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Chapter 1 Old crooked neck tree disappeared

On the evening of the eighth day of May in the sixth year of the Apocalypse, the exhausted young emperor prepared to go to bed early.

In recent days, he has suffered the second major pressure in his life. Three days ago, the big explosion at the gunpowder factory of the Ministry of Works almost killed him!

If he didn't run a little faster, he would be buried in the ruins of the Qianqing Palace together with the attendants who served him and the imperial historians who recorded his daily life!

If he hadn't been a little faster, he would have been hit by falling bricks and tiles like the attendants who ran to the Hall of Sacrifice!

On the same day, the Imperial Historian of Xicheng completed the statistics. More than 1930 rooms collapsed around the gunpowder factory, killing 537 men and women.

The Ministry of Household and the State Treasury have no money for pension and relief, but they still take internal funds, his small vault!

It is estimated that 6000 taels will not be enough at the initial stage, and another 10000 taels of silver will have to be added.

He was only the third son alive that day, and his half year old son was also killed by falling bricks... No one comforted him, everyone just wanted to take money from him!

Liaodong needs to raise military pay. Yuan Chonghuan needs rewards for his good deeds. Mao Wenlong also needs a steady stream of money and food to play such a role. The minister of Liaodong's strategy king also said that the slaves who were blocked by trade before winter should make big moves.

You are a senior official who can't find out the coping strategy. Just like a microphone, you can find out the news below and convey it to the imperial court. This is my good minister... I can't help it. At least this military born Jinshi is obedient and won't risk military admonition like the teacher Sun Chengzong.

Yesterday was the death of Emperor Xiaozong, and it was a busy day.

Today, we first complied with the pressure of public opinion. It was because our emperor lost his virtue that we had this divine retribution. We had to hold our noses and issue a criminal edict.

Where can the new powder factory be located? The three camps have one small drill every three days, and one big drill every five days. The monthly consumption of gunpowder is 30000 jin. We can't ignore this.

The residents around the original site are determined to oppose, so they can only move north from the southwest corner of the inner city to the northwest corner of the inner city, and change their name to "An Min Chang" to ease the fear of the people around.

The people living in the east city are either rich or expensive. The south outer city is purely populated and lack of management. The fire continues. After the attack of Anda Khan on Beijing, they had to expand. Therefore, the outer city is complex and diverse. I really moved the gunpowder factory to the outer city. Maybe it will be set on fire by Jiannu spies.

Just like this explosion, it was clearly a misoperation, but the Ministry of Officials and the Procuratorate jointly investigated... and concluded that it was the Jiannu spy.

No one dares to say that this is a man-made disaster caused by the improper management of the Ministry of Work, otherwise such a bad influence would be enough to make the Ministry of Work be cleaned up!

Since there is a problem with the Ministry of Work, will the section and Taoist officials who supervise the work of the six departments also be held accountable as a whole? Do you have vision and principle to recommend and promote these promising young officials?

A son can be born again after he dies, and the emperor will not lack a son. Many people pretend to be deaf and dumb, as if they forgot that there was a prince three days ago. The prince who is very popular with the emperor is likely to become the prince of the new emperor.

He really likes this son. This is the second child born by his favorite imperial concubine Fan. Their last child was his eldest daughter who died early.

Unable to investigate the responsibility, he was secretly angry and did not know how to face Concubine Fan.

However, there was a bigger problem. The Queen sent someone to tell him that there was a man in her Kunning Hall, a man who suddenly appeared, a man who did not know anyone, and a man who said strange things.

The day before yesterday, when the gunpowder factory exploded, the Emperor's Qianqing Hall collapsed and was damaged. Between the Emperor's Qianqing Hall and the Empress's Kunning Hall was the Hall of Tranquility, where yin and yang were intertwined.

The queen is also a respectable person. The hostess of the world naturally lives apart from the emperor, and will do things in a formal place.

The three palaces were close, so after the explosion, the queen moved to the Changchun Palace of Concubine Li Chengfei and returned to the Kunning Palace tonight. She didn't want to see one person when accompanying female officials and middle officials for routine inspection.

I couldn't help wondering whether it was Lao Wei and the Ke family who were together to embarrass the empress?

Since the Empress miscarried and her stillborn baby lost fertility, in the Forbidden City, the Empress has changed from being cheerful and weak to acting more like a queen, and more slaves have been killed for reasons. In places where it is not easy for her to do things herself, the queen is in good order, and the eastern and western twelve palaces are increasingly harmonious.

It would be perfect if Old Wei had the ability of the empress to smooth things out of the palace and take care of them in an orderly manner to make his people happy.

As the apocalypse thought, the empress subconsciously thought that this was a pit dug by Wei Zhongxian and the Hak family, but how could there be such an obvious pit?

The imperial city is very large, the Forbidden City in the imperial city is also very large, and the palaces in the Forbidden City are also very large. There is no problem to hide a few people inside. The biggest problem is how to make this person avoid all the entrance guards, eyes and ears, and come in quietly.

As far as she knows, besides the city wall and the moat, there are also two monitoring posts, namely, 40 internal shops and 72 external shops. The upper 26 pro military guards select the shop soldiers. In addition, there are fixed point, quota and directional patrol teams to ensure that no one can slip into the imperial city.

What did the imperial concubines and their families in the past dynasties dare not do for the sake of power, wealth and party strife? If you take a man to the palace secretly, their biggest problem can be solved, whether physically, psychologically or in terms of status, even competitors can continue to do so.

But who succeeded?

Now, a man appears in his own bedroom, seemingly calm, curious and curious. Aren't you afraid of being accused and beheaded?

Empress Zhang Yan wore plain brocade, light color matching and embroidered flower and bird patterns. She sat at the gate with her hands clasped and had a good demeanor. It seemed that she didn't care about this unexpected visitor.

The slender trusted middle official took down the decorated sword from the palace wall. The red round collar brocade robe and black gauze belt were worn with ears covered but not a black gauze crown. The wide sleeves were tightened and the sword was in his arms.

"Hail to God!"

The palace maids who did not know about it outside the temple door bowed down and saluted one after another, and the apocalypse turned over and dismounted skillfully, and brushed the female officials, maids, and middle officials gently, and walked to the temple door without speaking.

As an emperor, he also doesn't like to kneel down. It just takes too much time. His time is precious and the most precious in the world. Only when some officials are upset and dissatisfied, will they let the other party complete the etiquette, kneel as they should, and kowtow as often as they should.

The kneeling ceremony belongs to the ministers who have to do something about it. They are all domestic servants and people around them. They don't like to be sent outside the palace. There is no need to do something about it.

When Tianqi entered the hall alone, he saw Zhang Yan standing up to greet her, waved her hand and said casually, "Did you ask her about her eyebrows?"

"It is not convenient to ask."

Zhang Yan's voice was indifferent. Seeing that there was no one behind Tianqi, she was slightly surprised: "I thought the emperor would bring Wei Zhongxian here with me."

"Old Wei is very busy. He is busy raising money for Liaodong. If he can't help the people, he will have to urge all the departments of the Yamen to make a donation." The five features of the apocalypse are soft, and his voice is warm and angry: "This man's clothes are strange. He may have mixed into the palace in disorder, but he was never sent by Old Wei. I dare not give him the courage."

Zhang Yan also followed the apocalyptic gaze, and the man has also turned back. This may be the first time that two men have exchanged eyes since the Kunning Hall was built.

The apocalypse smiled faintly: "It seems that you are not afraid of me, but you are hesitant and flustered?"

"Anyone who wakes up and changes the world will be like me."

Lv Wei was really flustered when his accent was close enough to communicate. He still stood there, speaking perfect Mandarin, and did not hurry or slow: "Look at the costumes now, Daming is still in power. Before you and I have a formal conversation, you should send a trusted person to the Xuanwu Gate to have a look, and there should be a big fog. It's best to let your most trusted person check in the fog, but I'm hungry, and I want to eat a bowl of warm rice porridge."

Really flustered, did not listen to that woman's appearance and temperament burst out the words' Wei Zhongxian '?

The apocalypse frowned. Seeing that Lv Wei was serious, it didn't seem like joking, but he asked: "Fog? There is Jingshan outside Xuanwu Gate. How can there be fog in summer?"

"There will be. I come from the fog. There is something surprising in the fog. When the fog disappears, you will be even more flustered than me."

Lv Wei turned to look at the beautiful and frightening woman and said, "Once again, I came here by accident. If I could choose, I would not come to the palace prison."

About an hour ago, there was fog growing in Jingshan. He could barely see the words "Xuanwu Gate" when he looked down from a high place. Then he tore open the random scroll to escape from this dangerous place, and finally came to the Kunning Hall.

If he hadn't still held the scroll of return to the city in his hand, and the natural force that permeated his whole body could move with his heart, he might have knelt down, begged for mercy, and told the story with tears and tears.

However, it seems that the young emperor and empress do not want this matter to be publicized.

I just don't know what the fog that melts trees, soil and other things will transform the place into.

It shouldn't be harmful to people. Anyway, I'm fine... As for other people, can I take care of them?

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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