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Chapter 1 Crossing

Buildings with broken walls, dirty and dusty air, a sky that is as red as blood without the sun, and... littered with... corpses

The whole environment is just like the human purgatory recorded in the myths and legends.

Da da da da, a group of people in black walked step by step towards the inferno like city center.

At last, the people in black stopped their steps. They saw not one or two corpses, but a mountain of corpses!

And at the top of this corpse mountain stood a man! The man had long milky white hair, red lips, white teeth, white face and jade crown. If you just look at his face, he looks like a cute little white face from a fairy tale. He held a strange double handed giant sword in his hand. The whole giant sword was just like the one made of red crystal. The body of the sword was also shining with this strange red light. The whole sword body is about 1.2 meters wide and two palms are about 1.2 meters long. The handle is about 70 or 80 centimeters long. At the end of the sword, there is a tail blade shaped like a crescent moon. The word "troll" is clearly engraved on the sword body.

How can a man who is less than two meters tall keep peace with such a two meter long sword. In particular, this person is still a cute little white face, and the scene like a blood stained sky, a sea of corpses, a sea of blood, and a scull like hell on earth can only be the background of this person. This feeling is even more peaceful. The peacekeeping can no longer be maintained. Just like Snow White's character modeling uses a background plate of blood and blood. The god of light lives in the abyss of learning, and the seven dwarfs become seven deadly sins. Behind the devil in the abyss, there is a bright future. Anyway, how to maintain peace.

After a while, the man seemed to notice that he turned his head to look at the people coming,

The man looked at them. Like the deep sea of glaciers, the floating ice on the surface is cold and murderous; The deep is a darkness, even the sun will be swallowed up.

Hopeless, profound, lifeless... like a killing machine, it can't even feel sadness. It is in sharp contrast to his cute face.

"Give it up, and you will die today." The leader of the people in black said coldly, looking at the man. Although the eyes of the people in white were frightening, he stood out because he knew that white was the end of the arrow.

Bai Yi was an ordinary person who played games online every day, had a group of loved ones and parents, and had a childhood sweetheart. It was because the people of Dark Moon killed all his parents and relatives. Finally, after his childhood sweetheart was killed by the people of Dark Moon in his face, he woke up to the power in grief. Later, white clothes combined with ancient Chinese martial arts, and even got the cultivation inheritance of ancient times when exploring ancient relics, There are not only ways to practice Qigong, but also ways to refine weapons.

And Bai Yi is also a genius. He not only practiced Qigong, but also created a cultivation method combining the cultivation methods of ancient martial arts and power. This method can not only speed up the cultivation of Bai Yi, but also absorb the energy of others to feed himself. It can also practice qi, body and spirit. Later, it was called the ice of death, In the following years, Bai Yi has been wandering between life and death, and then came the previous scene. He killed the head office of Dark Moon, but helped kill all of Dark Moon. Only a few people who went out got the news.

"This is the last living person of your dark moon? Then let you die together with me." The cold eyes of Bai Yi did not show any waves. After saying this, his body and the sea of blood under his body almost turned into a huge ice crystal at the same time, and the huge cold gas spread quickly around like an avalanche.

"No good, run away, this madman even blew up his power core." The leader of the man in black realized something was wrong after hearing the words of the man in white, but it was too late. The huge cold almost immediately covered them up, turning them into ice sculptures, and freezing the city like hell on earth.

At the same time when the cold air stops spreading, the space of the whole city begins to crack and break, until the whole city is completely foamed away by the dark space.

So far, the world's largest cult "Dark Moon" was destroyed, and its headquarters disappeared from the world miraculously. The headquarters of Dark Moon was even more bizarre, and the whole city disappeared together, which became the world's top mystery at that time

In the supernatural world, an inconspicuous star outside the Angel Nebula is too far from the star, so there is no life in the ice all the year round. The whole planet is like a giant ice ball, floating quietly in the universe. Today, there is no strong space waves on this planet, and a huge ice city appears on this planet very abruptly, In a twinkling of an eye, it was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

"Drip, it is detected that the host is rejected by the will of the world. Please integrate the rules of the universe to avoid rejection"

"Drip, the test host has fallen asleep unconsciously,"

"Drip, because the host falls asleep and cannot issue instructions, the system will automatically integrate the rules of the universe"

One by one, the system beeps in the Ice City, but no one can hear them.

When Bai Yi woke up slowly, he found himself in an unknown space. It was a dark space, like in space, but although he could not see things under his feet, he felt that there was something like glass, and Bai Yi stood on it. The space is full of blue energy, and my body also emits a light red light. These energies are very familiar with the red light and white clothes. The blue energy is the true qi that I have cultivated. The true qi originally has no color, but because I have combined the cultivation method of the power, I have produced such blue ice true qi, And the red light on the body is the blood evil spirit condensed with its own murderous spirit and blood gas after years of life and death wandering.

"Welcome to the super gene system of the supernatural universe.

"Who? Who is talking."

When Bai Yi was thinking about why he could come to this strange space, he heard a burst of familiar electronic synthetic sounds.

"I am your supernatural universe super gene system", the inverted electronic synthetic sound, echoed in the mind of Bai Yi.

"Super gene? What a familiar feeling! Where is this?" When he recovered, he said with a puzzled face

"You are in your dark plane gene system." The electronic synthetic voice continues

"Then how did I come in, how did you come into being, and what was the dark plane?" Bai Yi seemed to think of something and asked, thinking, "Dark plane? Gene system? Supertheology school? Did I tm pass through?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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