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Chapter 1 Arrest

"Dark, run! Those cops are catching up!"

The harsh siren whistled not far away, and Dake covered his head. Warm blood flowed into his eyes along his face, making his vision a bit blurred.

Where am I?

The dizziness lingered, and Dake stood with his head covered. He felt as if his brain had been put into a washing machine, and then came to a 72 hour washing package.

A tall young man with golden hair, blue eyes and a classic European man's face came running. He was sweating and said anxiously, "Dake, why are you still holding a knife?! The police came up and threw away everything... clothes, clothes, let the cops find us and we will be finished!"

Dake bowed his head, and a blood stained dagger was tightly held in his hand.

son of a gun! What happened?

A dog barked at the end of the alley.

The two men turned around. Several tall special police officers, wearing black helmets, holding explosion-proof shields and leading police dogs rushed in.

"You are surrounded! Put down your weapons! Hold your head in your hands and squat down!"

Dake's face became a little ugly.

The clothes and knives stained with blood, the wanted by the police, and the words of the strange young man were not linked by many clues. Dake came to a conclusion that made him extremely desperate: he crossed, crossed to a rather reckless murderer, and the worst thing was that he hadn't had time to understand the situation and do anything, I was caught by the police in the process of committing a crime!

I'm in big trouble.

The alley was quickly blocked, and the heavily armed police approached from both sides. Dake smiled bitterly and threw away his knife.


Brooklyn Branch, New York.

A thick file was photographed in front of Dake.

Dake ignored the black policeman with a black face. He opened the file and read the records carefully.

Darker Jartis, born in 1990, is located at 29 East 15th Street, Brooklyn.

Dake's attitude obviously stimulated the black police. He stood up and his expression changed. A few minutes later, the black police sat down again and said in a cold voice: "Dake Gatith, his parents were dead, and the only relative was his brother John. Now he is in the next interrogation room. Both of you are charged with the same crime of first-degree murder. There are evidences and eyewitnesses. What are you going to say? "

Dake curled his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

The continuous silence made the black policeman a little angry, and he patted the table: "Dake, I know you are only 17 years old. If you think that everything will be all right if you are a minor, then you are wrong. Deliberate murder. If this charge is established, even a light sentence will go in for more than 120 years. How old will you be when you come out? Thirty or forty?"

Dake rubbed his temples. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to speak.

Could you just tell the police in front that you are a new comer, but you are unlucky enough to fall into the body of a murderer?

To be honest, welcome to the mental hospital!

Make it up... I don't know anything, I don't know how to make it up.

"What do you expect from me?"

The black policeman choked: "The motive, the process, who participated in the crime, all the things you think are meaningful!"

"These will help me commute my sentence?"


"Then why should I explain this?"

Dake closed his eyes.

I don't know whether it is the sequela of crossing. He can always see strange effects on the bright flat wall. Some are like the scenes in the movie he watched before crossing, while others are completely different. These worlds are stacked together like ghosts, making the clean and smooth walls strange and mysterious. Of course, the familiar vertigo is also indispensable.

Staring at the smooth desktop, the image of a giant dragon gradually becomes clear.

Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand. Unexpectedly, his fingers crossed the table and touched the cold scales on the dragon's neck.

In the picture, the sleeping dragon suddenly wakes up, the lizard like golden pupil stares at his back, then it suddenly opens its mouth, and a red dragon breath gushes out.

As soon as Dake withdrew his hand, the red flame burst on the table.


In the blink of an eye, the police station was in a mess. The piercing alarm sounded, and a large group of policemen rushed into the interrogation room with guns.

Dake looked at the flame on the table, and the metal table was destroyed by Dragon's Breath in the blink of an eye. Then the flame fell to the ground, burning the chains that bound his hands. The flame went down and quickly stuck to the black policeman's shoes. Just in the blink of an eye, the black policeman didn't even have time to scream. The flame rose to more than two meters high and swallowed his whole person... In everyone's frightened eyes, the black policeman completely disappeared in just a dozen seconds. Only the black ash flying in the air proved that the man once existed.

After burning the black detective, the flame finally went out.

Faced with a dozen black guns, Dake raised his hand and surrendered without hesitation: "I said... I don't know what's going on, do you believe it?"

A group of policemen hung the expression of "You are teasing me" and put him on the table. A policewoman trotted over and handed him an anesthetic, which was stuck on Dake's neck without hesitation.


When Dake woke up again, he was already in a prison car. He reached out to touch it and found that he had a collar on his neck.

"They say it's a mutant ability suppressor."

Dake looked up and found that John was sitting beside him with a collar. He pointed to his neck and said, "We are brothers, so they also regarded me as a mutant."

"Where are we going?"

"The Ice Prison Castle, built in Siberia, is said to be a base for the detention of mutants."

Dake blinked and found that he could still see those strange images. The collar seemed to have no effect on his strange ability.

"How long are they going to lock us up?"

"How long?" John clenched his fist. "Dake, we are mutants. Those bastards have no intention of letting us out!"

The atmosphere in the car became dull. Unlike John, who was full of despair, Dake did not care about Icecrown Castle. Although he did not know much about his own ability and could not use it, there were two things that made him confident about escaping from the ice prison: first, his ability did not seem to come from the mutant gene, and the mutant ability suppression collar was almost ineffective for him; Second, everyone thinks that he is just an ordinary person with a collar.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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