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Chapter 1 Robbery (1)

New York, a block in Brooklyn.

At half past eight in the morning, it was the rush hour for work. At the crossroads, people were coming and going. Among the crowd, a young man stopped, like a rock, to separate the crowd.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, carrying a large travel bag, and carrying a husky mask in one hand. This young man, called Ivan, seemed to be rushing to the party.

Ivan stood at the intersection, looking like he was waiting for someone. His free hand took out the earphone, put it on and pressed the play button. The sound was loud, and the noisy crowd around was isolated from him.

At the end of the block is a bank, a luxury building built in the style of ancient Greece. The pillars at the door are carved with luxury reliefs, showing their strength to their customers all the time.

Next to the bank building is an office building that is much higher than it. Behind the glass curtain wall of the office building, which is several floors higher than the bank roof, two unknown people with animal masks are busy working.

The man with the mouse mask took out a glass suction cup and a glass cutting knife from the travel bag at his feet, fixed the suction cup and tried to draw a large enough circle on the French window.

The frog mask assembled a hook gun beside it, and complained incessantly, "Why do you have to cut the glass? Why not just break it?"

The mouse replied without looking back: "The man said that the broken glass would fall on the street, and the sound made by the broken glass might affect the plan."

The man behind the frog mask opened his mouth. Through the thick mask and the back of his head, the frog could not see the expression of the mouse, so the frog closed his mouth and concentrated on the work at hand.

In a short time, the mouse removed a round glass and carefully stood it aside. He looked back at the frog and said in a deep voice, "It's done."

The frog picked up the assembled hook gun, walked to the big hole in the French window, and fired hook rope on the roof of the bank building. The hook head hung a rope and flew to the roof, which was deeply nailed into the cement floor.

Seeing that the hook and rope were fixed, the mouse took a step forward to grasp the rope and pulled it hard to make sure that the rope was stable. The frog could not wait to pull a luggage bag over the sliding rope and pushed it out.

"No problem." Seeing that the bag landed safely, the mouse hung up the last bag one after another and slid down first.

"Wow." The frog muttered sarcastically, and put on the safety harness slowly. "Flying man in the air, really cool."

On the other side, Ivan finally got to the person he was waiting for.

A gray old van came quietly and stopped in front of him. Before the car stopped steadily, the door with the anti peep film slid open.

Ivan lowers his head and hurriedly puts on the husky mask, picks up his travel bag, goes into the van without hesitation, and pulls the door behind him.

There are already three people in the car who wear various masks to cover themselves.

The man with the fox mask saw Ivan get on the bus, stepped on the accelerator and drove the van to the bank.

The co pilot's rabbit mask turned around and nodded to Ivan. He turned his head to the pig mask in the back seat and said, "Only four of us?"

The fox focused on driving the vehicle, and without looking back, he answered the rabbit's question: "There is another one on the roof."

The rabbit turned to look at the fox's mask and said, "Five?" He repeated with reluctance. "Five people? Five in the end?"

The fat man with the pig mask suddenly made a noise, and rudely interrupted the rabbit: "It's six, and the person behind the scenes also wants one."

"He wants one too? Damn it, what did he do? Hmm? Draw simple strokes? Spell words with newspapers?" The rabbit became more and more excited, and could not help shouting.

"Shut your mouth, what 'he' does is the most important work." The fox grabbed the steering wheel and casually defended the person behind the scenes.

Ivan scratched his face across the mask, turned down the music volume a little, and opened his hands and shrugged his shoulders at the rabbit who was obviously still angry.

"Have you heard of 'him' before? What does' he 'do?" Rabbit stopped complaining when he saw that no one was willing to respond to him. He pulled his collar irritably and asked the question in his heart.

The fox didn't speak this time, and he also wanted to know who was behind this mysterious scene.

The pig scratched his fat ass, and his narrow eyes behind the mask flashed, as if thinking of something.

"It will be here soon." The fox turned around and said, "Speak quickly if you have something to say.

"I've heard of that." Pig's finger pressed on the pig's mouth of the mask, and he looked at Ivan, a little suspicious in his small eyes. "I heard people say..."

Whatever you hear is false news.

Ivan lost interest in continuing to listen. He pressed the volume button in his hand, and the MP3 volume exceeded the sound in the car. He turned his head and looked out of the window at the street, as if suddenly interested in the street outside.

Only music reverberates in my ears.

"Do you know there's a freak here?"

"Do you know there is a criminal over there?"

"Did you hear death approaching?"

"I advise you not to act rashly!"

"Be quiet! we are bad guys。”

At the same time, on the other side of the roof, the mouse held a pistol to watch, and the frog squatted beside the line box, holding a laptop, tapping on the keyboard, doing the work of invading the banking system.

"Strange." The frog muttered in a low voice, but the mouse heard it.

He leaned behind the frog and took a look at the screen, only to see the code that could not be understood on the screen.

"Their silent alarm line was not sent to a note. The address was a private residence."

"Is there a problem?" the mouse asked impatiently, not knowing why.

"Hmm - no, it's done." The frog hit the keyboard skillfully with ten fingers flying.

"You got it all?" The mouse asked with his head down, and secretly took out the muffler from his pocket and put it on the pistol.

"It's a piece of cake, it's all done." The frog stretched his shoulder and twisted his neck, feeling proud of his success in invading the bank system.

"That's good." The mouse's tone was incomprehensible. He raised the pistol and fired three shots at the frog's back. The frog snorted and fell down on the laptop. Bright red blood flowed along the gap of the computer keyboard and dropped on the ground. The mouse bent down and picked up the luggage bag with tools to leave. When he reached the exit of the safe passage, he suddenly stopped. He felt insecure again. He put down his handbag and turned around and shot the man in the frog mask on the head.

He pulled out a crowbar to pry open the door lock of the safe passage, looked down at his watch, and muttered, "The time is just right."

The time is just right. " When the fox turned the steering wheel, he suddenly stepped on the brake, backed the van into the staff passage, raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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