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Chapter 1 Justice of Being Late (for Collection!)

"Shocked! The hero who molested the boy was wronged?"

"The press conference of molested boys publicly declared that Xiao Mingxiu was wronged!"

"Is it the fear of the human heart or the loss of morality? The departure of the great hero makes us sad!"

One such news appeared on the network platform, setting off a great uproar.

"What! Is Xiao Mingxiu wronged? What have we done to question a hero who saved the earth?"

"I'm sorry for Xiao Mingxiu. He is a good man. He is the hero of our earth. We all owe him a word of apology."

"Unexpectedly, that little boy was the perpetrator, and Xiucai Xiao Ming was the victim. We were all blinded by the weak. Sometimes the weak are not necessarily just, and the strong are not necessarily bad."

"Yes, but that's a good thing, isn't it? Justice will be late, but he will never be absent. The hero will be glad that he has finally washed away his grievances."

When the news came out, all the netizens of Xiao Mingxiu, the great hero of aspirations at that time, understood what the situation was, and began to reply with emotion, apologizing to Xiao Mingxiu who had died.

"Shit! People are dead. It's no use asking them to apologize!"

Looking at this news, Xiao Mingxiu washed away his grievances and apologized one by one, the forest's chest was blocked in bursts, and he didn't know how to vent his anger. He had to pick up the quilt at his hand and throw it out, hitting the white wall and breaking into pieces.

"Amu, calm down, they were all hoodwinked..." He Chun was sitting beside the tree. He saw the news and netizens' replies, and his face was also ugly, but he was more tolerant and wanted to persuade the tree.

"Fool the P! Aren't they just a bunch of keyboardmen? Don't they just watch Mingxiu die? Don't they just want us all to die? Now, Mingxiu is really dead, but now they are grieving over their injuries and start apologizing?

At that time, Mingxiu died, and the corpse capital was not found. Why didn't they apologize, but they were still there mocking and gloating!

What are they? You tell me what they are! They are animals! A group of animals who kill people invisibly and don't spit their bones! I can't calm down at all, unless they can make Mingxiu live!

The forest was so excited that he can't forget the deep gloom in Xiao Mingxiu's eyes when he died in front of him. He had always been a lively and beautiful person. He was killed by such unreasonable and groundless responsibility and invisible public opinion!

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!" Looking at those comments, Lin suddenly laughed crazily and said crazily, "Hero? Great hero? We fought desperately against the invasion of the cracks, protected these non human things, or gave them such casual abuse?

It should have been glorious to be a hero. Now, what's the power of this hero? He Chun, do you think this hero should continue to work? Huh?

Looking at the forest that has never been like this before, He Chun didn't know how to say it. His heart was full of anger and wanted to vent it, but his way of venting was different. He didn't want to vent his anger on others. He wanted to kill the enemy.

However, the enemy has been pushed back, the cracks have disappeared, and no enemy has been killed by him. This anger can only be contained in the heart.

"Good justice will be late, but will not be absent. This sentence is too hurtful." Looking at the replies, Lin shook his head and said, "He Chun, in my name, will hold a press conference, just tomorrow. I'm a little tired now. I need to rest.

Regardless of He Chun's reaction, he lay down on the bed, buried his face in the pillow and held the quilt tightly.

"I see, pay attention to rest." He Chun took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

After He Chun left, the trees on the bed began to tremble slightly. If you listen carefully, you can still hear a slight sobbing sound. He cried.

Men don't shed tears lightly, but they don't get to the sad place.

When fighting against the cracks, the trees are always in the style of iron and blood. They always bleed and sweat without tears. This time, they finally let go of all their strength. He is really tired and wants to cry to vent his pressure.

The news that Lin Lin was going to hold a press conference soon spread. Originally, the hero held a press conference without authorization, and the associations established by the Alliance would be stopped directly. This is a rule, but this time, no one did. Everyone knows why.

This time, all the members of the association are too inflexible to do anything, and they are also full of anger. But with the pressure of the people above, they can't do anything. Now the forest wants to mention that they want to do something, how can they stop them.

"President, do we really want to agree?" asked the assistant president of the Association anxiously, looking at Long Jianming sitting on the sofa.

"Obstruction? Why? No problem. If the above blame comes down, I will bear it all, this time it is too much." Long Jianming shook his head, and his eyes flashed a cold light. He has always been a good tempered man. This time, he was also furious.

"I know the president! Finally, it's time for this day, and I want to beat the media!" Hearing that Long Jianming connived, the assistant was immediately worried that nothing was left. She was very excited, and she also waved two fists into the air, as if there were enemies standing in front of her.

The next day soon arrived, and the press conference at 11:00 was held as scheduled.

The trees were a little tired, and they took some decadent people to the stage and sat on the seats.

For a moment, those journalists who were still talking about it all fell silent. They looked at the trees sitting on the stage, and their subconscious Adam's apple stirred. Some of them dared not look at the man on the stage.

"The purpose of my press conference today, I think everyone can think of, then I will not say more, go straight to the theme." Forest's indifferent eyes swept over the reporters below, looking at their guilty expressions, picked up the remote control to open the projection.

At that moment, a photo appeared above his head. It was a 15-year-old boy who was not very handsome, but belonged to the kind of durable, sunny smile that could easily infect other people and make a good impression at a glance.

The press conference was broadcast live by all TV stations, and many webcast platforms were also broadcast live, with the largest number of viewers in history.

Looking at the sign that appears in the projection, everyone knows who it is, namely the wronged hero Xiao Mingxiu.

"This is the first time I met Mingxiu, I was deeply infected by him, and secretly arranged this photo." Forest slowly opened his mouth, and then cut to the next photo.

In this photo, the green teenager is slightly mature, wearing a black association dress, and standing beside him is wearing the same forest.

One of them had a cold face, as if someone owed him eight hundred dollars, and the other smiled brightly, as if he had no worries.

"This is the time for me and him to join the association and become heroes."

Then, another picture.

It was the same boy. This time, there was blood on his face. It was obviously the return of the enemy, but the sunny smile on the sign remained unchanged.

"This is the first time for me and him to participate in the battle, and when we came back from surrounding a crack team," the tree again opened his mouth and introduced.

Later, photos were projected one by one, and trees were introduced in a gentle voice without any fluctuation. Some of the reporters below were already sobbing softly.

"This is... the last time we went on a mission."

Finally, the last picture came, and the voice of the trees had other changes for the first time, with a slight tremble, and the eyes were slightly red. The reporters below had already cried into tears.

The young man in the photo has become a man of indomitable spirit, but the sunny smile on the signboard has disappeared, and the bright eyes have lost their luster. The whole person looks dull, without a trace of expression in his eyes, and the empty hole is full of despair.

"Do you know why he became like this?" Lin asked the first question of the press conference so far.

But no one answered him.

"Let's talk. Let me ask you a question." The forest was still very calm, slowly scanning the reporters below.

Still, no one answered. They all knew that it was just quiet before the storm.

He Chun in the backstage looked at the trees on the stage. His eyes were red. Two lines of clear tears were left unchecked. His fists were tightly clenched and hung down at his side.

Sure enough, after the silence, there was a violent storm.

"I asked you something! Answer!" The tree suddenly found it and suddenly overturned the table.

"What courage did you blame him for? Give me your words back!

Aren't they all very good? Living in your mouth can be said to be dead, and dead in your mouth can be said to be alive. Their abilities are not very big. Now what's wrong! Ah!

Don't treat others as human beings one by one every day? You are the only one in the world, aren't you? I really have to admire your mouth, but also your IQ. Your brains are almost at the level of the strongest brain. Without any evidence, you have created dozens of hundreds of them. Without black spots, you can even find someone to disguise them. They are all powerful.

In addition, the part of the audience who watched the live broadcast was not big enough, so they liked to watch the lively crowd. You are also very powerful, just like the grass was blown by the wind that spring. You can fall down wherever it blows. When Xiao Mingxiu was a hero in the past, he was praised for a while.

As soon as the wind changes direction, you begin to scold. As much as you praise, you scold. Touch your conscience and tell me whether you are still human?

Every day it is said that justice will be late, but it will not be absent.

TM's people are dead. It's no use whether justice comes or not! Can it save people or something? Can you all die for him or something? You obviously have human appearance, but under this skin are all wolves, tigers and leopards, and all demons. Why do we need heroes to send you to the battlefield? You can talk the other side to death as soon as you open your mouth. What do you want us to do? "The tree said a lot, some of them lack oxygen. After taking a few deep breaths, he continued:" It's no use for anyone to mention to me that justice is late or absent. Since it's late, it can't be regarded as justice. He is already wrong, and don't insist on being right.

Finally, let's say one more thing. The hero Lao Tzu is wrong. Who would love to be a hero!

After saying that, the tree turned and stepped down from the stage, disappeared in the eyes of everyone, and the press conference ended like this.

Soon, the Association issued a statement: Hero Tree withdrew from the Association and no longer held the identity of hero.

In the next three years, the forest never appeared in the public's view, and no one except a few people knew what he was doing.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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