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Chapter 1 Homecoming

His name was Zhang Shuan. He was twenty-five years old. He was born in the mountain that can only be seen on the map.

But on all maps, I can't even see the name of my hometown!

No matter how advanced the navigation is, it can't show the way home.

However, he wants to go back.

He wants to go back for the sake of those people who live in the world!

He still chose to go back when his classmates questioned him and his tutor was surprised.

They do not understand his world, do not understand his persistence!

In this way, he packed his luggage, took the appointment letter of college student village official, and set out on the road back to his hometown.

Trains, cars, donkey carts, walking, finally a week later, he saw the mountains that had never changed in his memory!

Just now, I was thinking about the last place where the mobile phone had a signal, and I saw the joke:

Several freshman students are in the middle of nowhere.

One said: his family lives in the village;

One said: his home is in the mountains;

Another said: If he hadn't climbed the mountain for a year, he would be a sophomore now.

He felt the same way about the situation.

But when he saw the familiar mountain, these funny jokes seemed so dazzling!

The only thing left in my heart is heavy! It's too heavy for him to change!

In the face of this heaviness, his persistence was so insignificant that he even had the idea of turning around and leaving!

It seems that in these familiar mountains, there is a lurking terror!

His heart is confused

The funny jokes also came out to make trouble, and they made waves in his mind, disturbing people's minds.

It's too far

Every village is connected, but not here;

The ubiquitous national grid leaves a blank here;

The Iron Tower Group has nothing to do with this mountain and water

No network, no electricity.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset!

The confused thoughts gnawed at his insistence and urged him to go back! go back! Back to the big era of red and white!

There are two worlds outside and here!

Now he stepped on the intersection of the two worlds.

Advance is what you think in your heart!

Retreat is the world of mortals, a glorious world!

His heart is in a mess... He retreats

Perseverance is consumed by the great terror hidden in the mountains, and you should fear before you fight!

However, there was still a thought to nail him in place and never retreat.

Maybe it feels his gaze, expands crazily and grows stronger!

Finally it broke his throat: "I'm back -"

In an instant, the invisible magic barrier that gnawed at his insistence was broken and disappeared!

Looking at the towering and magnificent mountains in front of me, I feel as if I have never seen before.

The echo ripples in the mountains, like a broken magic barrier, falling with the wind, merging into the mountains and rivers in front of you, and will never be seen!

His heart is finally at peace... It's settled!

Walking step by step in the mountains, the green mountains and trees along the way are not as colorful as the neon in the city, but also dotted with flowers, which is quite eye-catching. In the breath, there is no foul smell in the city.

As he got closer to the village, his heart became more and more uneasy.

When he was five years old, his parents were bitten to death by wolves, and no bones were left. Since then, he has grown up eating hundreds of meals.

With the funds raised by the villagers, they have to learn more.

Because the school is too far away from the village, I only go back to it on holidays.

Every time I go back, there are villagers driving donkeys to pick me up. At the beginning of school, they also come to see me off.

Later, when nine-year compulsory education was implemented, he also grew up slowly and could afford his own life.

It was more than ten years before he graduated from high school.

After entering the university, I went to the capital for four years.

In four years, I was busy studying and earning money, but I never came back.

The traffic is not smooth, the information is blocked, and the news in the village is unknown.

He should have been happy to come back after four years, but he couldn't get excited.

With Uncle Liu's earnest instruction and Uncle Zhang's scolding and scolding, the village finally produced a champion and the only college student, who was not eager to expect him to have a good future.

Now, after more than ten years of hard study, I finally learned something, but I put down my high salary and reputation and returned to this remote place!

Before leaving college, the advice of villagers was still in my ears;

I don't want anything in return. I just hope he has a good future. I don't want him to pay silently for money!

He is a college student from more than 20 families in the village!

At this time, he abandoned everyone's expectations!

How can his heart settle down!

Even in order to change the plight of the mountain, he still feels guilty.

In the mountains, it seems that it is not far, but I know it is far only when I really hurry up. This is what Wangshan said.

It was late in the afternoon, and then it was close to the village.

A woman wearing dirty clothes whose face could not be seen, put two cows beside the road.

As before, his face is black, and his skin color can no longer be seen; Hair is always like weeds, with lice jumping around from time to time.

From Zhang Shuan's memory, she has been dressed like this. Except for some wrinkles on her face, she has not changed for many years.

"Sister Jiang, it's tiring to herd cattle," said Zhang Shuan.

"Ah ah ah"

Mrs. Jiang is a mute, about forty years old. Although there is a big gap between her age and that of him, she doesn't know how to arrange it. She really calls her sister-in-law.

As for her name, no one seems to know what her name is, nor has anyone ever called her name.

She had no culture, could not write, and could not express her own meaning. As time passed, people treated her as a fool.

But he thought Mrs. Jiang was not stupid.

When he was a child, he was naughty and poked a hornet's nest. Fortunately, Mrs. Jiang found out in time and protected him. Although she smelled bad, she let him escape.

The mountain horse bee venom, Jiang sister-in-law's head and hands were swollen and transparent, and she was confused in bed for two days before waking up. When I woke up, I continued to herd cattle as if nothing had happened.

People in the village are all like this. When they get sick, they live on their own. If they survive, they continue to work. If they can't survive, it's their destiny.

"Sister Jiang, come to Uncle Liu's house for dinner in the evening, and I'll cook something delicious for you."

"Ah ah ah"

Zhang Shuan could not understand her meaning. She waved her hand and moved on.

Compared with four years ago, the village is a lot shabby.

Many adobe houses have collapsed, only a dozen of which are intact and seem to be inhabited.

I took a detour and went back to the old house to have a look. Now the dilapidated house is beyond recognition. There is only one foot left in the courtyard wall. A tung tree grows in the house, more than ten meters high and luxuriant.

Thanks to the protection of this tung tree, the old house did not collapse.

Turn the corner and see another person.

"The embolus is back, come here, let me see."

Then he stood up and limped forward.

His name is Tian Qun. He is a carpenter. He is in his fifties. Zhang Shuan is called a master in terms of seniority. The hierarchy in the mountain is so strange. What's more, we have to call it what it is. It can't be changed.

He broke his leg and became disabled in the early years.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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