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Chapter 1 Do You Believe in Superpower

Since the third floor is not high, Gu Yun doesn't want to waste time waiting for the elevator, but chooses to take the stairs instead.

When he reached the second floor, he suddenly heard a deep voice.

"So you are Qin Xueqing's assistant?"

Gu Yun looks at the end of the corridor, and sees a man in black standing at the end of the corridor. His hair looks like a bird's nest. He is clearly wearing a suit coat, but he is wearing flip flops. His hands are in his pockets. What's more, he is talking with his back to Gu Yun, not looking at people at all.

Gu Yunnao makes up. If he doesn't recognize the wrong person, it means that he followed him secretly before. After seeing him go downstairs, he quickly ran to the second floor from the other stairs, then stopped breathing, lifted his hips, turned around and posed in a mysterious way. Maybe he had to sneak a look back to confirm that he didn't come down - especially in order to install this X product, it's hard enough!

It can be seen that this is a big fake offender, and it is also marked in bold.

Gu Yun couldn't help smiling and asked, "Who are you? Who is Qin Xueqing?"

"You don't need to know who I am, but you need to remember two things."

"First, no matter who is the master behind you, from now on I hope you will stand by Qin Xueqing and not eat inside and pick outside, or I will kill you."

"Second, you'd better keep a distance from Qin Xueqing, and don't have any evil thoughts about her, or I will kill you."

Gu Yun is stunned and a little frightened.

What kind of thing is going to kill people? What the hell is going on here?

The man said again, "Well, if you ask me who I am, I'd better answer it."

Speaking of this, the painting style of the goods is totally wrong. His shoulder starts to twitch, "Hum, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... I am Qin Xueqing's fiance, her husband who hasn't passed through the door, oh no, she is my husband who hasn't passed through the door, er, wife? Ah, yes, fiancee. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha..."

Gu Yun's face suddenly darkened, thinking that this is not a mental illness, is it?

Just then, the figure of the man flashed into the corner at the end of the corridor and disappeared.

"What a quick move?"

Gu Yun was surprised for a moment, and then thought to himself, is my assistant president and assistant president Qin Xueqing?

What's more, what does the goods mean by "master"?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was in a big hole. First, he was admitted without any reason, and now he comes out again. So what kind of job is this?

Until he walked out of Dingchen Mansion, Gu Yun was still thinking about this problem.

However, thinking ended in hunger, when the Five Zang Organs Temple had begun to protest crazily.

After touching his belly, he remembered that he hadn't eaten for a day.

Fortunately, he still had one yuan in his pocket, so he got on the bus and went back to school.

After getting off the bus, he went straight into a mobile phone store near the school gate without much thought.

A fat shop assistant saw him and immediately shouted at him in his loud voice.

"Ouch, this is Brother Gu! It's time to change his mobile phone again? Is Huawei going to replace the old phone this time?"

At the beginning, Gu Yun used Apple X, then replaced it with an outdated Apple 5, and then replaced it with a second-hand Huawei. Now he is going to use this Huawei to replace it with a cheaper one.

Every time he changed, he would receive a part of the price difference, and he could live for several days.

However, if he wants to replace the old Huawei smart phone he has now, it will only be the old one.

The cry of Fat Man soon attracted several other students in the shop, and they all looked curiously.

When they saw that it was really Gu Yun, many people covered their mouths and sniggered.

Everyone knows that Gu Yun used to be the second generation of rich people. Half a year ago, he drove a luxury car to show off his rich girls everywhere. When he was defeated, he didn't even frown. He was crazy.

Now, is Dad broke? Is he out of money?

It was reduced to selling mobile phones.

Ha ha, it's very gratifying.

In full view of the public, Gu Yun was not concerned about face saving, so he took out Huawei's smart phone and put it on the table.

Said, "Just change the old machine."

The fat shop assistant smiled again, "Brother Gu, I'll give you an estimate of 700 for this mobile phone. I have a second-hand Nokia here, but I'm lucky to use it. How about selling it at a discount of 200? Then I can give you another 500."

Gu Yun nodded, "Let's just do it."


With 500 yuan in cash and a Nokia, Gu Yun walked out of the mobile phone store in the whispers of everyone and met Wang Datou in his class.

Wang Datou, whose real name is Wang Song, was nicknamed Wang Datou because of his adult and thin head.

"Brother Gu!" He said hello across the way from Big Wang, and then ran up to him and said, "Have you had dinner

Wang Datou's family is in poor condition. Every year, he has to apply for an inspirational scholarship for poor students to scrape together the tuition fees.

But recently, he has always invited Gu Yun to dinner every once in a while.

The reason is that he spent a lot of money on Gu Yun and brought him a lot of insight after he had been around for a while - even Gu Yun spent money on him for the first time.

Now he knows that Gu Yunjia is bankrupt and wants to repay him.

In his catchphrase, this is called "coming out to show loyalty".

It's funny to say that Gu Yun has spent money for many people, but he is the only one who has the least money. When he was down, he still regarded him as a brother.

Gu Yun was just hungry and his chest was close to his back, so he said, "Let's go and eat together."

"OK, then go to Xiao Assan's Sichuan cuisine?"

Every time Mr. Wang invites Gu Yun to eat, he does not go to the canteen, but to a restaurant - although it is also a small restaurant, it is much more expensive than the canteen.

Although he has no money, he has good face, so he is working hard to earn money part-time recently.

Gu Yun nodded, "OK."

The two people went to the Little Assange Sichuan Restaurant, ordered three or four dishes, and ate two bottles of beer.

After drinking about half a bottle, Wang Datou came up to Gu Yun and said in a low voice, "Brother Gu, I saw Ye Kai and Lin Jingqiu eating hot pot together yesterday. Ye Kai's grandson seducing the second sister-in-law is really nothing. But Brother Gu, now we are not his rivals, let's bear with it."

Lin Jingqiu is Gu Yun's girlfriend who just broke up, and Ye Kai is one of the friends who played with Gu Yun before. Together, these two identities make the plot bloody.

Big Head Wang was afraid that Gu Yun would see Lin Jingqiu and Ye Kai together sooner or later. He was too excited to get anything done, so he simply told him to be prepared.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yun just said calmly, "Nothing."

Gu Yun's life is full of chicken feathers. He doesn't want to spill some dog blood on it. It will be troublesome to clean it up.

Big head Wang thinks that Gu Yun has changed now. He would definitely call someone on the spot if he wanted to put it in the past. That scene is really exciting, just like the one in the movie of the old boy. At first, he liked this feeling to follow Gu Yun.

However, he can't call people now, which is pathetic.

Big Head Wang looked at Gu Yun with pity and said, "Brother Gu, life is like a wave on the sea. Sometimes it rises and sometimes it falls. It's the so-called tolerance for a while. Don't worry, I will take you back one day and tell everyone that we will get back what we have lost!"

This is Fage's classic line.

Mr. Wang's second uncle used to run a video hall. When he was young, he spent every day in the video hall. These lines have taken root in his heart ever since.

In order to match his mood, Gu Yun tries not to laugh.

Said, "You take me?"

Wang said seriously, "Well, you covered me before, and I will cover you later! The most important thing to do is to show loyalty!"

Gu Yun looks at Eye Wang Datou accidentally. In his impression, Wang Datou never bragged, but today he bragged a little too much.

Is this drunk?

Wang took another sip of wine and said, "Brother Gu, do you believe in the existence of superpowers? Have you read the recent online rumors? Someone woke up and found that playing the piano can break glass. Others saw Taoist jumping more than ten meters on Zhongnan Mountain, just like flying."

Gu Yun said quietly, "Do you believe everything on Y?"

"Brother Gu, I think you should believe that there are many wonders in this world."

Gu Yun is silent and looks at Big Head Wang differently.

He felt that Big Head Wang must have awakened!


Gu Yun secretly paid the money on the pretext of going to the toilet, but Wang found out when the transaction was finished.

Mr. Wang was very angry and insisted that the clerk return the money to Gu Yun, and then he paid with his mobile phone.

However, the total amount was more than 80 yuan. He paid 60 yuan with his mobile phone, and the rest was made up with the change in his pocket.

"The mobile payment has reached the limit, and today there are too many transfers." He specially explained to Gu Yun.

Gu Yun patted him on the shoulder, but said nothing.

After saying goodbye to Wang Datou, Gu Yun went to the supermarket to buy a piece of raw steak and planned to reward Erha. This cheap dog likes to eat steak most, but because cooked steak is too expensive, he had to buy a piece of raw steak and fry it himself.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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