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Chapter 1 Separation between Life and Death

A man and a woman walked slowly along the road. They were lovers who had been in love for three years from college and entered the society together.


Lin Ye and Zhou Yuxin look forward at a pair of lovers who are leaning against each other and say in unison.

"Do you want to talk first?" Zhou Yuxin took back her eyes and said quietly.

"No, girls are preferred." Lin Ye smiles and stretches out his hand to straighten her hair, which is disturbed by the wind.

But Zhou Yuxin clapped his hand away.

"What's the matter?" Lin asks.

She was a bit embarrassed, her eyes were uncertain, and after hesitating for a while, she plucked up her courage: "Ye Zi, we are not suitable, let's break up"

Lin Ye's face changes and he is suddenly silent.

He took a deep breath, looked at her gently, and held her tightly in his arms in her shocked eyes.

Let go, turn around and leave.

Zhou Yuxin can't believe the other side's reaction. Before, she was thinking about how to speak to avoid the other side's lingering. Now when Lin Ye leaves without saying a word, she is disappointed and sad.

At this time, a BMW came and stopped beside them.

A man in his thirties got out of the car and walked to them.

He deliberately shakes the car key in his hand at Lin Ye, making a silent mockery at his mouth.

The man came up and took Zhou Yuxin's hand. "Are you clear? Don't waste time on unimportant people. Get on the bus quickly. I have booked a restaurant."

Zhou Yuxin looks at Lin Ye who stops after hearing the words. Since then, the three-year relationship will not continue. Goodbye is a passer-by, and her mood is mixed.

Lin Lin slowly closes his eyes. Even though he has been prepared for the scene, he still feels a sense of melancholy. It is not the calm he seems to show.

His parents died in the early years when he went to the sea. After he was ten years old, he lived alone and independently. He has the tenacious nerve to bear the blow and pressure.

Since we can't be together, let's bless each other. Lin Lin smiles freely.

"Cut" the man sneers at Lin Ye's back and leads Zhou Yuxin to leave.

Just then several rapid whistles sounded, and a large truck rushed towards them.

"Oh my!" The man turned pale with fright. His first reaction was to shake off Zhou Yuxin's hand and dart to the side, leaving Zhou Yuxin standing still.

Lin Ye turns around when he hears the sound. Seeing this scene, he only feels his brain is blank. He instinctively moves forward and pushes Zhou Yuxin away.

Zhou Yuxin fell unsteadily to one side when the powerful force hit, and his hands and feet were abraded by the cement pavement, and the white skin was permeated with blood.

Lin fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The truck rolled over him, and a small exquisite gift box slipped out of his pocket and landed at Zhou Yuxin's feet.

A small diamond ring in the gift box fell out and rolled around her, making a clear sound.

Lin doesn't feel any pain, but he gradually loses control of his body. Lin feels his body is getting colder and colder.

Just then a faint red light shot at his eyebrows from the void, leaving a light red mark between his eyebrows.

The red awn sends out a little halo to wrap his cold body inside, which makes him feel warm as if he was in his mother's arms.

"Have you... come to pick me up?"

Lin Ye opens his eyes slightly. He seems to see his parents standing in front of him in his memory, trying to beckon to him.

Zhou Yuxin struggled to get up and picked up the diamond ring and small gift box at his feet. There was a card on the gift box, on which was written a line: diamonds will last forever, and lovers will never get married. If you agree to marry me, I will not fail you.

"Ye Zi, Ye Zi" It turns out that the predecessor and three positions of the other party worked hard to buy a diamond ring and propose to her?

Zhou Yuxin was dumbfounded, and it took quite a while before she realized it. She burst into tears, "Why are you so stupid?"

Lin Ye hears the cry, and the confusion in his eyes slowly disappears. He is surprised that he seems to be able to move again.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. I'm fine."

Lin gets up anxiously and runs to Zhou Yuxin.

Who would have thought that Zhou Yuxin passed him as if she could not see or hear him, and ran towards the truck crying.

"Don't go, I don't think it's adult." The man ran after him and grabbed Zhou Yuxin's arm.

When Lin Ye heard his words, his heart became angry, and he greeted the man on the cheek with a fist.

In Lin's fright, his fist is like hitting in the air. It passes through his opposite cheek.

"What's the matter?" Lin is shocked.

"Get out of here. It's impossible for us in this life." Zhou Yuxin angrily shook off the man's hand.

"Hum, don't regret it." The man drove away angrily. He didn't want to stay in this unlucky place.

Before, the man only cared about his own escape, but he didn't care about her. Lin Ye always protects her in the crisis.

Why did she choose to stay with Lin Ye? It is because he gives her the same meticulous care, doting and security as a big brother treats his sister.

The three years of love slipped through her mind like a movie. God seemed to play a big joke on her and punish her for her emotional carelessness. However, what she lost was the life of her lover. She was like a helpless child crying.

From then on, the world is far away, and life and death are separated.

After a while, two police cars came at a gallop, and several police officers got off to investigate the scene.

"Has anyone touched the crime scene?"

"No? Didn't the ambulance take people away?"

"No, it's impossible"

An inspector quickly took out his mobile phone and began to report.

"Report to team leader, report to team leader, emergency"

"Yes, this is Jinhua Street. Yes, there was a car accident, several people were injured in the street, and one person was hit and run over by a truck. No body or blood was found at the scene, and no trace of this person or the driver was found."

"The monitoring has confirmed that the scene has not been passive. Yes, well, I will quickly block the scene, and I will deal with it."

At this moment, two figures came over as if nobody were around. They were one fat, one thin, and one short. The tall one was dressed in white divination, holding a killing stick, and wearing a high hat. He wrote that I had made money. He didn't need to talk.

The short man wore a black divination and held a mourning stick in his high hat. He wrote that the world was at peace. His face was black, heartless and ferocious.

A tall white man appeared quietly behind Lin Ye, who was stunned. He smiled at him and said, "It's time to leave after watching for so long. Everyone who has died unfortunately is always as reluctant to leave the world as you are."

Lin Ye is shocked. He looks back and backs away in disbelief. He says in silence, "Are you... black on TV... black and white impermanence? You... why are you here?"

The short, fat, black, and black impermanent waved the enchanting card and approved the ticket to him, and mocked him: "Of course, he came to pick you up, but it's rare for a soul to be so alive after just dying like you."

"Dead, dead.

Hell, the 18th floor of Hell is horrible. When I was a child, it was occasionally broadcast on TV. He skipped the channel and didn't dare to watch it. He did something outrageous. He would look even paler when he thought about it.

Bai Wuchang looks at Lin Ye, who is shaking like chaff, and smiles: "There will come a day when people can enter another world without too much trouble. Let's go and take away the souls of the dying people around here, so that we can go back to eat wine."

Hei Wuchang licks his tongue and takes out an iron chain to lock Lin. When he touches the iron chain, Lin's hand seems to be stuck on it, and it can't be pulled out by any fiddling.

He can only follow them step by step in fear. Looking back, he finds that Zhou Yuxin has already got into the ambulance. Lin is relieved.

At least she was fine, and his death was no longer worthless. He comforted himself.

After following Black and White impermanence, I walked into a community, and saw a group of people in front of me circling far away, and several police cars parked outside.

When Lin Ye comes near, he hears the words of people around him. Lin Ye learns that a woman has a terminal disease and her family has given up her treatment. So she climbs to the top of the building to commit suicide.

Bai Wuchang put his hands on his chest and said calmly, "There are still two minutes left."

Lin Ye accompanies him and asks carefully: "What have two minutes left? Is your underground time also calculated by minutes?"

Bai Wuchang answered lightly: "In two minutes, the woman will run out of Shouyuan and jump down. As for the time, the officials in the prefecture are available in every age. We should also keep pace with the times."

There are also planes and cannons in the hell. Lin Lin is secretly suspicious.

The inspector and the woman's family were still comforting by the floor, and more than ten people on the ground were busy opening the air cushion to prepare for rescue measures.


At this moment, the woman took a deep look at the sky for the last time. She suddenly opened her hands and jumped down from the roof of the 16th floor without hesitation when everyone was unprepared.

Bang fell to the ground, a bloody mess, red and white flowing disgustingly.

It is human nature to watch the bustle. At this time, the crowd around was shocked and spread, screaming, and the female family cried bitterly.

After a while, Lin Ye sees a transparent figure slowly sitting up in the flesh and blood, looking around straightly, just like the woman who just died.

Black Wuchang said impatiently, "What are you still doing? Time is limited. Come here quickly."

His voice sounded like the morning bell beating on the woman and Lin Ye's heart. The woman's face was bloodless and frightened. She looked at the black and white impermanence strangely.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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