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Chapter 1 Galaxy Closing: Death Notice

Autumn October. City A.

The Galaxy Building, which lasted for three years, was finally completed today.

It was Miss Su Qianmo, the chief designer of the building, and Yun Qi, the president of the investor Xingyun Group, who unveiled the tallest building in City A.

The unveiling of the Galaxy Building immediately became a favorite of the media, and occupied the front page headlines of major media in A city for a while. Some people even discovered the secret underground love story of Suqian Road and Yunqi

The crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, and relevant personnel also entered the celebration banquet in the opposite hotel.

At noon, the sun was very strong. Su Qianmo raised his head slightly, stared at the dazzling sun and looked at the top of the building. The light was sprinkled on the glass curtain wall of the building, which really shone like the Milky Way.

Lu Feiyang, didn't you say that on the day when the Galaxy Building was completed, we would meet again?

"Director Su, your registered letter is from America." Assistant Mary handed over an express.

Su Qian Mo quickly closed his sight and opened the registered letter.

Name: Lu Feiyang.

Time of death: September 14, 2013

Cause of death: The sequela of the car accident caused the retroauricular tumor to deteriorate, accompanied by deafness symptoms.

The thin fingers suddenly shook, and the white death notice floated to the ground.

The breeze seemed to come suddenly, rolled up the thin paper on the ground and flew over the road.

Su Qianmo stood in the same place, his body seemed to be frozen by the ice, and he did not move.

After a while, I looked up at the towering Galaxy Building and suddenly burst into tears.

The bustling streets behind are full of traffic and people.

The wail of Su Qianmo was drowned, and the reunion she had been waiting for too long was also drowned.

Lu Feiyang, you owe me a goodbye all your life.


[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]

[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]

[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]

[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]

[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]


[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!! Chapter 18!!!!!! Save traffic!!!!! The previous 17 chapters are repeated with the old article!!!!! You should be advised!!]

[Important announcement: This book is a sequel to "Grassroots Queen: Elegy of Campus Love". All readers please skip to Chapter 18 directly!!!!]

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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