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Chapter 1 Betting

Yuhe City, Baixiu Garden of Changhe University.

"Take out the marriage certificate!"

Mu Ruge said coldly in a water green skirt.

Ji Dongliu got up, looked at the girl and said in surprise, "What marriage certificate?"

"Don't pretend to me. My father told me just now that he and your father made a marriage ten years ago. When I was sixteen, I would get married."

As one of the most beautiful women in Yuhe City, Mu Ruge said coldly, "We were really close when we were young, but you should understand that we are destined to go on a different road. Soon, I will go to Tianwang College, and now you even build a foundation..."

The girl frowned and did not go on.

"Since you have found it, there is no way."

Ji Dongliu blinked his eyes, stroked his forehead with his palm, smiled and said, "Then, half a year later, we will get married..."

"Don't even think about it!"

Mu Ruge said coldly, "I am in the top five in Changhe University. How can I marry a man who has not succeeded in building the foundation for ten years?"

"You are about to grow up. You should understand that we will eventually be people from two different worlds."

The martial arts are popular in Tianwu Continent. Almost everyone practices martial arts. Therefore, the most direct rule of life is to respect the weak and respect the weak.

The method of practice is all kinds of strange things.

The first way to practice martial arts is to build a foundation. After the human body stabilizes the spirit and spirit, the ninth heaven realm is followed. The first three are called the lower martial arts, the fourth five six three are called the middle martial arts, and the last three are called the top martial arts.

Generally speaking, ordinary people can complete the foundation construction within eight years at the latest.

However, Ji Dongliu is 15 years old and has been cultivating for ten years.

On the other hand, Mu Ruge, who is also 15 years old, is already a martial artist of the quadruple heaven. He is also one of the top talents in Changhe College.

Ji Dongliu said with a smile, "You just think that my cultivation speed is slow, and I will depend on you to make a soft meal in the future. Let's make a bet."

"Within half a month, I will succeed in building the foundation..."

"You have built a foundation for ten years. Even if you succeed, it's nothing strange."

Mu Ruge sneered, "If you have the ability, you can step up to heaven within half a month."

Ji Dongliu nodded, "It's a deal!"

Mu Ruge looked at the ordinary young man in front of him, and was a little impatient. She added softly, "I can't listen to my father about the engagement, but I can get you some medicine fields to ensure your food and clothing."

Then the girl turned and left.

Ji Dongliu came up from the medicine field and washed his hands and feet with water while feeling a dark yellow pearl in the elixir field. He murmured: "It was half a month before the foundation was built successfully, so he could completely master this pearl, but now there is no way. It's time to try to build the foundation horizontally and speed up. Anyway, the elixir is mature."

Foundation building is mainly to stabilize and strengthen the essence, qi and spirit of the human body.

The average person starts to build a foundation when he is five or six years old. Before his body has formed, he can only use gentle breathing method to build a foundation.

But Ji Dongliu is now 15 years old. He is very strong, and his spirit is also very stable. He can try to build a foundation through horizontal exercises that are dangerous.

In the past ten years, he has continuously refined the pearls and built a perfect foundation with the power of the pearls. Now, he is almost finished.

After leaving Baixiu Garden, Ji Dongliu hurried to the library of Changhe University.

It has been three hundred years since the founding of Changhe University. It has collected many ancient books, martial arts, martial arts, and various auxiliary professions. It also has a rich collection of books.

Ji Dongliu shows his token and enters the library.

After a while, he finally found the basic skill he wanted.

"Iron Cloth Shirt" This is a basic skill for beginners of external skills. After training, the body is as hard as iron, as if wearing a thick layer of steel armor. It is hard to hurt with a sword.

The Golden Bell Mask is even more powerful. In addition to refining skin, muscles and bones, it can also use the strength of masculinity to strengthen the internal organs.

Without much thought, Ji Dongliu picked up the book and read it.

The two exercises add up to only 500 words. Ji Dongliu read them twice and memorized them.

At that moment, a sweet voice suddenly came from the side: "Although horizontal training and foundation building are fast, the path of cultivation should be followed step by step."

"I have tried it before. Not only was it very hard to practice, but it hurt my body. Finally, I had to give up. I advise you not to try."

Jidongliu looked up and saw a girl in a red dress standing there.

Although he is only 15 or 16 years old, he can see that she is a beauty, totally beyond Mu Ruge, and will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people in the future.

"Thank you for reminding me."

Ji Dongliu looked up, looked at her, smiled and nodded, and then continued to read without paying attention to each other's words.

Ji Dongliu's reaction immediately made the girl in red frown.

Brand: Boyi Chuangwei
Launch time: 2018-12-26 17:07:22
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