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Chapter 1 Evil Star

It is summer now. Even if I come out early and walk for a while, I will sweat all over.

The flowers and trees on both sides of the palace road are now luxuriant, and the sound of cicadas is incessant, which makes people fidgety.

After finding a quiet place, Su Jing'an took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Then he disposed of the Suzhou grass in his hands and put the leaves in his purse.

As for the roots, they can be thrown into the nearby grass at will. Within a few days, they can be mixed with the soil on the ground and become fertilizer.

After doing everything well, she took out another special handkerchief, dried her hands carefully, and made sure that there was no smell of Su Cao on her hands, so she went back to the Taiping Hall.

The leaves of Su Cao are not prepared for her, but they are very useful. But nobody can know about them.

Sweat oozed from the tip of her nose again. She looked up and saw that the sun was very hot under the palace wall, which made her sigh.

She didn't know why she was so unlucky, but she just slept at home with the air conditioner blowing, and when she opened her eyes again, there was an earth shaking change.

In terms of TV dramas and novels, it is that she has passed through.

When she woke up, the body had just been seriously ill and was dying. This was not the most unlucky. The body she occupied almost left her no memory.

The only thing I know is that this body is also called Su Jing'an. However, the original owner hid his surname from others and only said that his name was Jing An.

Moreover, she is now a little maid to be assigned in the palace, but she did not enter the palace through normal channels. As for why she entered the palace and what she did, she did not know at all.

It is said that ignorant people are fearless, but in such a place where people eat and don't spit out bones, ignorance equals to fast death.

Fortunately, the original owner had friends in the palace. Through a few days of silent platitudes, she learned a lot of things and also knew the cause of the original owner's serious illness.

She thinks that she is not a fuel efficient lamp. She has no reason to change her shell and is bullied by others. It has been two months since she came here. In a few days, she will be distributed everywhere.

Before that, she intended to give a big gift to the girl who often troubled her.

"Ah, the one in front!" A cool voice came from behind. Su Jing'an could not help but pause in his footsteps, and then walked on.

"Deafness? Don't stop for me!" Seeing her quickening her pace, Su Jing'an stopped and looked around, determined that there was only herself around, so she had to turn around with resignation.

I couldn't help being stunned. In the shade of a tree not far away, a man sat in a 'wheelchair' and stared straight at her.

She knows who the other person is even if she hasn't seen his or her face clearly and only looks at the wheelchair.

Today, the seventh prince of the emperor is also the only legitimate prince. Unfortunately, when the first queen died, he was most likely to become the seventh prince of the prince. Because of the accident, he could not walk anymore.

It's said that the seventh prince has a short temper. The palace people around him have never lived for three months. Why did he meet this evil star here at this time?

Su Jing'an kept his face unchanged, bowed his head and saluted respectfully

In the harem, the senior officer crushed people to death, not to mention the dragon son, phoenix and sun. If the other party raised her finger, she could crush a lot of people like that.

"Who gave you the courage? Don't stop when you hear me. Why are you pestling there? Don't come here quickly!"

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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