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Chapter 1 Small Alarm Clock in Memory

Elephant said: Ninety two: When you see the dragon in the field, you can see the adults.

Wang Wenyi woke up from the nightmare with a start. He used to touch his cold sweat with his hand, and then looked at the ticking small alarm clock on the bedside table and smiled bitterly. Yes, he did not die, or that later he was dead, but he was resurrected 25 years ago.

A few hours after his rebirth, Wang Wenyi went from panic to shock and then to ecstasy. Thank God, thank the God Buddha, thank you, no matter who, thank him for letting himself come back, so that he has a chance never, so that he has a chance to make up for everything.

Never superstitious, Wang Wenyi is full of piety at this time. Looking at this wooden house, which had become blurred in his memory, Wang Wenyi was agitated and unable to calm down. Looking at his new "pink" hands and face, the 41 year old man felt a chill.

The TV next door was very noisy, and Wang Wenyi was completely sleepy for a while. All kinds of thoughts were stirring in his mind, and his mood could not be calmed. Gradually, the next door's voice became clear:

"Latest news from Taiwan: The Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Thailand announced that the Thai dollar will adopt a floating exchange rate system and abandon the exchange rate system of pegging the Thai dollar to the US dollar that has been practiced for many years."

When the door of memory "boomed" open, Wang Wenyi immediately remembered:

Thailand has given up resistance, and the financial crisis is coming!

Wang Wenyi's head was noisy, and he didn't listen to a word of the other content broadcast on the next TV.

Now is July 2, 1997, the Asian financial crisis officially broke out!

It's a pity that I am only 16 years old now, and my family is even poorer. Otherwise, if I bite behind financial vultures like Soros, I will realize wealth freedom ahead of schedule in my life.

What else?

Oh, by the way, I was admitted to the only key high school in the county in the recent high school entrance exam. What's the ranking? I can't remember clearly.

I am 16 years old this year. I am legally a person with capacity, and I am a quasi adult!

What else? Wang Wenyi's mind is in a mess. He thinks too much, but has no focus.

I don't know when the TV next door has been turned off. The night in the town is quiet.

The small alarm clock is still indefatigable and seems to never stop. If you remember correctly, this is Wang Wenyi's mother, Zhang Fengqin, who rewarded him when he entered junior high school with the sixth place in the county. The small alarm clock of the robot cat will be smashed one day in March next year.

On that very day, the landlord, who had long coveted the Wangs' hot business, gathered a gang of hooligans and drove three members of the Wangs out of the shop with the lease expiring in seven months.

My father, Wang Minghui, was seriously injured by those hooligans that day and lost his ability to work.

The man who once set up a family collapsed, and his waist also bent down early. His cheerful self-confidence was gone, leaving only decadence and numbness.

My mother Zhang Fengqin was stimulated on that day, and then she became a little absent-minded from time to time. The former elegance is no longer visible, only the vicissitudes left by day and night's hard work.

Wang Wenyi clenched his teeth viciously when he thought of his father's injuries and his mother's long white hair.

In my previous life, I was a silly boy who didn't know anything except reading at this time. But after 21 years, he is no longer a nerd who knows nothing about bullying.

Wang Wenyi gritted his teeth secretly, and never let such a thing happen again. The small alarm clock keeps ticking forward, which seems to remind Wang Wenyi of the urgency of time.

Yes, time waits for no man.

However, Wang Wenyi did not know what he could do for a while. However, no matter what you do, the first point is to immediately find a way to make money. There was nothing I could do before, and all the burdens at home were pressing on my parents.

At more than 5 o'clock every morning, my mother wakes up early to read, and then rides with my father on the tricycle full of seasonal vegetables, eggs, ginger and other things to the vegetable market, in order to earn a few yuan a day from selling vegetables.

At 7 or 8 o'clock, he hurried home to open the shop and prepare for the day's business.

Wang Wenyi remembered that when he was in junior high school, his parents always quarreled about a little thing.

In fact, they are all poor.

My father used to be the technical backbone of the agricultural machinery factory in the town. He just offended the leadership because of his honesty. As a result, when he was laid off, so many scoundrels were not laid off, and he laid off one of his technical backbone.

He is a man with good face. At the beginning, he was too ashamed to work for others. He always felt that he had lost the dignity of the national cadres. Before he was laid off, his father was the deputy chief of the technology department. Later, she had no choice but to borrow some money from some uncles from Grandma's house to support the shop.

But in the past few years, the business in the store was not good, the income was not high, and the life was poor. Naturally, there were more bumps.

This is also the reason why Wang Wenyi envies his parents in his heart. It will be left to later people, either because they divorced early or because women ran away with others.

At that time, people were not as impetuous as those who came later. Compared with them, they were honest, lovely and admirable.

When Wang Wenyi was in the third day of the junior high school, that is, last year, when he is now in this time, several commercial housing communities have been developed nearby, and many people in the county who can afford to buy houses have moved in continuously.

For one thing, people who can afford to buy houses at this time have good financial ability;

Second, there are more people staying here, and there are more customers. Another mother is a kind person, who can get along well with everyone; Although my father is a little more upright, he has rules in his life and treats customers with sincerity.

Slowly, the reputation of the small store came up, and the business was getting better day by day. There are fewer sad faces and more smiling faces on the faces of parents. Even the number of quarrels is obviously less than before.

If life goes on like this, Wang Wenyi believes that his family can live a happy life.

Unfortunately, the old landlord passed away in the third year of Wang Wenyi's junior year, and the house rented by the Wang family fell into his daughter's hands.

The landlady is not a fuel efficient lamp. My mother has seen it for a long time, but she has been kind all her life. She never imagined that there are people who will do anything to achieve their goals, and they are so mean, so vicious and so cruel.

Wang Wenyi can't help being impatient when thinking about the tragedy that will happen. We must prevent these disasters from coming to our home again!

But where should we start?

Wang Wenyi thought that maybe he should stand on his own feet earlier. Because now he knows that he must do many things, but it must be difficult to get the understanding and support of his parents.

After all, he is only 16 years old now, which is an unavoidable injury. To be independent, economic problems, commonly known as money is particularly important.

It seems that we should try to find our first bucket of gold.

There is a saying that money is not everything, but without money you can never do anything. Wang Wenyi has never been so eager to make money. However, if you want to make money, you must have capital. I never remember the concept of pocket money. I rummaged through my pocket, and sure enough, there was nothing in it.

Wang Wenyi began to worry. Why did others have a lot of ideas when they were born again? Money flowed into their pockets like water. It was his turn to be born again. He wanted to do something, but because he had no money, he had nowhere to start. He wanted to earn the first pot of money but could not do anything?

Wang Wenyi worried about his hair. He saw a small box beside his desk that he used as a locker for clothes. A memory flowed through his heart. Old Wang suddenly saw it!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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