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Chapter 1 Invitation

Jiang Tian is the inheritor of Sichuan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong cuisines, a first-class Chinese culinary master, and an internationally renowned food judge. In order to rescue the trapped children in a fire, I proudly crossed the parallel world.

Maybe he died by doing good deeds, and fate has given him another chance to rebirth!

When night falls, the lights start to shine, and the last glow of dawn recedes from the horizon. Jiang Tian sat on the chair of the street barbecue stall, comforting himself while absorbing the memory of the original owner.

In this parallel world, the original owner, also called Jiang Tian, was 20 years old. He had been working in a breakfast shop before, and later taught himself to play guitar in the night market. He became a wandering singer.

It may be that he stayed up all night recently, and the sudden death of the original owner made his journey complete.

Now, all day and all night, Jiang Tian has adapted to the new environment. He can't continue his singing career and must live a more wonderful life.

People in this world are more enthusiastic about food, and the taste of food can be smelled all over the street. And he found a thing that made him ecstatic. There are almost no delicious food of the four major cuisines here!

No, it means there is no market. This is a huge business opportunity.

"Sorry to disturb you, are you Jiang Tian?" Just as he was dreaming, a very pleasant voice suddenly came from behind. Jiang Tian turned his head and saw a woman wearing a black business suit smiling at him.

"Who are you?" Jiang Tian nodded gently and searched the memory of the original owner carefully. He didn't find any information about the woman in front of him.

This woman is in her early twenties. She has a slender body, her hair is coiled up, and her delicate facial features look very attractive, giving a very capable feeling.

"Don't you ask me to sit down?" The woman put her hands on her shoulders and looked at him meaningfully.

"Sit down, please sit down!" Jiang Tian was confused and embarrassed.

The woman was also impolite. She sat down on the seat next to him and handed him a business card. "Here is my card. Please have a look."

Dream building entertainment professional manager: Luo Qing.

"Dream building entertainment... professional manager? Are you a star scout?" Jiang Tian looked at her puzzled, wondering what she was looking for.

The original owner plays the guitar very well and has a good voice. However, there is a problem with the selection of the cover songs, which can not give people a bright feeling, but rather mediocre.

"No, I'm not a star scout. I'm an artist professional manager, which is also known as the broker." Luo Qing's beautiful eyes flashed a bright light.

"Agents?" Hearing the manager Jiang Tian suddenly became clear and exclaimed, "You don't want to sign me, do you.

"Yes! I came here today to sign you as my artist. Here is the contract. Please have a look." Luo Qing opened her briefcase seriously and handed over a contract document.

He took it in a wooden way, turned a few pages at random, and Yuan Tian was completely dumbfounded.

It's really an artist signing a contract.

"Why? Why sign me?"

He couldn't figure out whether the original owner was really a piece of gold that would shine or whether the agent named Luo Qing was blind? Wait a minute, is it... that the identity that he passed through was found? If it were true, things would be complicated.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly and began to be cautious.

"Take a look at this first." Luo Qing took out her smartphone, quickly clicked on a video and handed it to her.

The video shows a video of the original owner singing a song while eating steamed stuffed buns. The soundtrack is very ordinary, but the words in the video have caused bursts of applause.

"It is said that the steamed stuffed bun has meat but not wrinkles. It is layman's unprofessional talk. There is a lot of knowledge in it. You can see that the steamed stuffed bun has a thin skin and a large twenty-eight wrinkles. Its face is white, tender and elastic, and the stuffing is fragrant with meat and soup. I can't forget this taste for two days!"

Looking at the video above, Jiang Tian found the memory of the original owner in his mind. It was rapped when he advertised for a steamed bun shop last month, and the reward was only one drawer of steamed buns. The original owner sang while eating, which was a bit like talking about allegro, which made the audience laugh.

I don't know who took this video. The most popular Douyin short video has been sent, and more than 200000 people like it.

After the video, Luo Qing played another video.

In the video, the owner of a seafood stir fry stall is frying clams while humming the divine song of the world, which is very magical and attracts many passers-by to watch.

This video also received 150000 likes.

After watching these two videos, Jiang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was not found to be a passer-by.

The original owner's two videos, which combine music and food, are not very high quality, but very magical, making them a small online celebrity on the Internet. Now there are brokers coming to sign the contract.

However, the original owner's cooking skills are very ordinary. He only learned some skills when working in the breakfast shop. It's really a bit of a dream to become a big star by virtue of his street acting skills.

"If stars are associated with food, there will be many online celebrities who meet this requirement, but if stars are associated with cooking food, there will be few such candidates."

"You are not bad looking, can cook, and have the experience of a wandering singer. I think you have great potential."

"There will be a reality show called" Wild Food Talent Show "on Tomato Station next month. If you can break into the top ten in the competition, you will not only get a bonus of 100000 yuan, but also get the invitation of" Where to Eat "..."

After Luo Qing said a lot in a row, her excitement gradually disappeared, and the whole person became a little cold. "I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll wait for your call!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Luo Qing stood up and smiled, disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jiang Tian alone in a daze.

Be a star? This is something that Jiang Tian had never dreamed of before.

In his previous life, he was committed to the inheritance and promotion of the four major cuisines, which did not match with being a star at all.

Tomato TV Station is a very famous TV station in China, and the ratings of many variety shows have been among the best. The Wild Food Talent Show is a popular food music variety show that has not yet been launched.

Now he is so poor that he is about to urinate. In addition to this broken guitar, he only has a nine handed old age machine and 200 yuan.

Now Jiang Tian is not so great as to be hungry to promote food. At present, his main purpose is to earn some money to avoid being on the street.

Looking at the signed contract slowly, Jiang Tian was a little moved when he saw that the proportion was 20% to 8%.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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