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Chapter 1 Crossing the System [Set sail for new book collection]

"The host is merging with the system, please wait patiently!"

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Liu Hao's ear. Liu Hao quickly got up and looked around.

"Who is it? Come out quickly?"

Liu Hao looked at the empty dormitory with a highly alert expression, and responded with a sound of silence.

"Did I hear voices?"

Liu Hao rubbed his temples on both sides of his forehead, puzzled.

Today is Sunday. All the roommates in the dormitory went out. Only Liu Hao, a single dog, stayed in the dormitory and slept in bed.

"Ding Dong!"

The mobile phone suddenly rang, and Liu Hao rubbed his eyes. I rolled over, opened my mobile phone and took a look at the news.

Lazily clicking on the news, I suddenly saw a narrative that overturned the previous cognition: shock! Experts found that unknown creatures may exist everywhere in the universe, and they have supernatural powers. Before modern earth civilization, human beings may have this supernatural ability just like unknown creatures.

"Now experts don't have to be responsible for what they say. They can say what they want."

Liu Hao shook his head with disdain. He would not believe in any supernatural ability in the 21st century!

"The system kindly reminds the host that this statement is true!"

Just as the sound started again, Liu Hao sat up with a start.

He believed that the sentence he had just heard was not his own mistake, it was true.

"Who the hell is it? Don't play tricks there. Come out!"

Liu Hao suppressed his fear. He thought that someone was just pretending to scare him.

"The system has successfully integrated with the host. Do you want to start the space shuttle function? Note that this shuttle function is permanent!"

The voice sounded from nowhere.

"Oh, there's still room to shuttle! It's true. Well, let me see if you can take me away."

Liu Hao laughed when he heard this. Now he can guarantee that someone must be joking with him.

"Start the space shuttle function!" A voice sounded coldly, and a light enveloped Liu Hao.


Looking at the bright light that gradually gathered around him and wrapped his whole body, Liu Hao panicked.

"This... is this true?"

Liu Hao's face was frightened and his eyes widened.

"No, I don't want to cross..." Liu Hao waved his hands wildly and shouted.

It was dark, and the wind was blowing in his ears. Liu Hao could not open his eyes to the strong wind.

I don't know how long later, the dazzling sun shone on Liu Hao's face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the strange place in front of me, I was stunned. Full of fear, but attracted by the surrounding environment.

"Did I cross?"

Liu Hao looked around and gave himself a judgment that overturned cognition.

As a college student on the earth, one of his hobbies is reading novels. Naturally, he knows these things clearly.

Liu Hao swore that this was the biggest bird he had ever seen in his life.

Take a deep breath and feel that the air here is several times as fresh as on the earth.

And compared with the air on the earth, there seems to be another unknown thing.

Looking ahead, he saw a clear stream. Liu Hao felt thirsty and walked forward.

"Hmm? Who is it?"

Liu Hao uttered a cry of surprise.

He was stunned by the scene in front of him, and saw that the reflection in the water reflected the face of another person. Liu Hao smiled, and so did he. Liu Hao deliberately swayed from side to side, and he also swayed from side to side, completely changing his appearance.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully crossing the land of true spirit. The most powerful routine system serves you!"

The strange and familiar voice came out.

"System? Golden Finger? I really became the son of God"

After thinking about this, Liu Hao immediately felt happy, and felt that there was an aura of the protagonist.

Then, a memory that does not belong to itself flows into my mind, which contains information about the system and the original owner of my body.

"I see!"

According to the information instilled in the system just now, Liu Hao learned that the original owner of his body had been growing up in the surrounding villages by eating a hundred meals because he had no father or mother.

But a few days ago, he was bullied and killed by several friends of the man.

Liu Hao sighed a little, and let him live instead of Liu Hao.

"If I find those people, I will avenge the original Liu Hao." Liu Hao's eyes were puzzled, and he immediately made up his mind.

"Gollum... Gollum!"

Liu Hao's stomach suddenly sounded. He felt hungry and walked forward like a fly without a head.

"In order to welcome the host to the land of true spirit for the first time, a new person is specially presented to strengthen his body. It will expire in one day. Is it open?"

Suddenly, the cold voice of the system sounded in Liu Hao's mind.


Liu Hao did not hesitate to open it. Nonsense, only a fool can make him useless.

As soon as he spoke, he felt a heat flow rising all over his body, slowly spreading along the four meridians and eight skeletons. Liu Hao felt that he was full of power.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the enhancement. Now it is the Qi gathering stage!"

When the system prompts sound, Liu Hao's physical strength reaches its peak after this upgrade, and his hunger disappears instantly.

"You... aren't you dead?"

At this time, a frightened voice sounded in the distance. Liu Hao slowly turned his head and saw three people he or Liu Hao knew very well.

"It's really a narrow road for friends. It's not that they don't get together. I haven't gone to see you yet, and I unexpectedly met so soon." Liu Hao said coldly, narrowing his eyes.

Then he walked towards the three men. At this time, Liu Hao's memory became confused, and his murderous spirit suddenly condensed to the extreme.

It was a kind of hatred that burst out from the depths of the soul, and it was the remaining resentment in the original Liu Hao's body.

"What? He can stand up even though he is not dead. Could he come back from the dead?"

One of the three said in surprise that they had seen Liu Hao die.

"Hum, what if we didn't die? If we can kill him once, we can kill him again. It's just a wandering garbage. Kill it and kill it!"

The man also responded to his companion's words. All three looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

At this time, Liu Hao had come up to them and punched one of them. An invisible battle spirit reached the peak with this fist.

Seeing that Liu Hao dared to take the lead against himself, the man was stunned at first, and then became angry with embarrassment.


A muffled noise came, and Liu Hao could not help but take a step back, while the man who fought against Liu Hao took a few steps back, his face full of horror.

The other two were also surprised by Liu Hao's strength. Before that, one of them could make Liu Hao kneel down and beg for mercy.

"What are you still doing? Let's go together!"

The man who had fought with Liu Hao was so angry that he was defeated by a piece of garbage.

"OK, let's go together!"

The other two men went forward together, forming a three man attack, and wanted to take Liu Hao down at one stroke.

At this time, Liu Hao's face was full of madness. He lost his mind because his soul and body had been stimulated for a short time, and he just wanted to kill the three people as soon as possible.

Liu Hao's strength surged in his body, his momentum suddenly changed, and he rushed to the three people first.


After the attacks of both sides collided, there was a loud noise, and all the trees near the field fell to the ground

Two of the three were crushed by the attack.


The rest of the people looked at the strange scene in front of them and felt a cold sweat coming out. I don't know why Liu Hao suddenly became so fierce!

Knowing that he was not an opponent, Liu Haohong was about to run away. Liu Haohong rushed forward with his eyes and shot him.

After the three died, Liu Hao's mind returned to normal. Seeing the tragedy on the ground, Liu Hao was so frightened that he stood on the spot.

They were all killed by themselves, and they died so miserably.

However, Liu Hao felt better when he thought of the cruel treatment they had done to his original master.

I know that the most worthless thing in this alien world is human life. If I want to live, I can't avoid killing and dying people.

"Ding, congratulate the host on completing the first kill, and reward the host with 100 forcing coins."

"Ding, in order to encourage the host to reach the Alliance of All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms as soon as possible, the system will reward a special skill. Please choose your own!"

Three skills suddenly appeared in the screen window of my mind, each of which is: The Supreme Heaven Breaking Code, The Vajra Is Not Bad Code, and The Mahayana Ascension Code.

Looking at the three books in front of him, Liu Hao hesitated for a moment and chose "The Supreme Code of Breaking the Sky".

Because the name of this book is more awesome. What other King Kong is not bad, Mahayana Feisheng, you are more powerful than you can break the sky.

"System, what is forced currency?"

Liu Hao suddenly noticed what the system had just said and asked in doubt.

"Ding, the loaded currency refers to a specific currency of the system. The host can obtain various benefits from the system by using the loaded currency," explained the system.

"Do I have to keep pretending to get this coin?" Liu Hao continued to ask, but he already understood.

"Yes!" the system's mechanical voice replied coldly.

Liu Hao felt happy. As long as he kept pretending to be forced, he would surely enjoy a lot of benefits!

"Ding, if you detect that the host is killing three people, you will get three lower level movement symbols and one primary experience pill. Taking it will skip the Qi training period and directly reach the first floor of the foundation building period." The voice of the system rings again.

"Quick, use the primary experience pill!"

Skipping the Qi training period directly is equivalent to starting to hang up when you first arrive!

Liu Hao had learned from his original owner's memory that the foundation building period was not weak on this day.

Ordinary friars need to practice gradually from the beginning of the Qi training period to the top, but Liu Hao can directly use an experience pill.

If this pill is known to others, it will cause a bloodbath.

"Ding, using the experience pill!"

As the system's voice dropped, Liu Hao's body radiated a faint light.

I just feel that my energy channels have expanded a lot, and the unknown elements in the surrounding air have become pure and crazy.

According to Liu Hao's guess, this object should be the aura that can be cultivated in the novel.

"Next, I should find a place to settle down!" Liu Hao muttered to himself and walked forward.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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