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Chapter 1 The Reiki Age of Xueba


Liu Fei was forced to take the college entrance exam this year.

Half a year before the college entrance examination, most of the students are immersed in hard work, but Liu Fei is sleepy on the bus home.

Last night, I secretly ran to the Internet cafe all night, but I never thought that I would fall asleep in the middle of the night. This is a great shame for Liu Feilai, nicknamed "the king of the night".

This would never have happened before, but for some reason, Liu Fei always felt as if he had forgotten something.

After eating two mouthfuls of steamed stuffed buns at the gate of the community, Liu Fei came home powerless.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a familiar figure.

"Dafei, you skipped class again!" There was a cute girl with short hair lying on the sofa, dressed in pink household clothes, holding the remote control to change channels in boredom.

Liu Fei collapsed to the side and rolled his eyes: "There is a lot of bullshit. First reflect on why you watch TV at home."

The girl is Liu Rui, Liu Fei's sister, on the third day of this year.

Hearing what he said, Liu Rui sank into the sofa more limply.

After a while, they both sighed with the same voice, and their expressions of lovelessness were the same.

Xueba's Niubi is different from each other, but Xueba's sorrow is always strikingly similar.

If brother and sister have one thing in common, it is that learning is really the same. It doesn't matter whether they go to school or not.

"Is it really good to say that senior three students are so casual?" Liu Rui glanced at the lifeless Liu Fei on the sofa and said, "If you can't even pass the junior college entrance exam, your dream seven day trip to" Hades "will be over."

"You are going to hell, what nonsense!" Liu Fei rolled his eyes.

"Brother, you look handsome today." Liu Rui smiles like a little fox.

Although the little girl is young, she is full of ghosts. Liu Fei has proved a truth with years of painful lessons.

When Fox smiles with you, he can't believe a punctuation mark!

Liu Fei squinted after drinking a mouthful of hot tea.

Ma Dan, the water is so hot!

Liu Rui smiled and looked at Liu Fei, who was in a hurry to spit out the tea.

Liu Fei's tongue was still long with a hammer, and he could not make himself clear: "If you have something to say, you can fart."

Oh, I forgot to introduce it. The hammer is the stupid guy chasing his own shadow on the balcony.

Liu Rui smiled: "I have an appointment with my friend to watch a movie today. The Avengers Alliance 13, please give me some money."

Liu Fei was full of scorn: "My parents specifically told me not to let me give you money, no way!"

"How can they know if you don't say."

"Don't even think about it. I'll tell you black again." Liu Fei turned his face like a book.

"Brother~" The little fox acts like a coquette.

"Speak normally! Money doesn't exist, it doesn't exist in my life!" Liu Fei was righteous.

"Damn Liu Fei, don't think I didn't know that you went to the Internet cafe all night last night. I'll see how my mother can deal with you when she comes back!"

"This is a hundred yuan. Go back quickly. Don't play on the way." Liu Fei took out the money quickly and looked very happy.

Strange to say, I always feel that something important has been forgotten since today.

Have you lost your integrity?

Do I have that thing?

Liu Fei was puzzled, so he simply kept on lying and buttoning his cell phone. If his parents didn't come back, he could stay in this position all day.

"If I can't remember it, I won't think about it. I have to save my scarce brain cells for playing games, so I can't waste them." Liu Fei said to himself while deftly brushing up his microblog.

The recent headlines are all kinds of male stars cheating, female stars tearing force... nothing new.

"But I like it.

But looking at it, Liu Fei's face became more and more strange.

Did I not wake up, or did I enter a spoof website?

"Dedao eminent monk practices in the headquarters of Sex Wave Company, and a star loses millions of zombie fans overnight."

"This year's college entrance examination is expected to have more than 50 million people. Experts said that the expansion of college students will raise China's basic combat power to a new level."

"Recently, fifteen Nobel masters of the school of physics jointly announced that the research on nuclear fusion will make the human race for the first time surpass the three races of sin, evil and ghosts in advanced warfare."

This is nothing.

Liu Fei sneered, turned off his microblog, but stopped again.

At this moment, he finally remembered what he had forgotten these days.

Three months ago, Liu Fei encountered heavy fog during a mountaineering. When he got out of the mountain, he found that he had suddenly returned to the way he was eight years ago, when he was 17 years old.

It's hard to explain how everything happened. Liu Fei was in a muddle headed state for the next three months. He didn't wake up until the moment he saw the news.

Does it mean that I spent three months waking up?

And back to seventeen?

Liu Fei hurriedly turned on his mobile phone again.

The pages and news that are totally different and familiar make people have a strange sense of sight.

Not I, but the whole world.

Ten minutes, half an hour, one hour, two hours.

One piece of information is constantly refreshed, and pieces of information are gradually combined into a clearer framework. The face of the world begins to restore.

Liu Fei's eyes were complicated. He put down his mobile phone for a long time.

This is a parallel world. In addition to the similar background and culture, there is no trace of that world.

But it is strange that his relatives, friends and even classmates are still former classmates.

In this world, sixty-five years ago, the northern giant bear conducted a nuclear test called "Super Ivan", which not only shocked the earth, but also detonated the outer space channel.

Aura surges and the world recovers.

The first human power was born in the twelfth second of Reiki recovery, the first Reiki mathematical model was confirmed in the European laboratory 18 hours later, and the first outer space channel "Lingxiao" was completely opened one month after Reiki recovery

Then, sin, evil and ghosts entered the earth from the outer space channel, and human beings retreated.

It is found that the awakened powers are various and strange, and they have no combat power except for making people more familiar with Reiki. In the face of outer space terrorist creatures, the initial five years are called the Dark Generation.

At this time, the master Luo Geng, known as the founder of the modern mathematics school, appeared.

At the exit of the outer space passage of the "Kunlun Mystery" in China, Master Luo Geng alone faced 500000 demons.

He directly defined the "space coordinate system" with the great power of matrix geometry, forming a "four-dimensional storm" in space, and the outer space channel was briefly cut off.

Only then did mankind discover that the root of the original existence was the knowledge that human civilization had relied on and was proud of since ancient times.

Learning can improve one's own strength, and research can gain powerful strength. The more knowledge one has, the stronger one's strength will be.

In this world, knowledge... is really power!

The era has given scholars new meaning.

They not only continue to promote the progress of human civilization, but also shoulder the responsibility of defending human civilization.

Foreign enemies are eyeing us, and the living space of human beings was once compressed to 1% of the previous.

One after another masters emerged to fight against the three outer space clans with their flesh, winning hope for the Terrans.

In Las Vegas, North America, the "chaos" gateway battle in outer space of the Sin Clan, Johnson, the "molecular" master of the chemical school, solved the mystery of the molecular movement, and the 200000 Sin Army was quickly disintegrated into dust.

In the war of "Paradise Lost" in European outer space, the "mutation dengue fever implosion" of Emiretz, the master of "virus" of the biological school, hundreds of thousands of evil disasters continued to bleed and wailed for three days.

But most of the time, human beings are still unable to fight against the three outer space races.

Sins are good at using people's hearts, and there are countless scum who betray the human race because of their temptation.

In one-on-one, the evil gods can crush the human masters, and only the supreme pioneers can fight against them.

The power of demon and disaster monomer is extremely strong, ranging from ants to ancient dinosaurs and even outer space creatures. Once they are infected by their blood, they will become crazy, and the number is even more numerous. Every time the evil tide brings heavy losses to human beings, two of the three outer spaces occupied by the evil tide are located in China, and the Chinese civilization circle is also the area most seriously affected by the evil tide.

Ghosts are mysterious and erratic. Until now, human beings still cannot fully understand their strength. They even have no independent outer space. However, several natural disasters of the undead ended with the annihilation of all human beings, which is still feared by the senior level of the human race.

Today's earth has changed completely.

The constant discovery of outer space has brought new hope to mankind.

After 60 years of development, human beings have completely occupied five outer spaces. The output of various varieties of grain has reached a new high. Stable security areas and large resources have enabled the earth's population to exceed 20 billion, and China alone has nearly 3 billion people.

However, the constant invasion and pressure of the three outer space groups make human beings live in the defense circles of major cities and outer space development areas on the earth.

The original comfortable life has become like this, Feige suddenly lost his mind.

He walked aimlessly in the street, only to find that everything had really changed.

On the billboard beside the road, the little Taoist nun in the enrollment advertisement of Jianghua University, who is in a tight skirt and a green gown, has a sultry look.

Old man Xu, who sells steamed stuffed buns at the entrance of the alley, is quick and forceful. With one move, he pushes a thousand jin four times, and the dough is flying in the air.

In the construction site of the skyscraper, everyone was sweating. An old migrant worker calculated the mechanical formula with his left hand, and hundreds of bricks were easily lifted by his right hand.

Even if they cannot become scholars, human beings in this world still have extraordinary power due to spiritual transformation.

At this moment, Liu Fei felt that his world view was shattered.

Standing at the street corner, which is still bustling but different from the memory, Liu Fei sighed gently.

If everything has changed, what's the meaning of returning to seventeen years old? Is the familiar person still the former one?

Liu Fei looked solemn, and for a long time he dialed the number in his mobile phone.

When the phone is answered, a familiar voice comes from the microphone.


Is that a familiar person?

Everything in my past has become an illusion!

Liu Fei felt that his throat was a little blocked and his nose was sour. He said softly, "Mom."

"Dead boy, are you going to ask me for money again? Tell you whether you want money or not, and ask you to come and get it yourself! Look at the son of Lao Wang, who ranked third in the school in the last monthly exam, and look at your disappointing appearance. Even the feeling of fighting is not as good as that of other children..."

Liu Fei:

Liu Fei hangs up the phone, and now he is sure that the person has not changed at all.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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