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Chapter 1 Long Ling

Just when Bu Jinglei was expecting something shameful to happen, the little girl had pulled off Bu Jinglei's coat, and then she did not know where she took out a pen and began to write and draw on Bu Jinglei's back. In a moment, the little girl finished writing, and there were four characters written on the back of Bu Jingyun - the slave of Longling.

Then the little girl took off her feet and said, "You will be my servant from today on, and you will call me master later."

Bu Jingyun ran to the edge of the lake in disappointment. Through the reflection of the lake, he clearly saw the four characters on his back. Bu Jinglei tried to wash a few words off his back with water, but he did not know what material was used to write the characters on his back, which could not be washed off.

"Don't waste your efforts. This is the ink I use to draw magic circles. Ordinary water can't wash it." The little girl named Long Ling said.

"Do you know that there are no slaves for a long time? It is illegal to enslave others without permission now, and they will be arrested and sent to prison." Bu Jinglei said.

"Really? You don't want to be a slave, but you should work for me as a servant for a year, or you can't fill the vacancy in my heart." Long Ling said.

"Hehe, your vacancy is really big in a year," Bu Jinglei said in an exaggerated tone.

"Why? You don't want to do it?" Long Ling pinched her fingers as she spoke.

When Bu Jinglei saw this posture, he ran to Long Ling and half knelt down, saying, "Miss, let me know if you have anything to do." Although Bu Jinglei said yes, he could not shout.

"This is just like words," said Long Ling.

"Big lady, look at these four words behind me and you can wash them for me." Bu Jinglei said.

"I've written all about it, isn't it a waste to wash it again? This ink has faded away since you took a bath every day for almost a year. Now I'm hungry, and you are limited to make three dishes and one soup for me within an hour, or I will whip you and cheer you on myself." Long Ling said, taking out a whip in her hand, and then slapped the air beside her.

Bu Jingyun quickly said yes, and went to prepare three dishes and one soup. "Miss, I see a rabbit in the forest. I'll catch it for you and make a roast rabbit."

Bu Jinglei walked towards the forest while talking, As he walked along, he thought: "The dead girl still wants to enslave me. If I can't beat you now, I will beat you on the ground first, then again, and finally, until you call Dad, I will catch the rabbit for you first. You can wait here. I will bring you a big fat rabbit next year. Now I'm free."

Bu Jinglei thought as he walked. He thought that Bu Jinglei even laughed. Suddenly, Bu Jingyun saw a branch flying past him, pierced three big trees and finally hit the rock, smashing a huge stone.

Bu Jinglei swallowed a mouthful of water. She turned her head mechanically and saw that Long Ling broke off another branch and threw it out. Long Ling looked at Bu Jingyun and said with a smile, "Go quickly. Don't let the rabbit run away."

"Don't worry, the rabbit can't run away. Naz, come out, let's catch the rabbit together." Then Bu Jinglei released the little fire dragon from his elf space.

Soon the rabbit was caught by Bu Jinglei. Now Bu Jinglei is faced with a choice, whether to run or not to run. Bu Jinglei is not willing to work for the dead girl without running. However, Bu Jinglei is not sure that he can run away. If he doesn't run away, he still doesn't know what the dead girl will do to me.

In the end, Bu Jinglei chose to stay and see the machine later. Bu Jinglei took the rabbit in his hand and followed the small fire dragon to Longling. Bu Jinglei shook the rabbit in his hand and said, "Look how fat this rabbit is. It must be very delicious after baking."

However, Long Ling's eyes were not attracted by the fat rabbit, and her eyes fell on the little fire dragon Nazi beyond the step thunder.

Long Ling pushed Bu Jinglei away, hugged the little fire dragon, and then rubbed his face against the little fire dragon's face, saying, "How lovely!"

The little fire dragon was startled by Long Ling. When it saw this woman, it subconsciously began to resist. However, the little fire dragon, who had only been born for three months, could not break away from Long Ling's embrace. The little fire dragon that could not break away, Zhang opened his mouth to Long Ling, which was a spark.

Bu Jinglei on one side was frightened to see that if the little fire dragon irritated the strange dead girl in front of him, he would not be killed by one finger of her.

The spark hit Longling's lovely face accurately, but Longling was not hurt. She was really not hurt, even her hair was not burned.

This scene gave way to Jinglei and his eyes widened. He knew the power of the spark of the little fire dragon. Three months ago, when the little fire dragon was born, Bu Jinglei, in order to check the male and female, stretched out his hand to an indescribable place of the little fire dragon, and was attacked by the little fire dragon with the spark. Although the power did not cause too much damage to Bu Jingyun, But what made Xiu feverish all over his head was that he was completely clean, which made him laugh at Liuyu and Xiaoyun for more than a month.

"The dead girl can't be a monster, can she?" Bu Jingyun thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to show a little on his face. Instead, he smiled and asked Long Ling: "Big lady, can you let Naz go first and let him catch a fish for me?"

"You can't do such a small thing as catching fish well. What do you want? Get out of the way and watch me." Then Long Ling looked at the limpid lake and started the lake.

The lake is clear to the bottom, and you can clearly see all kinds of small fish swimming in the lake. Long Ling extended her hand and pointed at the small fish in the lake for four times. She saw the fish in the lake flying quickly towards the foot of thunder. Only when the fish flew out of the water, could she see it clearly. It turned out that these fish had been wrapped in ice in the water. Four ice cones wrapped with fish flew over.

"I will eat these two fish and rabbits, and this one will be given to Nazi. It's hard for you to cook, and the biggest red fish will be given to you." Long Ling quickly assigned the food.

Bu Jinglei looked at the biggest red fish frozen in the ice cone for a long time without making a sound.

"Why don't you start cooking? Do you want to wait for me to cook?" Long Ling asked.

"Are you sure you want me to eat that red fish, Miss?" Bu Jinglei asked, pointing to your red fish on the ice pick.

Long Ling looked at Bu Jinglei with a puzzled face. "Sure, what's wrong? I'm so moved by you. Don't be moved. Just give me good work and you will be indispensable."

"I'm moved. I'm moved by your sister. Look at this red fish. It's the King Carp. It's a magic treasure and can't be eaten. Even if it can be eaten, the King Carp is full of bones. What do you want me to eat? I'm not a dog." Bu Jingyun said quickly, as if this could let his anger vent.

"Well, let me see, it's really the king of carp. I'll catch another one for you if I have nothing to do, and I'll keep this one for fun." Long Ling said, taking away the icicle with the king of carp, and then a new icicle flew to Bu Jingyun.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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