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Chapter 1 Love Enemy

Hi, I'm Natalie. I started to enter this record to prevent my misfortune. Now, I have been in this room for the third day; Yes, I'm still safe.

It started a week ago. It was a sunny and sunny evening; Yes, you heard right; The abnormal climate indicates that something unusual will happen.

Chapter I Love Enemy

On that day, I carried out my work seriously and orderly as usual; However, when I walked out of the elevator, something shocked me.

The two young girls in front of them were scratching, tearing and pestering each other, occasionally making a disturbing low roar; As if they were both infected with rabies virus.

At this time, I hurriedly took out my weapon - selfie stick from my bag for live coverage:

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Now it's a happy family community in the old city of Shanhai City; Natalie reports for you live.

Two heavyweight players who are fighting with each other and suspected to be rabies virus carriers; It has entered the stage of entanglement; Long haired players used throat locking techniques to firmly control their opponents. Here is a friendly reminder that throat locking is a common technique in WWE professional wrestling competitions. Although the operation is relatively simple, non professionals should not easily imitate it.

The short haired contestant successfully broke away; She began to fight back, seizing her opponent's weakness. Oh, no, she fouled; She pulled her opponent's hair tightly. The two sides entered a stalemate again.

"What are you doing? If you have a little sportsmanship, please give me a 5-second warning." I turned into a referee and stopped.

After I successfully separated the players from each other, I waved again and made a start.

But, "Who are you? Did you watch the excitement for a long time? I seem to hear that you said something about rabies?" The short haired player let go of the long haired player's hair, then touched his neck, shook his neck, looked at me and said.

"Come on, stop taking pictures; for the sake of your help just now, leave a corpse for your mobile phone. Don't smash it." The long haired player also looked at me after touching his hair.

At this time, I seemed to be stared at by two beasts. I had to put away my mobile phone with a dry smile, and quickly changed the topic with a little embarrassment. I asked, "This is not a big scene that I haven't seen before. I'm excited, excited. But what kind of hatred are you two, and what kind of hatred do you need to carry out such a fierce, intense and fierce campaign?"

"She robbed my boyfriend," they said, pointing at each other's nose and gnashing their teeth.

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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