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Chapter 1 Betting

The ice field is as clear as glass.

Under the ice, there is a deep ocean, and in the ocean, there are all kinds of twisted corpses.

Some have wings on their backs, some have horns on their heads, some have ferocious faces, and some are as serene as babies.

On the ice field, there is a blue sky like a thunderstorm, with clouds floating slowly and leisurely, without the sun, still bright.

The sky and the ice field add radiance to each other. The whole world is vast, pathetic and lonely.

Under the vast horizon stood a young man. He had black hair, a pair of black pupils, a childish face, and a white cloth coat, which was simple and simple.

The boy was not surprised by the world before him. He turned his head quietly, and a steel throne appeared behind him.

On the throne, there was a man with the same body shape and clothes as a teenager. He sat on the throne with his head bowed, as if he were asleep or dead.

Looking carefully again, several chains with thick arms unexpectedly passed through the man's body, locking him and the throne together, making him unable to move.

The boy is not surprised. His face shows the helplessness and complexity that should not exist at this age. He uses the clear voice of a child to say, "How about letting me go?"

The figure on the throne looked up, and his face was covered with a monster.

The ghost face is white. It is made of jade, porcelain and porcelain. It has a kind of white warm light. It is painted with mysterious and complicated patterns into a strange expression of smile, cry and cry.

But through the hole left for the eyes, I could not see the pupil of the person's eye, only a blue and white flame, burning quietly, beating, without a trace of temperature.

This guy doesn't look like a man.

"Are you still unwilling?"

The deep, cold and ethereal voice resounded through the world, and there was no such voice in the world.

The young man sat on the ice field with his head propped up, and said in a casual way, "Don't use such a tone. I feel bad."

On the throne, the ghost faced man seemed to be surprised by the boy's unreasonable playing cards. He paused, and actually changed his tone.

"Do you still refuse to accept my power?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders and said, "I said ghosts and gods. You haven't given up for so many years. It's impossible. If you can guarantee that you won't run out and that I will die after you accept it, I will think about it, or I won't talk about it!"

The existence of ghosts and gods shook his head, and the voice finally had feelings.

"As far as I know, you are not doing well. I can feel your loneliness, hatred, and dissatisfaction."

"Accept my power, status, women, and everything you want, and you will get it. Those who despise you will repay their sins, and those who humiliate you will get the punishment they deserve!"

"What are you dissatisfied with?"

The boy's face darkened for a moment, and then he spoke in exaggerated words: "Wow, it's exciting, but I refuse!"

"One of my favorite things is to say NO to those self righteous guys!"

As if the style of painting had become hard, the boy who claimed to be Lin Qin held his knee and looked at the ghosts with a super flat expression.

The ghost faintly sighed: "Jojo? What you humans call comic books is really magical."

Lin Qin frowned and said, "Did you peep into my heart again?"

"No, no, you need to know that I am you, so I know all your thoughts and experiences."

"It's really disgusting." Lin Qian felt goose bumps all over her body.

"But I don't understand why you choose to practice painfully and slowly, instead of putting your power and strength at your fingertips?"

Lin Qin thought about it carefully and then said, "Because he is afraid of death... because he is afraid of death, he practices. Because he is afraid of death, he dare not accept your power."

"The deep-rooted badness of mankind."

"No, no." Lin Qian shook his head. "It is precisely because of the fear of death that human beings have so many possibilities and have such civilization in just a few thousand years..."

The ghosts and gods sneered: "Also because of fear of death, so selfish, greedy, indifferent, killing!"

Lin Qin was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "I can't deny it, but I prefer to believe in the goodness of people. At least, if one day I really accept your power, it's not because of selfishness, but because of protection."

"Hypocrisy!" said the ghost coldly,

"That's because you haven't fallen into real loneliness and real despair."

"When people's illusions, happiness, and expectations all come to naught, they will naturally release the evil spirits in their hearts and burn the whole world!"

Lin Qin stood up, walked to the ghosts and gods, and looked directly at the cold fire. His face was very hard when the blue light was shining.

"Maybe it's as you said, but even then, I won't rely on your power!"


The ghosts and gods raised their right hands, the chains collided, and the sound of steel hitting each other reverberated violently on the open ice field!

"Then give it to you, a part of my power and power!"

"Just let's make a bet on whether you will touch that power again after tasting the taste of power and power!"

"Of course, the bet is my freedom. Do you accept it?"

Lin Qian's mind turned sharply. The ghost had the initiative in this bet. As long as he took the power, he would not listen to temptation and accept the power as usual, wouldn't he?

Although he can refuse, he cares about some of the power and power in the mouth of ghosts and gods.

So Lin Qin and he clapped loudly, "I accept!"

Before the words fell, the wind and snow rose all over the sky, and the light fell directly on the throne. The monsters under the ice field opened their eyes in the sea, as if they had awakened from a long time to witness this moment!

"But, it really doesn't matter. This bet is not good for you... Although it doesn't affect me, I'll remind you anyway, so that you won't renege at that time."

The ghost "Oh" said coldly, "Power is something that fascinates people. Once you try to touch it, you can't turn back... No one can refuse power and power. The devil is like this, and the gods are no exception!"

"So where's the disadvantage? I've already won!"


"Ha ha..."

On the simple bed, Lin Qian suddenly sat up. He was breathing fast and sweating. When he looked at the mirror beside the bed, a pair of scarlet eyes on his pale face were so eye-catching, and three Gouyu slowly turned in it, as if forever.

He covered his forehead, closed his eyes, and sighed helplessly. When he opened his eyes again, they turned back to the original black.

"Have you won... How can it be! What power and power, as long as you don't touch them..."

"It's said that the six immortals supervise the tolerant world. They supervise a snake head. They haven't found my abnormality for so long. I'm afraid the six immortals are not salted fish."

"Shit! You must thank me for your wisdom and blackness. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have played!"

Lin Qin sighed again, stopped swearing, and turned to look out of the window. It was bright, but his mood was dark.

This is the world of fire shadow. Lin Qian has been here for seven years.

In his previous life, he was a prospective college student who had just finished the college entrance examination. He was very artistic. He traveled alone during the summer vacation, but did not want to run into the secret ceremony of an evil cult in a remote place. Sadly, he was found by crazy believers, and then was used as a blood sacrifice to the god they served. He was killed in this way.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself a baby and came to the world.

But what he did not expect was that the ghosts and gods sacrificed by the cult also followed him to the world, and they were inside him.

The only good thing was that the ghost was sealed. According to him, unless Lintuo was willing to accept his power, he could not leave the throne.

But the price is Lin Qian's life and soul. At the moment when the ghosts and gods leave, his soul will be occupied, and his life will naturally disappear.

So Lin Qin gave up the idea very early, and refused to let go of the temptation of ghosts and gods.

But now we have made a bet. If Lin Qian loses, I'm afraid he can't help it.

"Alas, what's the matter..."

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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