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Chapter 1 Wang Yue?

Chapter 1 "Where is this? How dizzy?"

"Of course you are dizzy. You have been asleep for three days. Get up and have some porridge!"

Wang Mu was stunned. Looking back, he found that he was lying on a simple bed board. In front of the bed, he was still an old man, looking untidy.

"I have been in a coma for three days? Where is this? Are you, Uncle?" Wang Mu asked after the gruel inquiry. He found that the old man's hands in front of him were temporarily white, which was different from his age.

"You? Three days ago, I fished by the river. I didn't want you to pollute the water of the river, so I fished you out. Who knew you weren't dead, so I saved you."

Wang Mu is at a loss? Don't want to pollute the pool water to save him? This does not mean that if you die somewhere out of the way, the old man will not answer!

Who is this old man? Don't he have any sympathy?

"Why? Not happy?" The old man saw Wang Mu's opinion and squinted.

How dare Wang Mu? He suddenly opened his mouth and said, "No, no, just his head is still dizzy."

The old man went out without saying anything after listening.

Looking at the old man's back, Wang Mu was confused. This simple wooden house, poor bed, and a strange old man, where is this? Through the gap, it seems to be very open outside, and the air is very fresh, without the feeling of a city, even more comfortable than the mountains and forests!

Without thinking too much, Wang Mu bowed his head and began to eat porridge. He felt very empty and would die if he didn't eat porridge.

The porridge is thin and not good at all, but Wang Mu doesn't care about it, and even after drinking it, he still has something to say!

After drinking porridge, he felt much more comfortable, and his mind became clearer. He looked at the clothes on his body, and was stunned. It seemed to be ancient clothes. Maybe the fabric was very poor, which was different from what he saw on the screen before, but he knew that the clothes were definitely not modern!

Where on earth have I been? Wang Mu became very quiet.

Now it is the beginning of spring, and the fragrance of peach blossoms is everywhere. The scruffy old man in Wang Mu's eyes is holding a wooden sword, his eyes closed and motionless.

At this time, Wang Mu had been resting for several days, and he just had the strength to go out and see this scene.

"Could it be that the old man wants to practice old Tai Chi?" Wang Mu has seen many masters and aunts with Tai Chi swords, which is slow out of the sky.

It happened that a spring breeze was rising, and several peach blossoms floated to the scruffy old man.


It seems that the invisible sound bursts out, the spring wind stops, and the peach blossom stagnates. The scruffy old man opened his eyes, and the wooden sword in his hand was like a rope point buckled in the spring wind, above the peach blossom.


Another invisible sound.

The wooden sword is gently drawn and the spring wind is dancing, while the peach blossom is just like a bead curtain strung behind the wooden sword and moves with the sword.

In an instant, flowers flew up all over the sky, and peach blossoms fell in the wind between swords.

At this moment, the scruffy old man was no longer scruffy. The petals surrounded his body, and the sea of flowers rested against him. Under the sword, all the petals flew up all over the mountains and fields. One finger fell downward, and the spring breeze turned into an envoy's dance. With the old man's sword pointing down, all the petals became dragons and snakes around his body, and the whole wooden house was a sea of flowers, and the whole mountain was full of petals.

This moment

The flowers are flying all over the mountain, and the dragon and snake dance with one sword.

Wang Mu was stunned. This is not sword practice! This is a fairy! Such exaggeration! Where on earth has he gone? It can't be a fairy world, and this old man is a fairy!

"Immortal! Please accept Wang Mu's obeisance and ask me to practice sword!" Wang Mu can't let go of this opportunity! This is obviously not filming!

Who would have thought that the scruffy old man was stunned and gave Wang Mu a glance: "Are you from Wangjia Village?"

Wang Mu was stunned and scratched his head. He had never heard of this. He didn't know how to take it?

But when the old man admitted that Wang Mu, who happened to be in Xiaowang Village, didn't admit that he didn't remember or didn't want to say anything.

So his eyes changed a little. This change also made Wang Mu happy. It seems that the old man has something to do with Wangjia Village. As for whether he doesn't care, after all, he believes in Wang. There is only one family under the name of Wang.

"I'm not an immortal! My name is Wang Yue! It should be your uncle!"

"Wang Yue?" Wang Mu felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it at the moment, but it didn't affect Wang Mu's learning swords!

"Uncle clan, can you teach me how to practice swords?" Wang Mu dared not, but felt the pole and climbed up directly.

I thought the old man would agree, but who knows

"Learn sword? No, you can't!" Wang Yue said with a determined face

Wang Mu is not happy now. How can the old man change his face when he calls him uncle.

Wang Yue saw Wang Mu's doubts and immediately explained, "You are too poor to learn!"

Wang Mu was a little reluctant. Of course, he knew what Wang Yue meant. He was saved by Wang Yue. It was estimated that Wang Yue had seen through his qualifications for a long time, but he was not reconciled. The opportunity to learn swords was gone?

"Uncle Yue! I have to work hard to make up for my qualifications. Teach me!" Wang Mu is so shameless that he doesn't want to give up. He knows his relatives along the pole. After all, if he misses this village, he will lose his shop!

Wang Yue still had a dead fish face: "No, you can't learn all my sword moves. I guess you can't learn any!"

"That's a move! If I learn how to teach Uncle Yue, you are teaching!" Wang Mu felt inside the pole to climb up, and he had to fight for it!

This time, Wang Yue can't help it. Let's just use one move to get rid of Wang Mu. It's better to save the boy's trouble!

"That's a move! I won't pay if I can't learn!" Wang Yue immediately made a decision!

Wang Mu was immediately happy, but he was very happy. He could continue to learn as long as he learned it. Isn't that teaching!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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