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Chapter 1 Sudden Change

Chu State.


Yu Weihan, the general of Chu, raised his troops to revolt.

He Tian, the emperor of Chu, led 20000 shadow troops to fight against the rebellion and killed them in Ye, the capital of Chu.

At this moment, after hearing the news, Mu Wanqing, the queen guarding the imperial city, happily put on a golden phoenix robe and a phoenix crown on her head, and wanted to go to the gate of the imperial city to greet her husband and return triumphantly!

But after Mu Wanqing walked out of her queen's hall happily, her happy smile froze.

Only hundreds of guards wearing black armor suddenly swarmed in with long guns and surrounded them.

"What are you doing?!" Mu Wanqing's eyes were cold, and he held his protruding stomach to suppress his anger. "It's a capital crime to trespass into the harem!"

At this time, a cold voice came from the back of hundreds of black armored guards, "Don't do it yet! When do you want to stay?"

Before Mu Wanqing knew it, he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and then fainted to the ground

In prison.


The cold water was so cruel that it splashed on the woman's head who fainted on the ground.

The woman suddenly woke up. Under the light of the basin of dancing flames nearby, the awakened woman saw a beautiful face.

She knows this face.

"... Xuaner, where is this? Where is the emperor? Has he returned to the palace?" The woman's voice is a bit hoarse, where is this place? How can I come to such a dark and humid place.

"My good sister, this is our death row in Chu State. It is a place specially set up to detain people who have committed capital crimes. As for the emperor, hehe, my good sister, the emperor, you will not see him."

Mu Wanqing looked at the familiar and strange face in front of her, and her heart felt a little bad. She wanted to get up, but when she moved, she found that her body was covered with huge chains.

"This......" Mu Wanqing was shocked at this moment, and then realized something and said, "I want to see the emperor!"

Hearing the words, Mu Wanxuan looked at her half sister with a sarcastic face, gently scratched Mu Wanqing's beautiful face covered with stains with her long fingernails, and said: "See the emperor? Hehe, my good sister, do you think you are still a queen? Since the moment you hooked up with the rebel thief Yu Weihan, you have been guilty of death.

What's more, you are pregnant with that bastard! My good sister, I did not expect that you would have such courage and such a deep mind! also...... The emperor no longer wants you. " After saying that, Mu Wanxuan suddenly tried hard, and the slender fingernails immediately entered the flesh, then went down and immediately a bloody wound appeared on Mu Wanqing's face.

The shock pain from her face seemed to make Mu Wanqing wake up a little. Then she looked at the strange sister in front of her and shouted: "How dare you be so rude to my palace!"

Hearing the news, Mu Wanxuan seemed to have heard the best joke. Suddenly she burst out laughing, and then looked at Mu Wanqing and said, "My good sister, you return to the palace, the name of the palace? Which queen you have seen will stay in the death row? Didn't I tell you? The emperor doesn't want you, wake up!"

Looking at Mu Wanxuan's dazzling smile, until now, Mu Wanqing can't believe that the woman in front of her is her beloved sister, that kind, gentle and considerate sister!

Mu Wanqing tried hard to calm down his emotions. He looked around and found that all the guards here had changed into guards wearing black armor.

At this moment, they are looking at themselves seriously, without the fear of the past.

Copyright: Yunqi Academy

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