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Chapter 1

Shackle House, Yorkshire, England, 1991

Outside the luxurious villa is a flat lawn, surrounded by carefully designed gardens, fountains outline rainbows in the sun, and groups of white pigeons walk freely on the lawn.

A girl with amazing beauty was lying on the lawn with a book of "Forgotten Ancient Magic and Spells" in her hand, watching the white doves play quietly.

Her skin was as white as grease, and as bright as the moon. A long golden hair like a waterfall, straight down to the waist, shining in the sun. The blue eyes are sparkling. If you look at her, even your soul will sink into it.

Nadia Shakir, just turned eleven. The Shackle family is one of the twenty-eight holy pure blood families in England, which has a long history and high status.

His father, Isaacs Shacker, a member of Parliament of Wissengamo, served as the British Chairman of the International Federation of Magicians, and worked in Eastern Europe.

Nadia's mother, Iluli, is a beautiful baby. When Isaacs was working in Bulgaria, he met her at the bank of the Srebrena Lake. The two sides fell in love and harvested the crystal of love - Nadia. Shortly afterwards, Iluli disappeared into the fog of the lake and disappeared.

As an ancient pure blood family, the Shackle family is also difficult to escape the fate of dying blood. In addition to the Isaacs family, there is only one member left in the family - Kingsley Shackle, who serves as Auror in the Ministry of Magic.

Kingsley's father was deprived of the right to inherit wealth because he married an African witch that year. Isaacs and Kingsley are cousins by blood, but they have little contact with each other.

As Isaacs has traveled to Eastern European countries all the year round, he has spent more time with his daughter. Nadia spent most of her time in Shakir Manor with the company of the house elf Luti. Luti has been loyal to the Shakir family for hundreds of years, and always manages the housework in good order.

Living alone all the year round, Nadia made books her friends. Most of the time, she would sit quietly in the study, make a pot of tea, and read the rich collection of books at home. When it comes to the magic knowledge stored in her brain, she has exceeded most senior students in the magic school.

Unfortunately, because of the limitation of blood vessels, witches often cause uncontrollable danger when they cast spells at a young age. Therefore, according to the Ministry of Magic, witches can only enter the School of Magic when they are 11 years old, and begin boarding study for up to seven years to learn various skills of controlling and using magic.

"When will the letter of admission from Hogwarts College come?"

The girl was looking forward to it. Hogwarts College, one of the three major schools of magic in Europe, is home to wizards from the British Isles. In particular, it is worth looking forward to that the president of the school is Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of our time. He is a living legend.

A plush owl flew from afar, with a letter in its mouth, and landed in front of the girl. The envelope was made of thick yellow parchment, and the address was written in emerald green ink on it - to Miss Nadia Shackle, Shackle House, Yorkshire.

Nadia opened the envelope and read the contents of the letter.

"Dear Miss Nadia Shackle: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of books and equipment required is enclosed. The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will wait for your owl to bring you a reply before July 31. Vice Principal (female) Mileva McGonagall is very kind."

The girl's eyes were filled with waves of joy, and she called out loudly: "Luti!"

A female house elf with bat like ears, protruding eyes and a long and flat nose appeared in front of the girl. She politely asked, "Dear little master, what can I do for you?"

"Please get me some writing paper and pens, thank you."

The house elf happily brought the pen and paper to the little master. In the world view of domestic elves, serving their masters is their greatest glory. The owner's recognition of their work results is their greatest happiness.

"Dear Vice President Mileva McGonagall: The letter of admission has been received, and I will enroll on time. I wish you well. Nadia Shacker is very kind."

Nadia's writing is as soft and beautiful as her own. She put the reply in front of the owl. The owl held the letter in its beak, fluttered its wings, and flew to the distant sky.

Nadia turned to the second page of the letter, which detailed all the books and items needed. There are almost all other items at home, but only wands need to be purchased at Ollivander Wand Shop in Diagon Alley - not so much to purchase, but to let the wand choose the owner who really suits him.

"Luti, please help me inform my father that I need him to accompany me to Diagon Alley to buy entrance supplies for Hogwarts College."

It takes owls a long time to send messages, and domestic elves are far more talented than human wizards in phantom shifting. With only a few phantom movements, the domestic elf Luti can tell his father in front of him.

If father has nothing important to deal with, he will definitely come back together with Luti after receiving the message. When she thought that she would see her father tonight, the girl's face burst into a sweet smile.


Just then, an SUV from afar drove along the country road to Shacker Manor.

Compared with other conservative pure blood wizard families, Isaacs does not reject Muggle items. During his schooling, he also took the course of Muggle Studies. Nadia, under the influence of her father, also has a certain understanding of Muggle goods.

Nadia knows that cars are Muggle transportation vehicles. Of course, compared with the Floo powder, door keys or phantom shape shifting used by wizards, taking a car is extremely inefficient and unreliable in safety.

At the intersection near the manor, the driver of the car saw a striking warning sign - "Private manor, no entry". Instead of stopping, the car stepped on the accelerator and ran across the flat lawn to Nadia.

Quiet and elegant as Nadia, she was also irritated by the other party's rude behavior. She stood up slowly in an elegant posture, looked at the driver of the car in disgust, and thought about what words to use to reprimand the other party.

The door suddenly opened, and three masked adult men jumped out of it, holding anesthesia injection guns and aiming at Nadia.

Before the girl had a reaction, three anesthetic needles were shot at her. The girl did not even make a sound and fell on the ground.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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