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Chapter 1 Wearing?

Mingde Hospital is a large general hospital integrating medicine, education and research in Mingcheng City. It has a large number of advanced equipment that can connect with the world. The hospital is crowded with doctors and patients

At this time, in the brain surgery expert clinic, the young man held the phone, shook his legs and grinned: "Brother, I will introduce you a woman at night"

"No time", a cool and magnetic male voice

The young man turned his chair and teased, "Don't introduce, brother, you are so good at paying attention to orphan life..."


Shit, hang up the phone, you just wait to die alone

"Dong Dong Dong" knocked on the door, and the man became serious, coughed softly, "Please come in"

"Doctor Zhao, the little girl in 1205 ward hasn't woken up yet." A little nurse with big eyes pushed the door open

The young man known as Doctor Zhao is internationally renowned brain surgeon Zhao Yu

The pen in his hand turned round and raised his eyebrow. "I know."

When the little nurse saw that he didn't mean to get up, she looked worried. "The patient's family members have asked him several times."

Zhao Yu nodded, got up and went out with her

In Ward 1205, a middle-aged couple of about 40 years old was anxiously walking around the ward when Zhao Yu, dressed in a white coat, pushed the door in with three or seven heads upright, red eyes, and a stethoscope around his neck, followed by a small nurse with a tray in his hand

The husband and wife hurried to meet him, saying in a flustered voice, "Dr. Zhao, my daughter hasn't woken up yet."

Zhao Yu looked at the haggard couple. Three months ago, he saw them for the first time as a couple of talented women and beautiful people. Compared with the current situation, he could not help sighing,

"Mr. and Mrs. Le, don't worry. Let me have a look."

So he went to the hospital bed. A girl with a pale face and thick gauze wrapped around her forehead was lying quietly on the bed. He casually opened her eyes and her eyelids trembled

Zhao Yu put on a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, turned to the couple, smiled, "It's OK, I will wake up tonight", seemingly unintentionally added: "If she is willing to wake up"

The couple stared at each other with tears in their eyes. Apparently, they both automatically ignored the last sentence

Zhao Yu smiles. I don't know why the patient has woken up, but he still pretends to be unconscious. I hope she will wake up next time

Not long after, Mrs. Le Yao Xin helped her daughter lying on the hospital bed gently pull down the sheet and said, "Husband, you can bring the cooked porridge home and bring two more clothes to change."

Leyi, with a scraggly beard, nodded briskly. A few months ago, her daughter had a car accident. It was a devastating blow to the couple who loved her as much as they wanted. Now we can finally take a breath

Half an hour later (about one hour), there was silence in the ward. Elegant finally dared to open her eyes. Suddenly, the strong light was dazzling. She instinctively raised her hand to cover it. After looking at it, she found that it was a completely strange environment: white ceiling and unknown luminous objects. Two salt water bottles were hanging on the pole beside the bed, and she was infusing her body through the tube, A clip on her finger was connected to a ticking object.

Wen Ya's whole body was trembling, and her heart was panicked and helpless. Isn't she pierced by an arrow? Why are you here? Is this heaven or hell? Who is this pale and haggard woman sleeping on the chair beside the bed?

When she was at a loss, she heard the footsteps coming from outside to inside. She quickly closed her eyes again and returned to the Xuanyuan Dynasty

Copyright: Xiaoxiang Academy

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