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Chapter 1 Bintian

May 13, the sixth anniversary of the Ming Dynasty, was destined to be an extraordinary day.

People in Beijing have been in a panic for a long time. Emperor Longqing has been enthroned for only six years, and it is in the prime of his life. After all, he has not survived.

In fact, as early as in leap March, there was a rumor that Emperor Longqing wanted Bintian. For this reason, the commander of the Royal Guards also became furious and checked and detained a large number of rumour mongers. In fact, Ma Liu was most clear about whether the news was a rumor. As a captain of the Royal Guards, he certainly knows that all the sources of information are released by the palace, but these people cannot be moved by the Royal Guards.

Thinking of this, Ma Liu shrank his neck. This kind of thing can't be worried by people at his level. Let's just live honestly.

In fact, he cared more about his wife and son than about the affairs in the palace.

Ma Liang is the only son of Ma Liu, and his old Ma family has also been handed down for three generations. Naturally, he needs to be disciplined strictly. In the future, he may be able to train a scholar to help them turn over the books of the Ma family.

However, he could not be the master of his mother-in-law, so it was up to her. Since childhood, he loved the child very much.

But the boy's skin belongs to his skin. He should always do something serious.

"Ma Liang'er is also 13 years old this year. It's time to find a job for him. He can't be too idle."

Speaking of Ma Liu's wife Shi Shi, she is from Datong Prefecture, Shanxi Province. She is beautiful and famous locally.

However, this woman's character is also shrewd, quick to talk and merciless.

Having studied private school for several years, he said he would make decisions for his future husband, so he had to marry her. How dare people marry such a tough wife.

If it is left to ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be laughed at and will never marry. Fortunately, Shifu is a senior official in Datong Mansion. He is also a top seven official and has a reputation.

His uncle is Ma Fang, the chief soldier of Xuanfu. In terms of Ma Fang's achievements in fighting with Tartars for many years, no one in Xuanda Prefecture would chew their tongue.

Unexpectedly, a Royal Guards captain picked up a big bargain due to the final mistake. Of course, this man is Ma Laoliu.

Later, because the war in Datong was tight, and Shi was pregnant, his father had no choice but to send him to the capital. In order to be far away from Datong Mansion, a place of hundred battles.

"Ah Qiu~" Ma Liu rubbed his nose and was at a loss. It's obviously in May. Why is it still so cold in the Forbidden City.

Ma Liu squinted at the Imperial Palace next to him. The three adults seemed to have been inside for a long time. They didn't know what military and state affairs they would discuss.

In the Huangji Hall at this moment, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and Gao Yi looked at each other in front. I'm afraid Emperor Longqing is really no good.

The purpose of summoning the three of them to the palace is to order them to be the ministers of the new emperor and assist the Ming Dynasty.

However, Emperor Longqing finally asked Feng Bao, the eunuch who took care of the new emperor's living, to join in.

Gao Gong's face was not very good looking, and his chest was still rising and falling. It was obvious that he was really angry. If Emperor Longqing hadn't just fainted, he would have asked the emperor to withdraw.

"Ladies and gentlemen, eunuchs are involved in politics, and there is no harmony between the ancestors' etiquette and law." Gao Gong gasped.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, explicitly ordered that eunuchs should not interfere in politics.

Gao Gong is a bull tempered man and speaks harshly. But what he said was true. For hundreds of years in the Ming Dynasty, he had never heard of making a eunuch a minister who cared for his life.

What's more, it is a shame for scholars all over the world to sit on an equal footing with the three cabinet scholars.

Gao Gong looks up at Zhang Juzheng on the opposite side. He sees that the other side is just keeping his eyes closed and sitting up, without any intention of making a statement.

But this is a kind of attitude.

Seeing the atmosphere between the two people becoming more and more delicate, Gao Yi on the other side hurriedly got up to make up for it.

"You old men, you are very generous. Let's go to Wenyuan Pavilion to discuss."

At present, there are only three cabinet members. Gao Gong is the first assistant of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng is the second assistant, and Gao Yi is the last. If the first assistant and the second assistant do not agree with each other, he has to be a peacemaker in many cases to maintain the stability of the cabinet.


The three cabinet ministers have left, while Ma Liu is still standing outside the hall in a daze. Someone behind him gives him a push.

Ma Liu was almost prevented from pulling out his waist knife. I can't help it. It's a habit of the Royal Guards.

"Ah, President Liu Qian" Ma Liuyi saw the visitor and immediately put on a flattering smile.

Liu Wei, the head of the Royal Guards, is mainly responsible for the allocation of the Royal Guards in the palace. He is Ma Liu's immediate boss.

"Yes." Liu Wei waved his hand casually: "It says that you have done a good job in guarding, and has agreed to let you go home. Remember to ask your son to cover the gap later."

Hearing the news, Ma Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief and was busy thanking Wei Liu.

It said that he was a good guardian. Ma Liu didn't know who was guarding him, but when he saw someone attacking a child with an ax stick that day, he helped him by the way and got an axe on his waist.

Now I think that it may not be the nephew of some prince that can attract the attention of such a senior official as Liu Qianhu.

The murderer is said to be a madman, talking nonsense. He was captured by the East Hall and locked up.

Liu Wei didn't talk nonsense anymore. He asked someone to hand over to Ma Liu and sent him to get his salary.

When he walked out of the palace, Ma Liu turned his head. He saw that the whole Forbidden City was covered in a cloud, which made people feel very depressed.

On the way back, Ma Liu didn't go home directly. Instead, I went to a familiar pub to drink.

It's rare to receive so much salary. In addition to the second thing in his life that makes him happy, he must have a little wine to celebrate. As for the first happy thing, he married a beautiful wife.

"Hey, Ma Laoliu, how dare you come to drink? I'm not afraid that your wife will catch you." It was the Xiaowei of Ma Liutong who spoke. He is also a guy who often drinks.

"Cut, this old lady has to listen to the old man. If she dares to talk too much, I will not cut her."

This remark immediately caused a burst of laughter.

This tavern is located in a remote place with a small flow of people, but it is one of the places where Royal Guards must go to have a rest. Shi Shi is not familiar with this place, so Ma Liu is not afraid of it.

However, due to Shi's shrewd character, he was embarrassed by his colleagues.

Immediately, there were people who didn't mind the excitement and rushed to the Ma Liujia to describe the situation to Shi Shi.

In less than half an hour, I heard Shi Shi holding a big stick and knocking on the wall along the road, while knocking, he also shouted loudly: "Ma Liu, you old man, get out of here quickly."

The crowd was surprised at first, and then quickly looked out in a swarm. When they turned back to find Ma Liu, he was dead on the wall.

With bursts of laughter, the night also slowly pulled down. The clouds in the Forbidden City are hanging down.

And tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night.

The eunuchs and eunuchs were busy for most of the night, but they were still unable to save the life of Emperor Longqing.

On this day, the twelfth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Longqing, Zhu Zaiban, visited Bintian.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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