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Chapter 1 The Virgin of Xuanyuan Family

"Now I'm a useless person, and that injury is not as good as half a year!"

"Sister Qinglian also left the black girl and ran away. It will be difficult for Qin Zhuang to marry again in this lifetime!"

"His back has been smashed by crushed stones, but it will heal later. It is not a scar. Who would be shocked to see it?"

"Well, it's good that you didn't go to the mine to be a worker at the beginning. What an iron rice bowl! I'll bah! If I touch my life with a rock, what good fruit will there be?"

"You know what? Being a worker for wages is no better than being a farmer. Tomorrow we should go to the coastal factory to work!"

"What about Qiangzi?"

"Throw it to the old man and his children. They should take it with them. Qiangzi is a grandson, so they dare not take it with them!"

From the next room came the conversation between Qin Guan, the second brother of Qin Zhuang, and his parents in law.

The old couple Qin Yuan sighed heavily from the left wing room.

"I'm going to see Chuang Tzu!" Liu Xiulan, Qin Zhuang's mother, gently opened the wooden door of the left wing and went out into the hall.

There are four rooms in the west wing, one for each of the three brothers of Qinzhuang. Except that Qin Lu, the third man, was not married, he and Qin Guan both got married and had children.

Qin Zhuang used to work as a blaster in Xifengshan Tungsten Mine. Five months ago, he filled the mining site with explosives and ignited the lead wire.

Just leaving the working face, I suddenly found that the tool bag was left in the working face. He judged from experience that the burning distance of the lead wire was more than 20 meters, which took three minutes.

Then he returned to the working face to take the tool bag and quickly evacuated. The roadway of the mining face is more than 200 meters long, which is a sharp turn. When he is about to run out of the turning roadway, a mountain of blasting explosives explodes behind him, and countless gravels are thrown on his back by the blasting air waves, overturning him to the ground, and he faints

He was rescued in the mine staff hospital, and then transferred to the Gan City Hospital for surgery. Doctors dug hundreds of small gravels out of his back; Fortunately, I wore a helmet and didn't hurt my head.

It is obviously impossible to pick up a life and continue to work. The unit has given an injury leave and is allowed to go home for recuperation, with 80% of the salary.

Qin Zhuang's wife Wu Qinglian took care of him in the mining department hospital for more than two months. She took a long-distance bus back to Gxi on the pretext that her mother was ill.

Liu Xiulan was also very tired taking care of her son and granddaughter in the mine. She was worried about the old man at home, so she discussed with Qin Zhuang that she might as well go back to her hometown to recuperate.

A lot of medicine was prescribed in the mine hospital, and the doctor explained some precautions, so he returned to Yuejin Village.

Yuejin Village was originally called Hongqi Village. In the special era, it was changed into the current Yuejin Village.

Qin Zhuang's daughter, a child, saw her father smelling of medicine, covered with emery cloth on his back and oozing pus and blood, so she killed him and refused to share a room with him.

"Give me a bed beside the mural in the hall!"

There is no spare room at home!

The Qin Family, a building built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is the oldest and most imposing old house in the village. It is said that the ancestors of the Qin family made a fortune by doing business, so they went back to their hometown to build this house.

The Qin family had been living alone before. Grandpa Qin Zhuang had three sons, and the population began to prosper.

The four rooms in the west wing house live in the eldest Qin Yuan's family.

The four rooms in the east wing house are the second Qin Guan's family.

The four rooms in the south wing room are occupied by Qin Min, the third elder.

Grandpa Qin Yifu lives on the first floor of the north room, and the second floor is the utility room.

There is only one corner in the mural of the hall, which is usually empty except for a few ancestral tablets.

Clean it up, make room, and make a bed.

The mural is a picture of geomancy.

A big bald tree, an eagle on the tree.

Under the tree, an old man with white beard was feeding meat to eagles.

There is a square field in the painting and a clear spring under the bald tree.

In the distance is a mountain forest. The mountains and forests have towering ancient trees, deep forests and dense grass.

In the sky, white clouds are floating, and a fairy is scattering flowers

Several jumping toads in the grass

Qin Zhuang can only lie on his stomach every day, and when he is tired, he lies on his side.

In his sleep, he felt that his mother went to the bed, leaned over to look at him, saw that he was sleeping heavily, and then turned to the room to look at his granddaughter.

The cold moonlight is projected from the square courtyard in the middle

Qin Zhuang is holding a fruit knife in his hand. He plans to end his miserable life tonight.

Qin Guan's words hurt his heart!

His parents' deep sigh made him feel guilty!

There is also Tong Tong, who has died. She is the most miserable one.

He threw out the fruit knife hidden under him. The fruit knife made a blood stain on his fingertip, and a few drops of blood splashed on the mural as he threw the fruit knife

A sharp pain!

A few drops of blood were soon inhaled by the mural!

Then the whole mural seemed to emit a glare, and an irresistible suction pulled Qin Zhuang into a space.

A few jumping toads on the ground, soft grass, Qin Zhuang on the grass tried to raise his head, and a woman in ancient clothes gently fluttered down beside him.

"Emperor, his back is festering and inflamed in many places." The woman's voice was like a silver bell.

"Su E, he just broke in, which means that he is destined for us. Let's cure him!"

The old man with white beard turned his face. Qin Zhuang saw that although his hair and beard were white, his face was as beautiful as a teenager, and his skin was as pink as a baby.

With a wave of her fingers, Qin Zhuang is as naked as a baby.

An adult man was suddenly naked in front of a fairy. Besides, there was an old man with white beard under the bald tree, and there was a bird of prey with eagle eyes on the tree. Qin Zhuang hurriedly covered his crotch with his hand.

The woman giggled, pointed to a muddy beach under the spirit spring under the bald tree and said, "Go down and take a mud bath!"

Push the unprepared Qinzhuang into the mud beach!

Falling into the mud beach, countless toads in the mud grass around opened their curious eyes.

It seems that there are countless ants in the black mud, drilling into him, itchy and numb.

The feet are soft and fall down all the time... It can't be a bottomless swamp, can it be that I'm going to die here with my own remains?

The black mud covered the belly, chest and shoulders until the chin. The foot stepped on the hard foundation and the sinking stopped.

A woman named Su'e randomly pulled out some weeds from the grass near the Black Mud Beach. After washing them, she threw them into a four legged tripod and began to boil herbs.

Until then, Qin Zhuang was still in shock and asked, "Why am I here? Who are you?"

The white old man stroked his beard and said, "We are the immortals on the murals in your hall!"

As for the mural in the hall, Qin Zhuang always pestered his grandfather when he was young and asked, "What is it painted on it?"

Grandfather always told him, "What is painted on it is a fairy tale, and what is painted on it is two immortals." As for what kind of immortals are, Grandfather also knows half of them, and can't tell why.

"What kind of gods are you?"

Now I'm face-to-face with the immortals. It's a rare opportunity. I'd better ask directly!

"I'm still Xuanyuan!" The old man's words surprised Qin Zhuang.

"She is Su E!"

Qin Zhuang likes reading history and novels at ordinary times. He knows that Xuanyuan is the legendary Yellow Emperor, and Su'e is a vegetarian. A book called "Sutra of Pure Women" once made him dream!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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