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Chapter 1 Survival on a Desert Island

Zhou Yu is a pure young man who has lost his life direction and goal. Like most people, he has worked in many positions. Because of this, he is very confused. He doesn't know what is the purpose of living. Living is very painful. He works every day and works overtime every day, but the salary he earns cannot afford a house only 80 square meters, and it is not even worth thinking about getting a wife and having children, Because he is very poor, although very poor, but poor ambition, although parents will eventually inherit the property.

However, Zhou Yu wanted to work hard to make a world of his own, instead of getting married and having children under the protection of his parents, and repeating his parents' work. He was very smart, but also very stupid, because he imagined a perfect world and believed that society was not dangerous.

Only now did he realize that the society was cruel, and there was no doubt that all kinds of people showed their humanity. There were also some people who were very deep in the city, such as his superiors, who secretly stole many of Zhou Yu's customers in the name of help. As a result, Zhou Yu has still accomplished nothing until now, and finally submitted his resignation application to the company one day.

In the evening, Zhou Yu lay on the bed in the rented room after having dinner, and was bored to brush the job recruitment website.

Many information on the Internet is fake. Although Zhou Yu has not been cheated, many people have seen cheated. Although there is a lot of fake information, there is also a lot of true information. The main thing is to see whether people's IQ can distinguish between true and false.

After a while, Zhou Yu saw a message just released, "Recruiting Life Experiencer Fulido".

"True or false~" Zhou Yu said "no", but he was honest enough to click in. After taking a look at the work content [experience various life], he felt quite novel, so he clicked to deliver his resume, then returned to the recruitment home page and started to paint again.

What he didn't find, however, was that the recruitment information disappeared at the moment he delivered his resume.

After brushing for a while, Zhou Yu seemed a little impatient. After clicking on the video app, he saw some strange videos. Of course, it was not the island love action movies you thought, but some videos of survival in the wilderness. When watching with enthusiasm, Zhou Yu, who had just pulled out a tissue, was interrupted by an unknown text message. Put down the tissue in your hand, click on the text message, [Congratulations, you have been accepted, please get ready to work] and look at this message without sender.

Zhou Yu said strangely, "At least you should tell me what my job is, or at least declare your company. Otherwise, how can I prepare for work? Really, I don't even have a sender's phone number, nor the qualification to call back to ask, which makes me want to swear."

Just as Zhou Yu finished speaking, a window suddenly appeared on his mobile phone. [Work during probation: survive in the wilderness, requirements: survive for 30 days, failure: die]. Looking at the window of his mobile phone, Zhou Yu felt that his mobile phone was poisoned, so he quickly shut down and restarted it,

"I hope my Alipay and WeChat are not hacked, or I will lose all my hard-earned money."

When he shut down and restarted, his eyes darkened. The night is so quiet.

In the morning, Zhou Yu woke up, his back was inexplicably cold, he looked at the surrounding scenery and murmured, "Where is this?"

Suddenly, an interface appeared in front of Zhou Yu, as if responding to his cry, "Work begins! Live for 30 days, failure equals death"

"Wang Defak.

Then he touched his pocket and hoped to take out his mobile phone to call for help. Unfortunately, the pocket was empty, and only the casual clothes he wore were left when he came to the desert island. Fortunately, it was a long sleeved round neck T-shirt and cotton casual pants. Otherwise, even if he survived these 30 days, his skin would be peeled off.

"Someone! Let me go back! I don't work! I want to go home!" Zhou Yu shouted several times, but the window did not respond to him. Zhou Yu squatted down, hugged his leg, and repeated in a low choked voice.

"Let me go back. I don't want to survive on a desert island. I want to resign and let me go home."

No one responded to him. Zhou Yu looked weak and helpless, just like a lost child. Who wouldn't? Last second, I was still lying in a warm nest in a civilized city, playing with my mobile phone.

The next second we came to an unknown desert island. We were still alone. Loneliness, loneliness and emptiness flooded into Zhou Yu's heart, and it was a little cold. Anyone who is blown by the sea breeze for two or three hours will be cold. If you don't believe it, try it.

I don't know how long later, Zhou Yu still kept a posture, holding his legs, lowering his head, and sobbing. The man did not shed tears lightly, but before he reached the sad place, he thought of his parents who were over half a century old, and he came to this place inexplicably because he had not been able to fulfill his filial piety. He still had 30 days to live, and he would die if he could not complete it. Fear of death and guilt for his parents, Make this weak human vulnerable.

Zhou Yu sobbed and recalled his memories with his parents: "You son of a bitch, let you bear hardships and die in peace. If you can't remember them, don't think about eating tonight.".

The stern look of his father in his memory made Zhou Yu dumbfounded and carried the book together with his young self: "Shun was born in the fields, Fu Shuo was raised between the plates, Jiaoge was raised in the fish salt, Guan Yiwu was raised in the scholar, Sun Shuao was raised in the sea, and Xi was raised in the market."

Then Zhou Yu's eyes lit up as if he had found the direction, and he continued to say, "So when heaven is going to place a great responsibility on us, we must first work hard on our hearts and minds, strain our muscles and bones, starve our bodies, and empty our bodies. We can't do what we do."

"Therefore, to be patient with one's heart has been beneficial to what one can't do. One can always make mistakes and then change; one is trapped in the heart and balanced by worries, and then works later; one can levy on the color and make the sound, and then allege that there is no law school to warn people; one can go out without enemies and foreign invaders, and the country will perish forever."

Zhou Yu calmed down and looked around and shouted, "I will never die here! Deye and Beiye can do it, and so can I!" A weak human ignited his fighting spirit, but he did not know when it would die.

Zhou Yu thought of the video he had seen and thought that he should go to the beach first to see if he could pick up some good things. He quickly stood up and shook his body. The sea breeze was still too cold.

Zhou Yu stood up trembling and ran on the beach, hoping to raise his body temperature through exercise. His eyes kept patrolling around, hoping to find something that could help him survive on the desert island.

Zhou Yu recalled the video he had seen and said, "Thanks for watching the video of those two masters, otherwise I would have to face death."

Among them, Zhou Yu agreed that one person's garbage is another person's wealth.

Zhou Yu wandered for a while, and the sun in the sky became more and more toxic. In order to avoid long-term exposure, Zhou Yu quickly found a depression on a cliff that could avoid the sea breeze, and stuffed the garbage he picked up into it.

A dozen oysters (oysters), a dozen clams, two plastic bottles, and a large square iron bucket. The oysters and clams were knocked down with stones on the reef group, and the iron bucket and plastic bottle were found near the beach of the reef. There are three characters printed on the iron bucket. Although rust covers most of the fonts, he can clearly distinguish it by his full score of Chinese in primary and junior high schools. It is an iron square bucket used to hold Bailianrong.

In addition to these, there are some broken fishing nets, a broken toothbrush, and a modern fishing rod, which should be washed up on the island with the waves after being discarded by sea fishermen.

Zhou Yu looked at the ripples rising from the sand on the ground, and knew that the sun was too toxic now. Although he would not dry himself after several hours of direct sun exposure, he would lose much water and possibly get sunburnt.

Recall the video I saw: a person can live for a week without eating, but if he doesn't drink water, he can only live for three days.

Zhou Yu thought for a moment, but he could not be lazy. He looked at the trees on the island and went in to search to see if he could find fresh water.

By the way, look for some stones that can be used for cutting.

When he thought about it, Zhou Yu ran straight into the forest. Although he was brave, he was not so foolish as to rush into a forest without making a mark. If he couldn't get out, his food would soon be wasted.

Zhou Yu wandered in the woods for a long time, and finally found a fresh water source before dusk. Unfortunately, it was a dead lake. I don't know why, this place was sunken, and the rainy season formed such a fresh water lake.

Although it is a fresh water lake, it is also a dead water lake. You can't easily drink the water in it. If there is any bacteria or other bacteria that cause diarrhea, you will be completely destroyed, especially without any rescue.

Zhou Yu found a rock that was much harder than other rocks near the Dead Water Lake. After a long time of falling, he finally broke it. He chose two stones suitable for cutting. In order to break this stone, Zhou Yu's stomach began to rumble.

One of the two stones was lucky and fell out of the edge. It was sharp but had gradient like a saw. The other was flat and could be used to grind into a real stone knife.

Zhou Yu watched the sky getting yellow. He quickly stuffed two stones into his pants pocket, picked up a lot of dry firewood, and went out to the depression. Let's call it the camp for the time being. When he returned to the camp, it was already dark.

Zhou Yu estimated that there was still some time left, so he ran to the dried palm tree near the camp and sawed off a small piece with the stone saw to use as a kindling, and then picked up a pile of dry firewood to go to the camp.

It was almost dark now. In the dim light before the darkness, Zhou Yu used a saw to make a hole in a piece of dry wood, found a more straight piece of dry wood, kept it fresh and round, rolled the cut trunk of the palm tree into fiber and held it at the bottom. It looked very fast, but actually it was a long time to drill wood and make fire.

After more than thirty minutes of rubbing, Zhou Yu finally smelt a smell of burning wood, and his morale was greatly improved. Although it was dark, Zhou Yu did not give up. Has been trying to rub.

The night is like the day. At the night when the moon is full, the bright moon looks like a national color, and the stars are like the number one in each brothel. How can the fluorescence of decaying grass reach the bright moon in the heart of heaven?

A novice, rubbed for more than 40 minutes, finally rubbed out the Mars that can make himself warm again.

"Fortunately, it was not so painful when I was tumbling," Zhou Yu thought.

Although we have created Mars, it does not mean we have succeeded, but it is just the beginning.

Zhou Yu shook the firewood gently and shook the rest of the sparks off the tinder. He covered the tinder gently and blew gently at the tinder. If he tried too hard at this time, he might blow out the sparks. As the smoke grew thicker, Zhou Yu began to exhale more and more. He didn't care that the smoke smoked his eyes, Although it won't be as dazzling as Monkey King, it is an accumulation of experience.

A crackling sound followed the orange light, and Zhou Yu succeeded.

A novice took more than 40 minutes to light a fire. The beach that could have been seen clearly gradually darkened with the light of the fire. Zhou Yu was frantic, shouting and shouting, accompanied by a bad dance, as if he were silly as a prehistoric man first touched the fire.

Zhou Yu quickly put the igniter on the ground, stacked it with small branches, and slowly the small fire became bigger.

"Googoogoo~" The sound of hunger came from his shrunken stomach, and Zhou Yu finally couldn't support himself. His legs were weak, and four of them were weak, just like a shrimp with soft feet.

Because his will made him hold on, and now he has lit a fire, his will is no longer concentrated, and there is no way to overdraw energy to support his body.

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth to the garbage he picked up at noon today, picked up the clams and oysters he picked up at noon today, and put them beside the fire for baking.

Taking the square iron bucket and pointing it at the fire, Zhou Yu stuck his head in and looked at it. Luckily, he didn't see any damage. The square iron bucket could be used for cooking. After putting the square bucket aside, he stared at the fire. Except for the crackling sound from the fire and the sound of the waves, there was silence all around.

The most dangerous thing for survival on a desert island is not survival, but loneliness~

At this moment, loneliness filled Zhou Yu's heart. He was thinking about the fact that he had not come to the desert island.

At this moment, what he thought was that if he went back, he would no longer stubbornly refuse everything arranged by his parents, obey their arrangements, and let them live happily every day.

But what Zhou Yu didn't know at the moment was that his parents were in a panic because he didn't answer the phone.

"Old Zhou, his son doesn't answer the phone. Can't something happen?" Pei Lan, Zhou Yu's mother, said to Zhou Yong, Zhou Yu's father in a panic.

"That guy just didn't answer your phone for a day. You are so flustered. Have you forgotten the time when he ran away from home when he was 13 years old? He came back in a few days. What's the flurry? He called you in a few days. The children are all grown up. Do you think he is still young?" Zhou Yong watched TV carelessly and changed channels, In fact, outsiders can see that the frequency of his channel change is directly proportional to the degree of his panic. Have pity on all parents.

As for Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu picked up the baked natural clams and oysters (raw oysters) and began to eat dinner. Although there was not much energy, he could cheat the body. Although the taste is light, it is still a little salty to make him swallow.

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, don't think about going out to the wilderness to survive. It's really not a life for people." Zhou Yu thought regretfully.

After dinner, Zhou Yu looked at the fire blankly while adding materials. It was too boring. Suddenly, a melody came from his mind, and Zhou Yu could not help humming:

An excellent person like me

Should have lived a brilliant life

How come after more than 20 years

Still floating and sinking in the sea of people

A smart guy like me

Farewell to simplicity long ago

Why did you still use a relationship

Go get a new scar

A confused person like me

People like me looking for

A mediocre person like me

How many more people have you met

A vulgar person like me

Never like to pretend deep

Why do you occasionally hear old songs

Suddenly, my mind shook

A coward like me

Leave some points for everything

How could it have been for who

Thought of desperate

A confused person like me

People like me looking for

A mediocre person like me

How many more people have you met

A lonely person like me

A fool like me

People like me are unwilling to be ordinary

How many people in the world~~~~~~~~~

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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