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Chapter 1 Their Dilemma

Cao Jingtian said, "If we don't hear from her in three hours, our brothers will play with her and send her to the west. It's worth her life for our money."

Simon Hong is silent.

Ding Huamei thought in her heart that she was kidnapped by them. She was afraid that it would be very unlucky if she was robbed by them. Out of attachment and longing for life, she thought about how to escape from their clutches.

First, slow them down and comfort them.

She said, "Two brothers, it's natural and just to repay the debt. I understand your feelings. The dead ghost owes you money, no matter whether you have difficulties or not. Your request is reasonable."

Ximen Hong said, "Beauty, we shouldn't have hurt you, but we had no choice. We had no choice but to make this decision. Don't blame us."

Ding Huamei said, "Why should I blame you? If there is enough money at home, who would like to work hard on the construction site in the scorching sun and sweating like rain? That's not what ordinary people would like to bear. You must have kidnapped me as a last resort, right? Don't worry, your money will be returned as soon as possible."

Cao Jingtian said, "Brother Ximen, what are you talking to her about? Does she really understand our difficulties? Does she know our situation? If she deceives us, she will use her rhetoric. The real understanding is this. It's true gold and silver."

He stretched out his right hand, made a gesture to wring money, and then said: "Without this, I will send you to the west, and you will not live tomorrow."

Simon Hong said, "How dare you call the sun and the moon to change the sky? Is it possible that you really want to change the sky? Beauty, you have to be careful. I won't let him hurt you."

Ding Huamei said, "The brother was right, the key is this." She also made a gesture to wring money, and then said, "I will cash it. Although the dead ghost is trapped in heavy debt and cannot repay it, I still have some private money. How much money he owes you, I will repay it for him first."

Cao Jingtian said, "Do you want us to let you go first?"

Dinghuamei nods.

Cao Jingtian said, "It's wonderful! Do you think I don't know you are lying to us?"

Simon Hong said, "Don't doubt others."

Cao Jingtian said, "Don't trust her. Sometimes I don't trust myself enough. Then I let him go. Who can we ask for money? If we punch all the wages of the eight months down to our card before dark, I won't embarrass her."

Ding Huamei said, "If I don't go back, how can I put the money on your card? Nobody knows about private money except me."

Silence, the dead silence in the cave.

Before long, Ximen Hong said, "Beauty, be hungry. Eat something first."

He took the bread, tore open the package and handed it to her. The lilacs at this moment haven't eaten for a whole day, and they are so hungry that their chests and backs have already been stuck together, and they eat obediently. It is better to go to hell to be a starving ghost even if they tear up their votes.

After eating the bread, Simon Hong took a bottle of water, opened the bottle cap and handed it to her mouth. After drinking water, she felt very hot. Although he kidnapped himself, he was very kind and would take care of others.

Ding Huamei said: "Everyone has unspeakable pain, and your pain may be more special. Can you tell us about your situation? What do you call you?"

Simon Hong said, "We are also in the face of the cruel reality. We have no choice but to do so."

He said that his brother's name was Cao Jingtian. My name is Ximen Hong, and I'm from Ximen Qing's family. But there was no affair with Pan Jinlian as he did. His family was poor, and his father died young. His mother brought him up by herself.

Although he lives in a adobe house, he still married his wife. His son is seven years old and he is in the third grade of primary school.

The day before yesterday, my wife called and said that the back wall of the house where my mother lived had soaked the adobe bricks because of water leakage. As soon as the bricks were soaked and loosened, they could not support the roof tiles and collapsed. The beam fell off and hit my mother. She was seriously injured and lay in the hospital for treatment.

The hospital has stopped taking medicine because it is unable to pay the medical expenses. If it was a red brick house, there would be no such accident. I want to work hard outside for three years and transform the earth brick house that has lived for 30 years into a red brick house. Even if the inner wall is not painted and the outer wall is not painted, it doesn't matter, and it is also stronger than the earth brick house.

Fate just failed. The desire for transformation has been lost time after time. It is far from the rich and powerful, with many foreign houses and villas.

There is also a sister who is in high school. Although she is older in her class, she always gets the best results in every exam. The beginning of school is approaching day by day, and the tuition is not available, so we are in danger of losing school.

Ximen Hong only pointed to Cao Jingtian and said that his family's situation was no better.

Brand: Iron blooded reading
Launch time: 2021-08-18 09:42:38
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