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Chapter 1 1. Mystery Phone

"Dad, I have a wish. I hope one day when I come home tired, you will suddenly call me and tell me that our family has 100 million assets. Pretending poor before is training me."

Lovey drank a lot with his father tonight.

The news was broadcast on the TV. A father and son were drinking in the living room of less than 10 square meters. There was a plate of peanuts, a plate of pork head meat and three salted duck eggs cut on the table.

Luo Anmin's eyes were red, and he spat at the liquor. With a thick Ning'an accent, he whispered, "I'm still waiting for your grandpa's call!"

After that, the air cooled for a second, and the father and son laughed.

You are the most beautiful cloud in the sky. Let me take you

Just as he raised his glass to work, Luo Anmin's phone rang.

"Who calls in the evening?"

Luo Anmin gets up and gropes for his mobile phone. As a rough man who has worked in the steel plant for most of his life, his mobile phone seldom rings. As the saying goes, poor people live in downtown and no one asks. Rich people have distant relatives in the mountains.

"Sun Tzu! Who's your son? I'm still your father! Son of a bitch!" Dad scolded after answering the phone for half a second.

”Dad, whose phone is it?

Lovey was confused by the series of names.

The next few minutes were Luo Anmin's five minute swearing talk show, while the other side of the phone was silent.

The person on the other end of the phone calls himself Luo Anmin's father, which is Luo Wei's grandfather.

Looking back, he never saw what his grandpa looked like when he was young. Let alone him. Even Luo Anmin didn't know what his own father looked like. He only knew that he was crazy.

It's too early for his parents. Luo Anmin was brought up by his third aunt. He only knew that his father's name was Dazhu and his mother's name was Lan Cuihua. He didn't even have a picture.

Dazhu suffered from a strange disease when he was young. He came back from a thunderstorm night and started gossiping. He could do nothing but eat and sleep. Outsiders saw him as a fool.

In the 28th year of Dazhu's life, he formed a family with Lan Cuihua, a mentally ill man in the next village. The next year, he also had a son, Luo Jianguo, the eldest brother of Luo Anmin's three brothers.

For a while, it became a topic of conversation in the village after dinner. It was said that the foolish son of the old Luo family was not stupid at all, but could fuck women!

The Luo family originally had three generations of autobiographies. Who knew that they gave birth to three sons at once when they arrived at Dazhu, but this did not change the village's view of their family. People are not as angry as boys. Why can a fool have a son? They called their whole family stupid.

After scolding Luo Anmin on the phone, he jumped into his heart and said, "Boy, when your aunt left, she said that your grandpa suddenly disappeared in 1969. Since then, there has been no news. Is it possible that he is still alive?"

Luo Anmin was born in 1968 as a posthumous son. There are two brothers above him, who are born next to each other almost every year.

Dazhu disappeared on a rainy night, a thunderous night. Finally, someone saw him in the wheat field and said that he wanted to pick up some wild eggs for his daughter-in-law.

No one has seen Dazhu since then.

Luo Anmin lit a cigarette and recalled his father who had never met in the smoke. His eyes turned red. He had been stubborn for most of his life.

At this time, the phone rang again, and the topic was still incomprehensible.

"Ya?" Luo Anmin lowered his voice this time.

"I'm your father!"

The tough attitude on the other side of the phone made Anmin's fire burn up. When he was called a wild boy without father, suddenly someone called himself a son, and no one could bear it!

That night, the three members of Luo's family stayed up all night, and the same happened to his two brothers.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the three brothers and ten people in the Luo family lost sleep at the same time. The three families crowded in the living room of the Luo family. Men smoked and women drank tea. The children were stunned.

It was the mysterious telephone that caused all this. After that, there was a confirmation call from a famous Chinese law firm.

The caller was actually Luo Dazhu who disappeared in the rainy night fifty years ago.

The old man on the other side of the phone clearly told the location of the birthmarks of the two brothers and knew some early family matters.

If it's just looking for relatives, it's nothing.

What shocked them most was that Loewe's grandfather now lived in the United States, was a reclusive billionaire, the actual controller of the world's largest insurance company, Weili Insurance, and his personal assets reached hundreds of billions by visual inspection.

The old man decided to choose an heir from his three grandchildren left in China. After the test, the best one will become the new helm of the insurance empire.

The two who failed in the competition will be sent back to their ordinary lives.

The three families of the Luo family were totally stunned. It was a feeling of being hit on the forehead by gold ingots falling from the sky.

Loewe could not imagine that his grandfather, whom he had never seen before, was the invisible richest man in the world, controlling most of the wealth of the United States, and he would have the opportunity to have all of this. His heart was pounding when he thought of it.

Luo Rulin, Luo Wei's sister, didn't think so. "What a grandpa, he actually values boys over girls. I'm also his granddaughter anyway."

Luo Anmin, who has been carried away by wealth, cast a glance at his daughter and said, "Don't say that about my father!"

Han Ailing, Loewe's mother, said angrily, "It's really sweet to call one father after another. I don't know how filial you are."

A delicate atmosphere has spread among a large family. Three grandchildren can only have one heir, and the other two will have nothing. Without distinguishing the truth from the fake, a quiet competition has begun.

At the age of 26, Luo Wei has an average job and qualifications. After graduating from the chemistry department of the university, he joined a chemical plant. At present, he is an ordinary scientific researcher. His girlfriend talked about it for several times, but unfortunately, none of them ever did.

His two brothers, a senior engineer and a regional manager of a construction company, are far better than themselves in terms of ability and capital.

At this time, the atmosphere in the living room seemed to be a little tense. The eldest Luo Jianguo said, "Everyone is the same as the heir, not our old Luo family."

The eldest aunt looks proud because her son is the most promising. She became the regional manager in her early thirties, and has more management experience in her head than the martial arts novels that Lowe read from childhood.

The second aunt refused to be outdone. Her son is now an engineer. He is expected to be promoted again at the end of the year. His future is bright.

After the breakup, Loewe's parents were worried. Only the elder sister was not reconciled.

She told Lovey seriously, "Dude, show me your ability to lift girls' skirts in kindergarten. It must be no problem."

"Sister, I don't know whether this is true or not. Maybe it's a clever trick."

Lovey smiled helplessly. The elder sister likes to make fun of her black history when she is busy.

Luo Wei, who went to school, was a poor student. He was one of the first batch of students who fought and fell in love with each other, whether in primary school, junior high school or high school.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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