell you what to do."

Ruoyin looked at Ruofeng and said, "The process of our sect is really simple, and the name is so mysterious.".

Ruofeng replied: A big sect must have this temperament.

Three people laughed together. Sounded in this real world, they should hurry up and move forward.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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