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Chapter 1 Is Reiki about to revive?

"Reiki is really going to revive!"

"I didn't lie to you. The world is about to change. The ancient and great power in the history of years is about to wake up. It will guide the world to a new future. Your leisurely and peaceful life has not been easy for a few days. Only follow me can......"

"You wait, my words will come true one by one in a short time. If you don't listen to me now, you will feel better then."

On the sofa in the bright living room, a beautiful woman was handcuffed, but she was not afraid. Instead, she was expressing her dissatisfaction with righteous indignation. In addition, four or five policemen around her were frowning, as if they were extremely disdainful of the woman's words.

The policewoman who was taking notes said in a cold voice, "Miss Bai, don't make jokes for me. We don't have time to listen to your nonsense here. Do you know what you have done, such as breaking into private houses, using excuses to commit crimes, and stealing tombs?"

"What we want to hear is your motivation and reason, as well as the messenger behind you. If you are honest, you can..." A male policeman nearby also warned.

"What can I do? Will you commute my sentence or let me go? I said all the reasons and motivations. Reiki will revive. I hope everyone will not miss this precious opportunity."

"You are... stubborn!"


In the kitchen on the other side, a young man with an unusual appearance of about 20 years old was scaling the fish. The kitchen knife in his hand slid sharply, and the fish scales fell off one by one, which could be called flowing clouds and flowing water, with a special sense of beauty.

Behind him, a middle-aged man in police uniform was leaning against the door frame, and his face, which should have been full of righteousness, had some thoughts.

"Qi Yi, are you sure that the girl broke into the house privately and committed murder on the pretext?" The policeman asked while taking out his notebook to record the information.

"Needless to say, the weapons in her hands and the antiques in the attic can prove this, but what are you thinking about, Wang Ju?"

Qi Yi looked at him helplessly after he had removed the scales, and began to ask the other person in an unorthodox manner.

"I was wondering if the girl would want to rob her, so you beat her to be seriously injured in anger and then informed us."

"At least it's the people's police. Can you justify your clothes?"

Qi Yi shook his head. He was almost speechless to the man.

"Look at you. Everyone is so familiar. It's just a joke. But you are so old. It's time to find one."

"Ho ho..."

This kind of reaction made Director Wang helplessly stop recording. He closed his notebook and grabbed a shrimp from the bag on the stove and threw it at the animal at Qi Yi's feet.

It was a turtle with a diameter of about half a meter. I don't know what kind of turtle it was. The lines on its back were bright, the thick shell was shining, the thick and powerful limbs were strangely distributed with something similar to scales, and the claws at the end of the toes were also sharp.

Looking down at the shrimp struggling in front of him, the tortoise seemed to turn its head with some disdain and continued to stare at the keeper nearby.

"Well, face is really worthless these days. If you ignore me, your tortoise will look down on me?"

The turtle ignored the good feeding, which hurt him very much.

"Don't mention it. I brought it back for more than ten years and gave it food and drink. Sometimes I don't even give my face. I wish I could stew it."

Qi Yi casually threw a small fish to him. Maybe he understood the last sentence just now. The tortoise opened his mouth and swallowed the small fish, and then

Keep looking up at him.

"Excellent." Director Wang clapped his hands and said in surprise, "Really, what kind of tortoise is your family? It seems that you have never seen it before!"

"It's just a gene mutation. When I went fishing with a group of old men by the river, they came one after another, and I caught the goods. I couldn't sell cuteness, spoil myself, and sleep all day without moving. I don't know what water went into my head when I brought this guy back."

Director Wang: "..."

Give you the end!

Qi Yi was noncommittal about what he said. He patted the black shell of the tortoise, and slowly stood up, "Why do you cook so many delicious food today? You can eat so much with just one person and one tortoise?"

Seeing the young man stewing a fish and starting to kill chickens, Director Wang began to cry out when he smelled the fragrance coming to his face.

"Don't think too much. It's not made for you. Do seven or eight people come here at one time really think my home is a restaurant? Today Xiao Xi will come back."

"Xiao Xi, your sister?" Wang Ju suddenly wondered, "Isn't it summer vacation now? Where did the little girl go crazy? Can't she go out to play with her classmates? She's only a few years old, so you can rest assured that she will go out to play with other people, not afraid of problems?"

A series of questions have been asked, and the police have committed the old problem of probing.

"It's military training! She's going to high school. A week before school, it's military training time. Today just ended. Not long ago, we talked on the phone."

Qi Yi's sister is really suffering from a brain ache. It's ok to be noisy at home at ordinary times. During the military training, she can also produce a moth. Although the teacher's voice is euphemistic when contacting him, he can hear the voice of complaint clearly.

"The spoiled girl just needs military training, or what will she look like?" The king bureau nodded involuntarily, and the police always maintained a supportive attitude towards military training.

"So she quarreled with her roommate, and ended up beating them all by herself..."


Taking a deep breath, Director Wang's expression was stiff and unnatural.

"Really? Your sister can fight so well? I vaguely remember that she is a very lovely girl. How can she suddenly......"

"Stop talking." Laidang interrupted the other party's words.

Qi Yi almost thought that the other party had the wrong number when he heard the head teacher's phone call at the beginning, but after repeated confirmation, it was really his own girl who fought.

He himself had some guesses, but he could not connect the dozen or five girls in the teacher's words with Xiao Xi.

"How did I know that he would suddenly become like this..."

Qi Yi was a little ashamed. Maybe the girl had been wronged during the military training and could not bear to do it directly, but it was too exaggerated.

But before he had finished speaking, the woman in the living room shouted again.

"I have said that the signs of Reiki recovery have already appeared. Some unknown changes have taken place in people's bodies many years ago. They can be said to be the chosen children of the world, destined to lead the times forward."

"You can't believe it. I have really met such people. Although I don't know their details, I have also made some statistics from the communication. Everyone's transformation is uncertain. Some people wake up to some special abilities overnight, some people become great after years of torture, and some people walk in front of others silently..."

"Don't mention people. Even plants and animals have signs of change. If you don't believe me, you can look at a turtle in this room. From my years of experience, this turtle is definitely the product of changes affected by aura!"

Qi Yi: "..."

Wang Ju: "..."

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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