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Chapter 1 Father

Wei Jun was fostered at the old village head's house a few days after he was born.

According to the old village head, "Your mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to you, and your father left the village to wander outside a few days later, and then there was no news."

The old village head also issued a good man card: "Your father is a good man and has a sense of responsibility. He will never abandon his family and children. He has not come back for so many years. Alas, it may be unlucky... Your grandfather's generation was a smart card when your father moved to the village."

The cold feeling is not over his forehead, which means that scales have spread here. Wei Jun recovers some strength. He struggles to get up and shivers into the inner room to find a small round mirror.

The face reflected on the mirror is exactly the same as in the dream. The whole face is twisted and covered with black scales. No more human skin color can be seen. It is strange and scary. The only difference is that Wei Jun still has black pupils in his eyes.

"When I got home, there was no change..."

He went back to the main hall with a mirror and sat down. He stared at the altar and looked at his father's photos. His heart was full of loss.

"Is it a skin disease? I will go to the examination room like in a dream..."

He couldn't think any more. He was very sad. He once ate steamed bread to make a living. He only wanted to buy a book of materials. He once studied desperately in order to free the school from tuition fees. He forced himself like a madman. In addition to sleeping, he learned. All this was to change his fate during the college entrance examination.

But now, everything is over.

"What's the matter with this ghost appearance?" He could not help crying out, covering his face and holding back tears.

At this time, he is no longer the admired, calm and humorous son of God, but a monster abandoned by the world, full of helplessness and sadness

The black scales did not stop because of his helplessness, but were still spreading relentlessly.

At the moment when the scales were all over the head, a man's voice suddenly sounded in the calm room.

"My father is sorry for you, son."

"Who!" Weijun's face suddenly changed when he was suffering. He looked around, but he didn't find half a figure.

Just when he was wondering whether he was hallucinating, the male voice suddenly sounded.

"Son, I'm your father."

The voice appeared very close to Wei Jun, two meters in front of him, in front of the altar!

"Dad!" Wei Jun's heart was like a raging storm. His eyes were full of eyes. He was stunned for two seconds before he came back to his senses. He fought back the shock in his heart and tried to calm his voice: "I... Why can't I see you?"

In the nihility, a response soon sounded: "I am now a soul, and the naked eye cannot find it."

"Soul!?" Wei Jun's brain suddenly almost shut down, subconsciously thinking that someone was teasing him.

A sigh came from the void: "It's Dad who is sorry for you, kid. Take down the six magic cards and set the eight trigrams in the direction of Tianqian to the north. Each one is half a meter apart. Tianqian and Tiankun are the two. I will tell you one by one later."

At this time, Wei Jun finally remembered the black scales on his body. He asked cautiously and expectantly, "Can you remove the scales from me?"


His voice was firm, which gave Wei Jun great hope. In fact, he was not sure what the other side said was true or false, but now he looked like a ghost, he didn't think he was worth killing.

Without hesitation, he walked to the altar and carefully picked up the six pieces of magic cards. The stone ones were cold and even felt stinging. When he was young, he was curious about why other people's soul cards were made of wood, while his own ones were made of stone.

Pick up the token and place the gossip on the floor according to what the other party said. Just then, the gossip was placed in the north and south of the sky, and the voice came from nothingness.

"Kid, go to the north Tianqian seat and sit cross knee."

Wei Jun didn't know why, but since he chose to cooperate, he had to follow the other party's instructions. Then he suddenly remembered that there were some human acupoints and diagrams of Yin and Yang Eight Diagrams on his family tree. He was curious about why these things were recorded on the family tree, but now he vaguely felt that it was for today?

Just when he sat down at the Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heavenly Heav.

Wei Jun and the qi shadow formed a circle with the six magic cards, occupying eight directions and forming a complete Eight Diagrams.

"Is he the one who claims to be my father? Is there really a soul in the world?" The air shadow is so vague that he can hardly see it is a human figure. Wei Jun doesn't have much feeling of kinship, but he is shocked by the image of the other party in his heart.

At this time, his mind was somewhat confused, his thoughts were strongly impacted, and his world view formed for many years was collapsing.

Sit down and a thick voice comes from the other side.

"Yin and Yang give birth to two meanings, and two meanings give birth to four elephants!"

His voice was like a big bell of Huang Lv, full of high spirited righteousness. As soon as his voice fell, I did not know what he had done. Wei Jun's clothes rose without wind, and the six trumpets suddenly shook up and became increasingly fierce.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

With the continuous crackling sound, the six magic cards turned into powder in Wei Jun's shocked eyes, and each left a cloud of white gas in place, like ghost fire, floating in the air!

After the air mass appeared, the circle near the center of the Eight Diagrams in front of Wei Jun slowly condensed four dim and erratic air shadows, which were only the size of a baby's fist, especially the air shadow in front of the other's Di Kun was the most clear, like a ferocious turtle.

"Xuanwu! Between Yin and Yang and the Eight Trigrams, there are four holy beasts, namely, green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, and Xuanwu. But why is Xuanwu in front of him so clear? Xuanwu is in charge of the north, shouldn't it be on my side?"

Without thinking deeply, Wei Jun heard the other's voice again. This time, the voice seemed to have some pain.

"The heaven and earth are black and yellow, with yin and yang poles; dry and moving downward, and the earth is moist and upward; the six trigrams refer to what is inside and outside..."

Wei Jun found that all the chants could be found in the genealogy. He was inclined to believe the identity of the other party, and became increasingly excited.

Along with the chanting, a white column appeared on the other side to connect the clear Xuanwu, and then the white qi formed by six magic cards gathered on Xuanwu, condensing the Xuanwu qi shadow to become more real.


When the white gas from the Lingpai disappeared, and the Xuanwu gas was condensed like a white jade statue, the other party just finished reading, and suddenly pointed to Weijun's heart and shouted.

The ferocious tortoise seemed to have intelligence. He glanced up at Wei Jun, sniffed, and then swam to his heart like a paddle in the middle of the air. In between, the other three thin ghost images danced around Xuanwu as if they were seeing him off.

Wei Jun stares at the Xuanwu Turtle as he swims closer. He is full of speculation about the consequences and considers whether to hide.

In the end, he still didn't move. He stared like a fool. God knows if he lost his mind because he was too shocked. He doubted that he was still dreaming and his world view of 18 years had collapsed.

Watching the little turtle creeping into his body through his body, he felt a cold air circling in his left chest. Just when he felt that he was about to finish, he saw the little turtle put his head out of his chest and looked at the opposite figure.

"Open!" The figure opposite shouted. Without any preparation, Wei Jun felt that a knife was stabbing him in the chest.


He screamed in pain, tearing his heart and lungs!

they hurt! Heart piercing pain! It was as painful as tearing the heart, as if the soul would be out of the body and pass out in the next second.

The feeling was like cutting a hole in the heart to let the turtle slip into the heart.

Just as Wei Jun was on the verge of fainting, a golden light suddenly rose from his heart, like the waves in the water, which infected his black scales, making them suddenly golden. The golden light seemed like a warm current to nourish his body, making his pain instantly fade away and energetic.

At this time, Wei Jun's whole body was shining with dazzling golden light, just like a golden armor god!

In the blink of an eye, the golden light receded, and the scales on his body returned to black. Wei Jun felt warm all over, and almost groaned out of comfort.

"My child, I have passed on the Xuanwu Soul to you. Meditate and feel the existence of that soul."

What has happened so far has gone beyond Wei Jun's cognition. His mind is blank now. He can only do what the other side says, close his eyes, and feel the little turtle in his heart.

His eyes seemed to be able to see his own heart, which appeared in his mind. The heart seemed to be a small space, and the ferocious turtle lay quietly in it, overlapping with the heart. The size of the baby's fist, the body was surrounded by a thick layer of white gas, and it seemed that he was sleeping with his eyes closed.

"Kid, mobilize the white qi on its body, move from Tianlong to Sendai, and gather its eyes as the Holy Eye."

The other side's voice sounded again. The dragon was the spine, and Sendai was the brain. These were recorded in the genealogy. Wei Jun was no stranger.

He tried to use his mind to mobilize the white qi on the little turtle, but found that it could not be divided, and could only be pulled longer and longer like a thread ball. Suddenly, he realized that the white qi was transported from the spine to the brain like a needle and thread, and gathered in his eyes.

The white gas in his eyes accumulated more and more, as if to break through his eyelids, making him open his eyes involuntarily. A white light flashed, only feeling the white gas overflowing out, covering his eyes like contact lenses, forming a thin transparent film.

At this time, his eyes were white and he could only see a circle of fuzzy black pupils!

The holy beast in the room has disappeared, and only a clear translucent figure shows that what just happened really happened

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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