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Chapter 1 Flat Head Brother

Changping Law Firm.

Jiang Hua found a lawyer named Lu Xuan on the Internet. Now he comes to the law firm to find someone.

From the online evaluation, it's pretty good. A professional lawyer with professional quality and reputation.

When we first met, Jiang Hua was also a bit surprised. Lawyer Lu Xuan was very beautiful, especially a pair of long legs, a professional dress and high-heeled shoes. His whole body exuded an air of intelligence and temptation.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, can I help you?"

Lu Xuan asked.

Looking at this emaciated young man, her professional habits made her subconsciously observe Jiang Hua's eyes and clothes.


Lu Xuan immediately gave a judgment.

"I want to make a will."

Jiang Hua said softly.


Lu Xuan was surprised, and her lips lit up. She had practiced for more than five years. She had also made a will for others, but she was the first one so young.

Professional quality, soon came back to himself and asked, "Can you elaborate?"

Looking at her, Jiang Hua smiles.

"First, I made my own will, I, lung cancer, late stage“

"Second, the content of the will is that I have contacted Pengcheng sperm freezer to seal a copy of my sperm there. When I die, please contact my mother as the attorney and ask her to accept it."

Jiang Hua thinks calmly and clearly.

He still wants to leave something in the world.


After death.


Lu Xuan quickly grasped the key words and vaguely understood Jiang Hua's idea. It was a strange commission.

"Why don't you take advantage of this moment to have a baby yourself?"

She couldn't help asking.

Jiang Hua shakes her head.

"I don't have a girlfriend yet."



The air suddenly became silent and embarrassed.

Grabbing the water cup on the table, Lu Xuan took a drink. Lu Xuan considered her tone.

"Can I understand that? In fact, you still want to have a child, but because there is no girlfriend now, surrogacy in our country is illegal, so seal the sperm, and your mother will decide to deal with it later."

Jiang Hua nods.


"Is it not convenient for you to talk directly to your mother?"

Jiang Hua was silent for a while, thought for a while, and said, "The user experience is not good."

In the last period of his life, Jiang Hua didn't want to wash his face with tears every day, nor did he want to affect his sister's college entrance examination because of his illness.

With rational consideration, it is a good choice to find a lawyer.

Poor user experience?

What strange brain circuits and words?

To tell the truth, Lu Xuan doesn't understand exactly what Jiang Hua thinks. At this moment, she even has some curiosity about this person.

This is the first time to receive such a case.

From the perspective of career growth, Lu Xuan nodded after considering for nearly a minute.

"I took the case."

"Do you have any other requirements?"

Jiang Hua nodded, "Yes."

"I also want to sign a body donation agreement."

"If my healthy organs, such as cornea, can be used by doctors after my death, I will donate them."

Jiang Hua is a thoroughly rational pragmatist.

People die like lights out, cremation wastes resources, and burial wastes farmland. It's better to donate.

Lu Xuan is stunned.

An indefinable emotion hit her mind, and goose bumps all over her body appeared, and a strange image appeared in her mind.

Flat headed brother.

Brother Ping Tou, whose scientific name is Honey Badger, was named "the most fearless animal in the world" and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. He is brave, persistent and tenacious.

Eight words can be the most exquisite summary.

——Life and death are indifferent. If you refuse to obey, you will do it.


The commission contract was signed.

Jiang Hua discussed the details with her one by one.

This case is very special. The way of collecting the agency fee is agreed by both parties to pay by month, 2000 yuan per month.

The contract stipulates Lu Xuan's obligation to accurately determine the time of Jiang Hua's death.

The confirmation method is to send messages or make phone calls every morning.

If there is no reply within 48 hours, it will be deemed as death and the will will take effect automatically.

After signing the contract and watching Jiang Hua walk out of the law firm, Lu Xuan stayed for a long time.

What a strange person.



The next day, Jiang Hua handled the frozen storage of sperm and signed the donation agreement for the remains. After all this, he felt a little empty at once.

Is this your farewell to the world in advance?

From then on, the pressure of life no longer exists, no need to care about buying a house, buying a car, working, getting married, having children, and... children's education, children's growing up buying a house, buying a car, working, getting married, having children


Jiang Hua wants to laugh.

I want to cry again.

A person walks aimlessly in the street, with heavy traffic and people coming and going, but he doesn't know where to go, like an abandoned son of the world.

The world is so busy and cold, complex and lovely.

But soon it will have nothing to do with me.

Walking out of an alley, the unusual gathering of people on the main road attracted Jiang Hua's attention. There were no cars on the wide and flat road, but groups of people in sports clothes were running.

There is a temporary service point on the side of the road. After a look, it is a folk marathon.

Jiang Hua has always liked long-distance running. He feels very enthusiastic and uses his feet to measure the earth.

It's a pity that many times there is no time. High school has to take the college entrance exam, college has to stay up late to study, and work overtime. How can I run?

BGM echoes in my mind.

Run forward,

Facing the pride of the son,

Fate cannot make us kneel down to beg for mercy.

Instead of lingering,

It's better to burn freely,

Don't compromise until you get old


Standing on the roadside for a while, Jiang Hua crossed the road and joined the crowd.

The clothes he was wearing were not suitable for running at all. Checked shirts, overalls and leather shoes did not hinder him from running, so he ran.

The volunteers nearby were stunned. No one stopped them, but someone picked up a camera to accurately capture this scene.


Run forward.

There was a dull pain in his chest, and his throat was fishy and sweet. After all, he had not exercised for a long time, and his legs were as heavy as lead. Jiang Hua gradually fell behind.

Drop out of the current team.

Be caught up by the latecomers, and then fall behind again.

Many runners were surprised to see this strange man, shirt and leather shoes. Is it funny?

Others passed by and gave a thumbs up, not knowing whether it was encouragement or irony.

Jiang Hua felt that his eyes were blurring and his chest seemed to explode, so that he had auditory hallucinations in his mind.

"Extreme travel game binding..."

"The account is being created

"Permission authentication is in progress..."

"BUG detection is in progress..."

"Run environment loading..."

"The world outlook is perfectly matched..."

"Binding succeeded."

[Jiang Hua: a sports rookie with tattered body]

[Physique: 35/100]

[IQ: 100/100]

[Skill: None]

[Equipment: None]

[Prop: None]

"Please draw daily login rewards..."



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