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Chapter 1 Job Transfer

According to legend, a long time ago.

At the beginning of Pangu's epoch-making, four domains were not divided and six boundaries were not divided.

On the earth, people and demons are mixed together, gods and demons kill each other, and the spirits flee everywhere.

Weak human beings and demon families, like ants, suffer unspeakably when they mix.

Until the appearance of the ancient god Nuwa

Born in half human and half demon, she divided the earth and creatures into four regions and six boundaries with the power of ancient gods in order to prevent the human and demon families from being slaughtered.

One domain: the human domain, where people and demons live together.

Second domain: God and devil domain, let the gods and demons fight against each other.

Three realms: giant spirit realm, for the reproduction of giant spirit.

Four realms: corpse soul realm, for the dead to live in.

Since then, four domains and six boundaries have been clear, and the world has ushered in temporary peace and tranquility.

However, after tens of thousands of years of maintenance, even if the ancient gods are immortal, they will eventually run out of oil.

When Nuwa was dying, the power of the ancient gods became fragile

Fissures began to appear among the four regions, and the human region became dangerous again.

In order to prevent the earth creatures from repeating the same mistakes

Nuwa summoned three powerful dragons from outside the universe to guard the cracks between different regions and the world.

The last power of the ancient gods was transformed into eight powers to meet the needs of ordinary people.

Among them, the eyes are transformed into the sun and the moon, giving them the power of the sun and the moon; the snake Lin is transformed into 108 stars, giving them the power of the stars.

The other six forces are scattered in the world.

Nuwa passed away for thousands of years

As expected, the human continent became chaotic.

The order is out of order, and everything is based on strength. All races and tribes began to fight and kill each other.

At this time, the human world becomes like purgatory again for the weak.

But just then

The first hero named Kunpeng was born on the Tianhong continent in the world, known as the Taoist Ancestor of Kunpeng in history.

Tao Zu, with the power of Xing Chen, reincarnated into the world. In the following eight hundred years, he calmed down human disputes and reestablished human order with the supreme Tao.

When Daozu died, his disciples continued to uphold the will and maintain the righteous path of the world.

Among them, Xuanzu led the friars with Xuandao and founded sects among the five mountains; Wu Zu led the world to create a country with martial arts.

After thousands of years of development, the mainland is now a land of numerous sects and countries.


Xuandaozhong, Qianluan Peak, Star Watching Pavilion.

Shen Gonghuan, the Taoist priest of Tianji, is sitting on the ground and cultivating on Pluto. The huge divine sense is enveloping the huge airspace.



Two stars cut through the sky and rushed toward the earth.

This is

Shen Gonghuan was slightly stunned and said to himself, "Why has the life star come into the world frequently in recent years? Is there any big event?"

When he thought about it, his divine sense was restrained, and he looked towards the stars, and immediately became frightened!

I saw one of the stars was surrounded by black fog, with a faint evil spirit.

This is the star of good fortune, how can it be so?

Shen Gonghuan could not help twirling his fingers, but opened his eyes in amazement!

This orbit

It came from the corpse soul realm!


Dongzhou is located in the northwest.

In the night sky, two meteors came at full speed.

They drag long golden flame clothes and emit dazzling light in their rowing.

However, there are obvious differences between the two meteors, which are almost the same size and shape.

One meteor was unusually bright, while the other was much dimmer.

Look carefully

The reason why the meteor was dim was that it was attached to a black soul fog.

The soul fog revolves around the star crazily, as if to get into it, but it turns into wisps of black smoke under the burning of the flame clothing.

The soul fog was burned, and it seemed that it could feel pain, and was sending out a series of shrill and weird howls

The meteor is getting closer and smaller, and the soul fog is getting thinner

Evanescent field——

The bright one continues to sweep to the east; The fainter one fell quickly.

The meteor is falling! The accelerated burning of stars

At the moment when the star burned out, a golden core was exposed.

After a pause in the air, the core slowly unfolded and gradually turned into a golden film in the shape of a snake.

A crystal clear white light ball wrapped in it also came into view.

The light ball only appeared, and the last remaining trace of soul fog quickly disappeared into it.

The light ball, carrying the black fog, fell down and finally fell into a courtyard.

instant! The sky glowed with multicolored rays.

Then came the sound of a baby crying; Later, only one woman shouted: "Master... has given birth! It's a boy!


"Shifu, Shifu, the Destiny Star is falling!"

He saw a childish boy sitting beside Shen Gonghuan, watching the stars in proportion to Shen Gonghuan's appearance.

At this time, he noticed that the star landed, and shouted excitedly to Shen Gonghuan.

When Shen Gonghuan heard the sound, he took back his expression of amazement, stroked his little head and said, "Don't be excited, my disciple. Do you know what the star is?"

The little boy looked stunned and cute, blinked a pair of bright big eyes, and after a little reflection, said: "It is the red phoenix star and the dragon star, the twin phoenix star of marriage."

"Well, not bad! I'm getting better."

Shen Gonghuan is obviously satisfied with his disciple. At a young age, I can master the spiritual awareness of the airspace and detect the changes in the orbit of the stars. Even if my talent is better than that of my previous years, it is not too bad!

Then he said, "Since you know the orbit of the stars, will Master take you down the mountain tomorrow? Remember to take your little puppet with you."

When the little boy heard that he was going down the mountain, he was in high spirits.

The things at the foot of the mountain had been very curious for a long time. At the moment, Shen Gonghuan was pestered to ask questions, but Shen Gonghuan was not too upset. He answered all the questions one by one, and there was great harmony between the master and the apprentice


The demon world is the place of curse.

Under a towering ancient tree stood a handsome man and a young girl.

The man held on to the girl, but his eyes were fixed on the fruit buds on the ancient tree.

I saw that the flower buds were mostly colorful and gorgeous, but only one plant was as black as ink. As for the fruits, they were all young and white, like babies.

The man stared, but kept mumbling




At this point, the man paused slightly and hesitated in his eyes.

It seemed that I was ready to start again, but I heard a voice.

"You don't have to count any more. It's 108!"

Then an old woman in plain clothes came out of the tree with a stick.

The old woman was bent, wrinkled, and faltering.

She walked slowly under a vine, pointed at the black flower bud, and then said, "Among them, there is one broken vine, ninety-nine fruits, and eight flower buds. Now the black flower bud has appeared, and Chenyan is about to pay“

When the man saw the visitor, he bowed down and shouted softly, "Grandma Tree Spirit!"

But the old woman ignored him, but looked at the girl deeply.

Her burning eyes frightened the girl to hide behind the man.

Seeing this situation, the old woman sighed: "This son is young, and the fox king has to make a decision early.

With that, he turned and walked towards the ancient tree.

When leaving, she only heard her murmur and said, "The prophecy language: the fox turns into a child, the black bud results, the hero returns, and the curse is eliminated..."



Revised on November 15, 2022.15

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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