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Chapter 1 I. Rebirth as a Turtle

The Internet cafes are full of smoke and crowds. The table in front of Sun Lei is full of instant noodles buckets, and his feet are full of cigarette butts. This is his seventh day in this Internet cafe.

Sun Lei has not left for the past seven days except for taking a dump and urinating. Stare at the screen, and keep clicking the mouse.

"Take the Dragon City!! The soldiers will hold it!!" Sun Lei took a deep breath of smoke

People gathered behind me. This is a role game recommended by a famous movie star, which is popular all over the country in a short time. Although Sun Lei is poor, he has built the largest cross server labor union in a short time by virtue of his talent in games and continuous combat. As long as he beats the Dragon City, he can get a cash reward of 300000 yuan and turn around.

The boiling atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Sun Lei jumped up from the sofa and waved his hands.

"Who else!!"

The screen shows that Longcheng has been attacked and the atmosphere of Internet cafes has reached its climax.

The owner of the Internet cafe came to him in a hurry, "Sun, you are OK, this is your sausages."

At this time, all the people noticed that the main character lay motionless on the table, and the brave man touched it.

"Call an ambulance! It's dead!"

The next day's headlines showed that Longcheng, the final stage of the largest pageant, was attacked - the president of the game guild died suddenly on the spot.

Then there was a series of social discussions about teenagers' addiction to online games, but none of these had anything to do with Sun Lei. He never dreamed that he would die in an Internet cafe and even lost his life for the 300000 prize.

The world is in chaos. This is a more ancient era, the Chaotic Era.

However, creatures living in this era are called Demon Gods. The existence of ants can only be the ration of Demon Gods.

An unknown mountain, exposed on the surface are all rocks, high but not top. A man wrapped in leaves climbed out of the hole at the foot of the mountain and walked to a tree. The man kicked hard, the tree trunk shook, and a crystal clear fruit fell.

The man swallowed the fruit and licked his mouth "It's delicious, but the output is too low."

This is the second million years since Sun Lei came to the chaotic era. Yes, two million years have passed. After his sudden death in an Internet cafe, Sun Lei's soul drifted in a hurricane. When he woke up again, he was in a cave, but he was no longer human.

It's a bastard No, it should be called turtle.

With Sun Lei's urinary nature, he soon accepted this reality. Although he was a tortoise, he had to be the one who lived the longest. The moment he wakes up, he receives information about the world. He is the first tortoise in this world. Sun Lei calls himself the ancestor of tortoises, which sounds like a lot of bulls.

The chaotic spirit of the chaotic era is very strong, which is very beneficial to cultivation. Only Sun Lei, a god with good natural foundation, can directly absorb the chaotic spirit for cultivation. It took a million years for Sun Lei to reconstruct the human body. At that time, no one said that. To be precise, it should be called Daoti.

It has to be said that the welfare treatment after rebirth is still good. There is a fruit tree outside Sun Lei's cave, named Huang Zhongli, which is one of Hongmeng's innate spiritual roots. Ten thousand years of flowering, ten thousand years of fruiting, ten thousand years of maturity, only nine fruits at a time. At first, Sun Lei didn't know it and ate all the fruits on the tree. You should know that only one of these things can make a mortal become an immortal. Eating too much is tantamount to death. However, Sun Lei's skin is rough and flesh is thick, and his digestive ability is good, but his stomach hurts for a while, and nothing happens.

It may be that after becoming a tortoise, even the nature of nature has changed. Sun Lei seldom goes out and goes to bed after eating. Unless there is really no food around, he will travel far for food. During the period, there were other demons coming to find trouble, and Sun Lei didn't fight back. He retracted into the tortoise shell to sleep, and let all your 18 martial arts fall on the tortoise shell, and I was still. This is also famous in the chaotic era. Everyone knows that the shell of a turtle demon god is the hardest.

In fact, the era of chaos has existed for nearly a trillion years, and Sun Lei was able to catch the last bus. But in this world, it is not said that anyone who practices for a long time will be the strongest. What's more, most of the demons can't make progress after they practice to the top, until their lives end and become food for other creatures in the chaos. Sun Lei has reached the state of Tao in the past two million years, but he can't go any further. However, tortoises have a long life, and Sun Lei knows he can live a long time, so he doesn't panic at all.

It sounds like this is the chaotic world in the legend of the flood and famine. In the future, there will be a man named Pangu who will stand up to create the world and continue to evolve the world. But there is an essential difference. The evolution of the world and the process of history will change because of many small things. Sun Lei knew that when he came to the world, he had actually changed the original process. The tortoise should have died, but now he lives again.

Sun Lei sat under the tree, squinted and dozed off. A six winged cicada flew from a distance and turned into a golden light.

"Shifu, Shifu, you are awake." A boy who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old waved his hand and dropped some rare fruits on the ground

Sun Lei once saved the cicada when he went out to look for food. The little guy recognized Sun Lei as his master and brought some fruit from time to time. There are several kinds of insect kings in chaos, among which the best one is the six winged golden cicada, but it has not grown up yet. Sun Lei knows that the six winged golden cicada is actually the former life of the Buddhist golden cicada son. After its birth, the six winged golden cicada was forced into Buddhism by the Bodhi Taoist priest because it had no backer. Now it is inexplicable to become its own apprentice, and I don't know who will become a monk in the Tang Dynasty in the journey to the west in the future.

The golden cicada took out another colorful feather, and Sun Lei's expression was instantly dignified.

"Shifu, this is Shifu..."

Sun Lei immediately stopped, "What kind of teacher's mother is called Shibo? She is older than me."

If Sun Lei is afraid of anyone, he is the owner of this feather. The first phoenix in chaos, the ancestor of all birds. Once I got to know Phoenix when I went out. Since then, I have felt that things are wrong. Phoenix seems to have a subtle attitude towards himself. After that, Sun Lei can hide.

"She said that the time of the chaotic era is running out," said Jin Chan

Phoenix's greatest talent is peeping at the road. She said that the chaotic era is coming to an end, which is absolutely wrong.

Chaos doesn't count the years, but the things that exist will come to an end and die sooner or later, and no one can escape. Sun Lei knew that when chaos was ended, many demons would die, but he could not figure out that these demons were so powerful that they were no weaker than Pangu. What caused them to die.

"Go to find your elder martial brother and ask him to follow you to my cave and wait for me to come back."

Sun Lei has received two apprentices, one is a six winged cicada, the other is a mosquito The first mosquito, the Taoist priest. Although it is a mosquito, this guy is the most powerful insect king ferocious beast, and his skill is still better than the golden cicada.

Although we don't know what the consequences will be, Sun Lei is still ready. The mountain he was born on is actually the predecessor of Buzhou Mountain. It is said that Buzhou Mountain is the backbone of Pangu. In fact, its predecessor is the first chaotic mountain. Since Buzhou Mountain still exists after the start of the day, it means that this is the best place to take refuge.

Sun Lei transformed himself into a giant tortoise. Now his real body is as tall as this mountain. One step is another world.

On the Fussang tree, there is a huge bird with colorful tail feathers floating in the air. The arrogant Phoenix opens her eyes, as if everything in the world is out of her sight.

A figure fell on the Fusang tree with an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Who should I be? You old tortoise still knows to come to see me."

Phoenix turns away from Sun Lei

When he first knew Phoenix, he was still a little turtle. Phoenix was just like a chicken. Two beasts roamed around in the chaotic world and practiced together. As the saying goes, love grows over time, not to mention staying together for millions of years. But Sun Lei was a dead homestead man in his last life. He can't learn how to talk about love, and he doesn't know how to face Phoenix.

Sun Lei laughed and said, "Xiaofeng, I'm sleeping. You know me, I've been sleeping for tens of thousands of years."

"Look what I brought you."

A flawless jade hairpin looks simple but not simple. The hairpin was polished by Sun Lei with the world's original stones. It took him 100000 years to polish it, not to mention how hard it is to find the world's original stones.

As soon as the phoenix's eyes brightened, it turned into a Taoist body, wearing a bright red gown, and carefully stretched out its head.

"Put it on for me."

"Xiao Feng, follow me around the chaos again?" Sun Lei asked

Two million years is not long or short for Sun Lei, but it is unimaginable longer than his last life. For the chaotic world, Sun Lei only thinks he is a spectator, born here, but has no sense of belonging. He just wanted to take a last look at the world before it was destroyed.

Phoenix looked into Sun Lei's eyes. "In fact, chaos is also good."

"The world will be very good in the future, with me." Sun Lei suddenly found out what other implications this would have

I saw the phoenix with his head in his mouth and nodded gently, looking shy. There was no other phoenix gesture of motherhood in the world.

In this way, Sun Lei and Phoenix wandered aimlessly in the chaos, and it was also unknown that tens of thousands of years had passed.

Chaos doesn't mean nothing. On the contrary, the world is richer, more precious and more spacious than the future. Whether it's fruit or a natural magic weapon in chaos, as long as it's a treasure, Sun Lei will not refuse to eat it all into his stomach and digest it slowly. Although his accomplishments are no longer inch advanced, Sun Lei's body is absolutely the first in chaos. This is a talent, and others can't learn it.

"Ouch, you should save some food. These treasures are useful." Phoenix took Sun Lei's magic weapon

Sun Lei told Phoenix before that if he was lucky enough to survive, even a lump of shit in the chaos would be a hot commodity.

These seemingly ordinary things are all magic weapons of chaos. In the future, in the world of flood and famine, it is enough to throw out a piece of magic weapons of chaos at random to let the God of Da Luo break his head. Now Sun Lei is eating them as rations, which will definitely make future generations of practitioners vomit blood.

Sun Lei and Phoenix frowned at the same time when their minds moved.

"There is a treasure born." It can make the two devils feel at the same time. The born treasure is not simple

Sun Lei stretched out his hand and grasped the empty space in the air. This was Sun Lei's natural ability. His spatial power was enough to compete with the Tao.

The two flew in, Sun Lei waved his hand and an exit opened.

Chaotic wasteland, which is the gathering place of demons and gods, is also the place where most people kill. The cultivation methods of demons and gods are different. Unless they are naturally endowed by the Great Way, most demons and gods can continue to cultivate through killing and nibbling.

The space fluctuates, the power of the law of the great way drops, and the demonic gods with low accomplishments are directly crushed by the power, and the gods and gods are destroyed on the spot.

"Good guy, the sky axe."

Sun Lei pulled the phoenix out of the space gap, and Sun Lei suddenly knew that if the idea of opening the sky was not Pangu's idea, but the will of the road, it would make sense. Everything under the road was ants, and even the devil was just a drop in the ocean.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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