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Chapter 1 The Man Who Attacks the Shadow Moon Tower at Night

The dew is heavy at night.

The fog in the mountains covers the sky without moon and stars.

There are many dark shadows around the mountain.

The man with the sword was the leader at first sight, so he ordered everyone to put on face scarves. They took the antidote pill made by others every day since a month ago.

Xiao Qijun held the Chixiao Sword tightly in his hand, and he didn't believe it. This time he brought people here himself, but he couldn't break in!

"What Shadow Moon Tower? After tonight, I want to make this place nowhere in the Jianghu!"

No studio.

"The landlord."

The hall leader's shadow sank behind her and called her. They were ready, waiting for the building leader's order.

The current owner of the Shadow Moon Tower is called Qing Wanqi, and the Jianghu people call him: Young Girl.

She has been in the Shadow Moon Building since childhood. I don't know where the former building owner Qing Yi picked her up, but she is really good to her. After five years as the building owner, Qing Yi said that she was tired of the world and wanted to retire, so she passed the seat of the building owner to her. She was only ten years old that year.

Qingwan seven have different physiques. They can't practice martial arts, but they have unparalleled intelligence. In the eight years since she took over the Shadow Moon Tower, their Jianghu reputation has really improved.

She got up and looked around. It seemed that the fog was thicker today, which was not good.

"The fog is so heavy tonight, and the moisture in the mountain is freezing me. Don't they feel cold?"

Yingchen looked up at her and immediately lowered his head.

He asked in a low voice, "Master, do you move now?"

She looked out with a worried expression on her face, as if she had thought twice.

"Move. Let those who can go home go back to rest early. The family will be worried if they are still outside so late."

After saying that, he turned to go inside. It was really cold tonight.

She was going to bed, so now she only wore a thin plain colored yarn. After staying on the terrace for some time, she felt even cooler now. She didn't want to stay outside.

The shadow echoed, "Yes."

Then he jumped down from the terrace.

Yingchen has gone, and she has finished her work today. Now she can find someone to play with.

"Come on."

As soon as she spoke, the man in the dark appeared.

"The landlord."

She turned to look at him when she heard the sound.

"It's Yingshan today. Where has Yingxi gone?"

He didn't look at her, but answered: "The landlord ordered her to go shopping today, and she said she would come back tomorrow when she left. If the landlord has anything to say..."

"It's OK. You go down first."

"Yes," he said and then disappeared.

In fact, she just wanted someone to talk with her, but Shadow Mountain was not as fun as when she just picked it up.

She remembered that when she picked him up, he was not like this. He could cry and swear. At that time, he should have been 12 or 13 years old, about her age. Qing Wanqi thought he was very interesting and liked to come and tease him from time to time.

But then he stopped crying and making noise, and gradually became what he is now. He was seventeen or eighteen years old, but he seemed to be suffocated and unable to boil water.

When he just picked it up, he was seriously injured. At that moment, Qing Wanqi sent people from the Yuebai Hall to heal him.

Because of her serious injury, she also lost a lot of skills at that time. She asked the people of Yuebai Hall to give him all the pills that can be used to repair his vitality. It took her a long time to recover.

She named him Yingshan, and later put him in Yingfeng Hall.

One shadow sink came to report: "In the competition in the hall, the shadow mountain won completely.". Later, he fought with him in person and lost.

At that time, Qing Wanqi always thought it strange that he was so good at kung fu, how could he be so seriously injured.

But then she guessed that he was secretly plotted. Although he had excellent martial arts skills, he was still young at that time. I think he was in the way of others at that time.

In order to ensure her safety, she personally selected four good kung fu ones from the Yingfeng Hall and took them with her. Yingshan is one of them.

But now he doesn't like talking to her very much.

She said to herself, "Am I too fierce?"

She went to the mirror and sat down, reaching out and pinching her face.

"It's not fierce. It's cute and looks good when you smile."

Strange. Doesn't he like this model? What kind does he like?

He didn't want to disturb her when he saw her, but someone from the Moon White Hall said it was urgent.

"The landlord!"

She was entranced when she heard Yingshan calling her.

She looked at him with a worried face and said, "Yingshan, let me ask you a question."

He looked at her with a serious face and said, "Lord, it's business."

He didn't want to talk to her, but he didn't know how to answer her every time she said something.

"Oh, OK. I'll ask later."

Yingshan handed her the letter in his hand. It said, "Young lady, open it.".

It's rare that someone writes to her.

She took the letter and asked, "Have you opened it?"

Yingshan looked up at her and said, "No."


She took the letter and looked at the candlelight, and sure enough, it was empty.

But the seal is special. What kind of mark is this?

She looked at him with the letter and asked, "Yingshan, who do you think will call me Young Girl?"

Yingshan replied, "Of course they are Jianghu people."

He is right, Jianghu people.

"Yes, a Jianghu person took so much trouble to send me a letter, but it was still empty."

She thought about whether she should ask someone to come and ask. She remembered that she had seen this mark, but she couldn't remember it at the moment.

"Please come here, Yueyou Jue, the leader of Yuebai Hall."


She calculated the time. At that moment, things outside the mountain should be almost settled. She said that she could come with Yueyou Jue.

Sure enough, when Yingshan came back, he was followed by them.

Yingshan, as her bodyguard, came in first and announced: "The landlord, here we are."

"OK, then go down first. Remember, I will ask you some questions later."


Yingshan saluted her and retired to the Outer Hall.

He stood at the door and said to the two hall masters, "Please."

When they entered the temple, he closed the door.

The two men saluted her in unison.

"The landlord."

She asked both of them to get up first. She wanted to know about those people outside.

"The leader is Xiao Qijun. He is still alive."

Yingchengshi felt ashamed of his trust in the building owner. He knelt down with a puff and said, "Yes, my subordinates are incompetent and let him run away."

She was not surprised. If the man died so easily, how could the two factions have fought for so many years.

"It's not that you are incompetent. His Chixiao Sword is not used for decoration. What about others?"

"As the landlord ordered, I threw it outside."

Now that everything is done, let's forget about tonight's business.

"That's all right. It's none of your business. Go down first."

After finishing the report, Yingchen went ahead.

It is Xiao Qijun, the leader of the Red Ridge Peak, who wants to break into the Shadow Moon Tower with his people tonight. According to their appearance, they should have been well prepared this time, but before they reached one tenth of the poison fog formation in front of the mountain, most people had already fallen.

The Shadow Moon Tower and the Red Ridge Peak have always been sworn enemies. Everyone in the Jianghu knows it.

The first owner of the Shadow Moon Tower is a brothel celebrity named Li Qingying.

The name of the building is taken from Li Qingying's name. It is taken from the lower part of the word "Qing". Together with the last word of her name, it is called "Yingyue Building".

Xiao Qi, the father of Xiao Qijun, is a treacherous and shameless villain.

Li Qingying and Xiao Qiyuan were also childhood sweethearts. Later, when he entered the Chiling Peak, Li Qingying became a brothel geisha.

At that time, Li Xinlan, the daughter of the gang leader, took a fancy to him. In order to marry Li Xinlan, he was afraid that Li Qingying would make trouble in the future, so he wanted to kill him without stopping.

She fled into the mountains late at night and was later saved. She is bent on revenge, but she knows she can't defeat Xiao Qi.

The man told her that sometimes it is not necessary to kill people with a sword.

Li Qingying left the mountain three years later when she was 20.

I don't know what method was used. In short, they both died before long.

Li Xinlan poisoned Xiao Qi himself, and Xiao Qi's sword pierced Li Xinlan's chest that night. She was killed on the spot, and then Xiao Qi died of poison.

Later, Qing Wanqi also asked Qing Yi how she did it, but Qing Yi didn't hear Li Qingying mention it.

No one knew the secret until she died.

However, Qingwanqi felt that maybe it was not as complicated as they had guessed, and maybe Li Qingying used the simplest method. The husband and wife are eccentric, so they naturally suspect each other. What's more, it's hard not to doubt Xiao Qi's character.

However, Li Qingying was only 40 years old when she died, which was considered as an early death. At that time, Qingwan was only seven or five years old. If she had known about it at that time, she would have asked the landlord.

However, her heart killing method is very useful.

After the death of Xiao Qi and his wife, only Xiao Qijun, who was about three years old at that time, remained.

The people of the Red Ridge Peak naturally blamed Li Qingying for the revenge, but they did not find her anywhere.

The people of the Red Ridge Peak spread the news in the Jianghu that the leader and his wife were killed by the traitor Li Qingying. If anyone provides her information or clues, they will be rewarded. But no one in the Jianghu knows why Li Qingying killed the couple.

In the same year that Li Qingying killed both of them, she set up the Shadow Moon Tower in the mountain covered by thick fog all the year round.

The Yingyue Building is divided into two halls, Yingfeng Hall and Yuebai Hall.

The Shadow Wind Hall is in charge of assassins, and the Moon White Hall is in charge of intelligence and medicine. The people of Yingfeng Hall are named Congying Generation, and the people of Yuebai Hall are named Congyue Generation.

There are three non murders in Yingfeng Hall: sages, Confucian scholars, women, children and children, and true love and nature. As for other people, as long as the price is reasonable, even if you are a noble, they can also complete the task.

Yuebaitang is much simpler. It collects information, makes drugs and saves people.

Li Qingying built the owner's residence at the highest place among the peaks, named Wuying Building.

When the thick fog rises, only this place can be seen.

There is no miasma in the mountain, but the fog in the mountain contains poison.

The Hall Leader will personally distribute antidotes to those who enter the Shadow Moon Tower every other month. As long as the antidote is taken on time, it will not harm the body. Moreover, the antidote contains a drug that can stimulate each other with the poison, which can help people improve their Kung Fu and accomplishments faster.

Someone outside has made countless antidotes to detoxify the poison, but no one has succeeded so far.

The prescription of the antidote was only passed on to the previous building owners, and it was passed on word of mouth, not even on paper. One of the most important tasks of the Shadow Wind Hall is to protect the safety of the building owner and all of them.

However, this Xiao Qijun grew up obviously in hatred.

At the age of 15, he succeeded to the position of leader of the gang, and has been against the Shadow Moon Tower, saying that he wanted to avenge his parents. It seems that no one should have told him how his parents died.

Today, they had the courage to walk into the poison gas. They were much more courageous than those who only used to shoot concealed arrows or fire attacks.

Forget it. If he escapes today, he can escape. There are plenty of opportunities to deal with him.

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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