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Chapter 1 Sugar in Grams

Summer, as always, is noisy, and the restless heat in the air is spreading.

However, such as Su Ziche, the room is equipped with 16 degree air conditioner 24 hours a day. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, there is no dignity in front of the power of capital.

"Hmm?" Su Zichu, who was in Schrodinger's fat house state, woke up because of a text message on his mobile phone

"The express is coming..." He rubbed the messy hair on his head and said, "How troublesome! I have to go downstairs again..."

It took a little effort to get up from the 3mx3m bed

Su Zichu simply straightened out the messy hair, put on shoes, and put on a T-shirt printed with some disgraceful king in yellow.

The fat house in front of the huge floor mirror is already a handsome young man of the Mori family.

At the moment of opening the door, Su Ziche could not help but tremble. There was no way, but the billowing heat wave hit.

Inside and outside the room, like two worlds, he showed a decadent expression, "The central air-conditioning of the house needs to be repaired..."

The huge house is like a maze. As the owner of the house, Su Ziche spent more than ten minutes on various shortcuts to get downstairs.

When I opened the door, the express boy was obviously shocked by the trial training door designed by Ziche's sister (see the full time hunter beating the enemy Hakka, which is scaled down), and some of them could not speak.

Just by instinct, he handed over a box that could barely be called a beautiful box. Su Ziche accepted the box without any surprise, then handed him the express bill, closed the door and went upstairs.

Back in the air conditioner, Su Zichu threw herself and the express into bed together, and it took several minutes to get up to open the express.

Outside was a nice cardboard box. After opening it, an exaggerated book with the thickness of killing people was exposed. There was also a white notebook with a skeleton on the cover, two strange sweets and a bronze coin with Lalaiye and Kesulu on it.

"The book of the dead? I remember it was a treasure 198, right?" Su Zichu picked up the heavy red book and turned it over. "When did I buy it?"

Later, Su Ziche's eyes fell on the strange sugar, which was printed with "I ` aI ` a. Cthulhu Fhatgn." After some hesitation, curiosity prevailed

He opened one of them and ate it. "What ghost!? Isn't this Big White Rabbit Candy? Deceiving consumers?"

At this time, Su Ziche felt black in front of him for a short time and lost consciousness. At the same time, he lost his sense of direction and fell on the bed. After a while, he slowly woke up and a translucent panel appeared in front of him.

"What's the ghost of this thick painting style of domestic garbage online games?" Su Ziche looked at the simple panel and made no secret of his dislike in his tone.

"Let me see..." Ziche glanced at the panel, "the mall, role cards, backpacks, experience packs, friends, start matching, activities..."

"How can you see that it's a feeling of cheating Krypton's domestic pageant..." The tone becomes more disgusted "Only the creation role is on, and the novice guide is on? Except for the tentacles in the background, I can't see any gram style. Why is this thing called the Kesulu Running League Hall? Lord Luo knows that he will get up from the grave and swear?"

"Create a character..." Su Ziche tried to click on that position with his finger, and the interface entered the character creation stage.

[Please roll the dice to determine the initial attribute, or select to enter the actual attribute]

"Reality input? What do you mean?" He looked at this sentence and was lost in thought

"Try it." Then he clicked on the entry. In the void, an eye appeared behind him. Su Ziche clearly felt something staring at him. He suddenly turned back, just meeting his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the eye gradually disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

A note fell into his hand.

[Player]: Su Ziche [Age]: 23 [Gender]: Male [Age]: Modern

[Strength STR]: 55 [Agility DEX]: 55 [Will POW]: 70

[Constitution CON]: 60 [Appearance APP]: 75 [Education EDU]: 70

[Body Size]: 50 [Intelligence/Inspiration]: 80 [Movement Force MOV]: 9

[Physical HP]: 11/11 [Rational SAN]: 70 [Lucky Luck]: 65 [Magic MP]: 14/14

The panel also changes. [After entering attributes, please select occupation and fill in skills.]

"This attribute is unexpected... not bad"

Su Ziche hesitated and spent half an hour to finish the card. His occupation and skills are as follows:

[Occupation]: Writer [Credit rating]: 40

[Library use]: 70

[History]: 32

[Typing]: 45

[Literature]: 55

[Investigation]: 65

[Stealing]: 60

[Script]: 50

[Psychology]: 70

[Dodge]: 28

[Mother tongue: Chinese]: 70

[Foreign language: English]: 50

[A character card has been detected, and the background has been automatically improved. Do you want to open the trial level?]

"Open the trial."

Scene Introduction:

In the eyes of the old people in Hanwen Town, it seems that the rain here has never stopped. From time to time, a flash of lightning cuts through the dark clouds, bringing a dull thunder to illuminate the dilapidated monastery on the nearby mountain.

On the mottled exterior wall of the monastery, you can vaguely recall the magnificence of its glory. But now, the hall where people used to come and go has become a paradise for mice and reptiles.

No one can tell when the monastery was established, even the oldest old man with the longest beard and the whitest hair in the town.

It is said that several "learned gentlemen from big cities" came here once to study such old houses.

But strangely, after entering the monastery, they were all reticent about what was inside and warned the villagers not to enter.

When they came out, they also took away a person who seemed to be crazy. They seemed to go in with them. Somehow, they became crazy, with words of unknown meaning in their mouth.

Since then, the monastery has become even more desolate.

At the foot of that ominous monastery mountain, there is a small village that is also desolate. This afternoon, the village welcomed an uninvited guest---------------------

"In order to avoid the heavy rain, you entered a remote village.

How remote is this place? You have the most detailed map book in Britain, which can clearly mark several drainage outlets in London alleys. There is no village here.

The cold rain hits your face and flows into your coat. But you don't care anymore, because you have been numb by the cold, you only care about whether you can find a dry fireplace, light a fire, bake your body well, and warm up.

When you came to the house nearest you, the wide eaves let you escape the heavy rain that robbed your body temperature for a while. You were relieved and knocked at the door in front of you, praying that the owner of the house was a good person.

But no one answered the door. " A deep and magnetic voice sounded, and Su Ziche's surroundings became a remote and desolate village. It was raining, and his body was already wet.

"I am your kp - Yunmo in this running group game, investigator, please start your role."

"The map of London... that is to say, England?" Su Ziche instantly entered the state. As an old PL, Ziche knew that the running group was dangerous, and people never knew it.

Nine of the ten so-called kp players play card tearing. The COC running group refers to the call of Kesulu and its derivative game. The world view of this game is extremely unfriendly to human beings.

The weakest mythological creature also exists at the military level. Now, without knowing the difficulty of the module and being uncertain about the good and evil of kp, what he can do is not leave any room for kp to do things and make sure there is no mistake.

"The village of this size is not on the map..." Su Zichu's heart suddenly became uneasy. "It's not the matter of Naiya, the pot king, is it?"

"Kp, I choose to continue knocking!" Then Su Ziche began to knock hard at the door.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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