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Chapter 1 Wedge

"Life is like living among thorns. If you don't move your heart, you don't act recklessly, and if you don't move, you don't hurt; if you move, you move recklessly, and you hurt your body and bones, so you can experience all kinds of pain in the world..." A man from Zhilan Yushu leans against the window, and his hair at his temples floats gently with the wind. He raises his eyebrows and looks at the bustling crowd below his eyes, Turning to the woman in front of him with a curtain cap, he folded his hands and performed a standard Buddhist ritual. "Benefactor, everything in the world looks like it. It's better to see through the world... You should follow me!"

"Ancient Buddha!" The woman gently lifted the veil, revealing a pair of apricot eyes with spring, and with a three part charm, she gave him a white look. "Your surname is Gu, and your name is Buddha. You are just a nominal disciple of the national temple, and you can't even practice hair generation. What monk do you put on here, and what sutras do you read?" She understood that he meant well! I want to distract her, but there are some things, like a mountain, towering, can't be ignored, can't be avoided

"No, no!" The ancient Buddha stretched out his long forefinger and shook it from side to side. "The Buddha is in the heart, not in the body! Even if I don't name myself in the National Temple, the Buddha is very stable in my heart!" He glanced at the red in the distance, and looked at the snow-white woman near him... Why? Why do you want to hurt yourself so deeply before you leave him?

The woman also saw the red color in the distance. She went to the window and leaned out slightly. Compared with those girls in the next room who leaned out their upper body, she was very reserved. But the eagerness in her eyes is more serious than theirs

The red color finally gradually showed its outline and became more and more clear... Her hand holding the window frame was also more and more forceful, and he... It's really beautiful today! He was dressed in bright red happy clothes, with red Futou on his head and red boots on his feet. His angular face was wearing a faint smile, and the pear vortex on his lips seemed to be filled with superior wine, which made everyone who saw him drunk.

Different from what others saw, she saw his resolute eyes under his sword eyebrows, without the joy of the bridegroom, and seemed to have slight impatience. When she wanted to see more carefully, the emotion seemed to have disappeared, leaving only a watery smile and a friendly nod. Every time you look in which direction you nod, you will hear screams and cries.

The red belt drifted with the wind, and he slowly walked out of her sight. A woman's faint sobs came from around, filled with a sad mood. She straightened up, pushed the window, inch by inch, slowly closed

Gufo looked at Su Yi facing the closed window for a long time and did not turn back. The sadness outside the window was like a firefly to the bright moon, compared with the grief that emanated from her alone. He would rather that she wail now than shut all her emotions in her heart.

He is a doctor!

He is a proud doctor with proud capital!

He didn't want to cure the critically ill patient he had just cured, because this damned grief was lying back in bed... He was a doctor, but he couldn't cure his heartbreak!

"Now that you have seen it, are you satisfied?"


"Do you want to cry, make a noise and hang yourself?"

"No..." The plain clothes turned back and slightly shook their fingertips and took off the curtain cap. "Are you sure that he remembered everyone but forgot me, right?"


"Then this... there's no need to wear it!" She looked up and smiled at him. "Let's go!"

Facing the sunset, walk out of the high gate of Jindu, and the gate slowly closes behind them

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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