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Chapter 1 Happy Break up

Doodle, doodle

With a burst of mobile phone vibration, Zhang Tian woke up from his sleep, and without looking at it, he clicked on to answer the call.

"Who? What phone call in the morning!"

"Zhang Tian, come to Jinghu right away." A cool female voice came from her mobile phone.

Zhang Tian was surprised and immediately sat up and took a look at the name on his mobile phone - girlfriend!

"Ah, it's Qianqian. All right, I'll come right away. You wait for me for a while." He said, and hung up the phone opposite.

Zhang Tian, a junior at Nancheng University, has an average appearance, family and study. The only thing worth showing off is that he has a girl friend who is a school flower Sun Qian.

At the beginning, when they were together, they didn't know how much criticism they had received. Many people guessed that Zhang Tian was the second generation of rich people and officials.

But only he knew that he was just a common people. Sun Qian only liked him because he was more agreeable and obedient, and used him as a shield.

Even so, Zhang Tian has always had fantasies. What if Sun Qian really likes him one day? What if?

Zhang Tian hangs up his mobile phone, gets out of bed angrily, finishes washing quickly, and runs to the Jinghu Lake farting.

Next to the Jinghu Lake, the spring breeze is gentle and the sun is bright. Many men and women were sitting by the lake, so caressing that single dogs passing by looked sideways.

At this time, under a willow tree near the lake, a tall beauty stood beside the tree, her skin was fair and her face was exquisite, which attracted many men with girlfriends to look at her.

Zhang Tian saw the beautiful figure from a long distance and ran past, his face giggling.

The beauty looked at Zhang Tian, her face cold, and slowly said, "Zhang Tian, let's break up."

Zhang Tian was stunned when he heard the words. Although he expected this day, he was still a little overwhelmed and asked, "Qianqian, what are you talking about?"

"I said, let's break up," Sun Qian said impatiently.

Zhang Tian was silent, and many thoughts suddenly filled his mind. It turned out that all efforts were in vain, and the toad wanted to eat the swan meat? It's so naive.

"Hear that? Let's break up. Don't come to me again." Sun Qian said again.

"Hehe." Zhang Tian smiled, a bit sly. OK, you are merciless to me, so don't blame me for being unjust to you.

"Why are you laughing?" Sun Qian was a little angry.

Zhang Tian took a deep breath and suddenly shouted.

"Sun Qian, from today on, you have been dumped by me!" Zhang Tian's voice was so loud that it instantly resounded all over the Jinghu Lake, and many people cast surprised eyes.

Who is Sun Qian? Isn't that the school flower? Did you get dumped?!

As soon as Zhang Tianhua finished speaking, he turned and walked away, leaving Sun Qian with a confused face.

Running after loading is really exciting! Don't you want to break up? I will help you. You are indifferent to me today, but tomorrow I will make you unbearable.

Zhang Tian left the Jinghu Lake and walked home, humming a song happily "Happy breakup, I wish you happiness, you can..."

Eh, is it not good for me to do this? I broke up, should I be sad? And then buy a bottle of 82 year old dry? And then groan in the circle of friends?

Yes, it must be. Otherwise, how can we afford this wasted youth? It happened that there was no class today.

Zhang Tianma slipped to the supermarket to buy a bottle of Laobaigan and Erliang Shaoya, and quickly returned home.

Zhang Tian lives in a rented room outside the school. He rents this room part-time for the convenience of 500 a month, which is almost half of his living expenses.

The room is very small, just a single room plus a toilet, almost just enough for a bed and a table.

Zhang Tian put Lao Baigan and Shao La on the table, opened the laptop that he had bought for three years, and finally found a song that he thought was suitable for the occasion.

The melodious music began slowly.

"Yo yo... I betrayed my love, forced me to leave, and finally I shed tears when I knew the truth..."

Zhang Tian listens to the music, opens the Baigan, pours himself a full cup, then drinks himself, and eats two pieces of burnt wax from time to time.

He tried to blend himself into the sad atmosphere, but he found that he could not feel sad in any case. At most, it was a pity.

Sun Qian uses him hypocritically, but he is just greedy for Sun Qian's beauty. Besides, he won't be hurt if he breaks up. Although they haven't even kissed each other, their hands are also excellent.

Zhang Tian recalled all the things he had done before, and his face unconsciously showed a drunken smile. After a while, a bottle of old men's work was mostly gone.

His mind began to get a little confused, and finally he lay down in bed and fell asleep.

I don't know how long he slept. Zhang Tian woke up in a daze and looked at his mobile phone.

"I'm going. It's more than one o'clock. Fortunately, I woke up, otherwise I would be late for class again."

Zhang Tian hurriedly got up, washed his cold face, and ran towards the school with his sleepy head.

The teaching building is not far from where he lives, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk.

Zhang Tianyi walks into the campus. I saw a lot of people pointing at me. It was obvious that the morning event had spread all over the campus.

It doesn't matter to him at all. People who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

While he was walking with all his heart, a group of big men suddenly came out. The boy who was the leader pointed at him angrily and said, "Stop!"

The boy is at least one meter and eight meters tall, and he is tall. The most important thing is that he has a white face, which is the kind of white face that little girls get wet at first sight.

Zhang Tian touched his rough old face and measured his height of more than 1.7 meters. He was a little ashamed.

"Who are you? We know each other?"

"My name is Lin Yaoxiang, Sun Qian's boyfriend!" said the man Hongsheng with a proud face.

what? Sun Qian's boyfriend? Could it be that I was Zhang Tian suddenly felt a bright color appeared on his head.

However, the words of the boy beside him made him feel relieved.

"Boss, I haven't promised you yet."

"Get out of the way, let you talk too much?" Lin Yaoxiang pushed the boy aside. "Isn't that something that will happen sooner or later?"

Then he pointed to Zhang Tian's nose and said, "You must apologize to Sun Qian publicly, or you will feel better."

Yes. It's the Flower Protector.

It is impossible to apologize. It is impossible to apologize in this life.

Zhang Tianyi opened Lin Yaoxiang's hand and said lazily, "Handsome, please let me go. I have to go to class. If I'm late, you will be responsible for it?"

Lin Yaoxiang was furious when he saw Zhang Tian's hanging appearance. He took a big step, grabbed Zhang Tian's collar and said, "Don't stand on the horse to compete with me, or you will know why the pot is made of iron." Before he finished speaking, several big men gathered around him.

The students passing by also stopped to look around, looking at the good play.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. Zhang Tian is really afraid that they will start if they disagree.

"Be civilized. You are all college students. If you can compare, don't do it," Zhang Tian said.

Lin Yaoxiang did not care so much, but his strength increased a bit, and he said in a cruel voice: "I'll give you another chance, will you apologize?"

Zhang Tian's neck was cold. Just as he was about to nod his head, a clear cry came from him.

"Husband, is that you?"

When they heard the words, they were stunned and followed their reputation.

I saw a beautiful woman in ancient clothes standing not far away, wearing a pink gauze dress, tall and tall, with long hair reaching to the waist. Clear and bright pupils, curved eyebrows, white and flawless faces with light pink, thin red lips are as delicate as rose petals.

This looks like a fairy coming out of a dream. Sun Qian and her are totally different.

husband? Are you calling me? Zhang Tian looked around and pointed to himself, his voice trembling: "Beauty, are you calling me?"

"Yes, honey, I finally found you after looking for so long." The ancient beauty ran to Zhang Tian's side, pushed Lin Yaoxiang away, held Zhang Tian tightly, and Lihua began to cry.

"Husband, I miss you so much."

The crowd looked puzzled.

Zhang Tian was also confused. Could it be that a film crew came to the school to film?

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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