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Chapter 1 Preface: Death of Xiaoxiong

In 2026, the United Nations General Assembly. Zhao Hong, the new President of the Republic of Romania, is talking freely and spreading his ideas and ambitions to leaders of other countries in the world. Peace, harmony and cooperation.

"My greatest expectation in this life is to create a gentle world. A world where people are considerate and coexist harmoniously, regardless of race, color, language and belief. And the meaning of my life is also here. My later life is to make contributions to my country, Europa, and world peace and development."

He is graceful and smiling. Speak in Romanian with a slight accent. The sound is magnetic and very beautiful. With his right facial expressions and some body movements, this is an excellent speech that can almost be used as a textbook.

If ordinary people who do not know the situation see this scene at first, they should not be regarded as the advocator of a public welfare cause or the backbone of a peace organization. But no, not at all. It is totally opposite to people's first impression. The real identity of this young and handsome man is a top gangster and a mafia leader known for criminal acts.

Zhao Hong, originally from PRC, is from Minbei, Fujian Province. Life is intertwined with tragic and passionate legends.

At the age of five, a very cute boy was lost by his careless parents, then abducted and sold, transported to Southeast Asia, domesticated as a child prostitute, and then moved from Southeast Asia to Romania in Eastern Europe. At the age of eight, he took advantage of the fact that the local mafia in charge of him did not pay attention to sneak away. After a very dangerous escape process, he finally regained his freedom.

Of course, this so-called "freedom" is not so sweet. It is located in southern Europe, which is known as the European Hell. At that time, Romania was in chaos and gangs were rampant. the people are destitute. As the bottom of this terrible hell, the situation of an alien black and yellow child who has no background or dependence can be imagined.

Zhao Hong once tried to ask the local immigration bureau for help, and even tried to ask the PRC consulate for help. However, they all failed in the end. After two attempts to hit the wall. The young vagrant gave up all his illusions and began to plan for his own survival.

Fortunately, Zhao Hong has gained a lot from his three years of hell like life. Young children's learning ability is beyond adults' understanding. The hellish environment also forced him to make the fastest and fastest changes in order to survive.

He should have received preschool education. In the past three years, he has learned the "skills" of lying, robbing, bullying, being mean and cruel. And more than five languages belonging to different languages.

With his perseverance and excellent learning ability, he carried forward what he learned from PRC human traffickers, Southeast Asian snakeheads, Indonesian pirates and Eastern European mafia. Forcing, fooling, bullying, luring... became the leader of local vagrants in a very short time, and unified them in a very short time, forming a professional criminal organization. In the next six years, this organization has developed at a speed that is unexpected by ordinary people.

At the age of 14, Zhao Hong ushered in the first peak of his life. His organization became the largest rogue organization in the local city. Control all underworld forces in the city. Black, white. A good business that can make money in large quantities.

The young and excessive gang leader has the legal resident status of Romania, thousands of capable gang thugs and nearly 10000 peripheral younger brothers. This young man, born in East Asia, tasted the delicacy of "right" for the first time. From then on, it was out of control.

The sense of insecurity in his heart and the desire that is much more than ordinary people make Zhao Hong yearn for more. When most gangsters indulge in pleasure after successfully obtaining all these things, Zhao Hong is still working hard, fighting hard, and expanding his power and power.

His peers in Southeast Asia and Central and South America have set the best example for him. From gangsters to paramilitary organizations. With arms, drugs and pornography, Zhao Hong's gang expanded rapidly. With his cunning, insidious and genius like dark wisdom, his power soon expanded to the point where the governments of the troubled Balkan countries could not match.

More than 30000 professionally trained gangsters loyal to him. His troops have excellent weapons, including tanks, fighter planes, tactical missiles and so on. Compared with the gangsters who can get enough allowance every month, the police and military soldiers are poor like beggars. The chief executives and police chiefs of various places either compromise with him or can only end up in a series of scandals.

Later, Zhao Hong, who trained his ability in conspiracy and politics, successfully manipulated the national elections of several small Eastern European countries, and supported his agent to the presidency. In this way, Zhao Hongda has become an unimaginable "great" initiative of gangsters. The uncrowned king of Yugoslavia, the underground emperor of Yugoslavia. Or called the strongest person in the dark world... titles like this follow one after another.

Zhao Hong has gained many things that ordinary people dare not think of: money, beautiful women, the power of no less than a head of state, and the luxury life that far exceeds any head of state, only those Arab oil dogs can match... His life is like a king. The whole of Yugoslavia was crawling at his feet. He was thirty this year.

However, Zhao Hong still felt dissatisfied. Huge ambition, egotistical mentality, and extreme self righteousness constantly encouraged him to gain more. At the same time, his great success made him feel that there was nothing he could not accomplish. He believes that he is the best, wisest and greatest person in the world.

That state, probably extremely close to madness, but still retains a strange state of reason. Under this premise, he began to seek to become the real head of state of a country.

He said to his assistants: Do you know what this is like? I clearly have the rights of a country. But when they mentioned me, they would not call me President, King or Prime Minister, Prime Minister Minister. It is a gangster, an underground godfather or something that is not on the table. I must seek a title equal to my power, whatever he may be.

To this end, Zhao Hong promised the permanent members of the UN Security Council a lot of political rewards; He bought local politicians; He bought TV, newspapers and radio, and pasted his portrait posters all over the streets of Bucharest... He spent countless money and tried his best to wash away the stains on his body.

He mobilized his subordinates to do public welfare undertakings, sponsor the Red Cross, organize charitable foundations, build welfare homes, etc. He went to TV, newspapers, radio, and public speeches day and night

He promised the public that he would make the country rich and strong. He gave up the atheism that he has maintained until now and was baptized as an Orthodox. It seemed that he was crazy and devoted 120% of his energy to the election.

Zhao Hong's sincere and moving speech was broadcast 24 hours a day. Although his competitors mocked and said, "Those poverty, hunger and chaos are not caused by you and your subordinates, Mr. Zhao?"

However, when someone really criticized him with a little bit, Zhao Hong replied, "I don't deny all this. I really have to take great responsibility for all that, but just because of this, only I can solve all this."

Such words really make people speechless. And this young, sincere and serious guy finally managed to squeeze into the second round of the election by virtue of his own "advantage" and spent more than a third of his wealth - nearly 25 billion euros.

But this is almost the limit. Many people in his organization think he is crazy. Many old brothers who have followed him for decades have parted ways with him, and the internal chaos has led to a sharp rise in the crime rate in Romania. Zhao Hong's gang was on the verge of collapse.

"Boss! Are you really crazy?! Do you know what you are doing?! All this is meaningless! You will destroy yourself! You will also destroy us!"

However, Zhao Hong may be really crazy. When his most trusted assistant cried out in such a loud voice and failed to persuade him, he pulled out his gun in front of him and committed suicide, he didn't change his mind at all

As a result, such persistence led to a miracle in the political circles of the earth in 2026. In fantasy, that stupid mafia godfather's downfall did not happen. On the contrary, it seems to be in the dark humor, or really moved by his propaganda. The election ended with unexpected results. Zhao Hong was elected President of Romania with a high vote of 64%.

The whole world is boiling.

Of course, Romania itself is more boiling. People talk uneasily about the future of this country. Even those Romanians who voted for Zhao Hong were equally nervous. They complained to each other: "Why vote for him?!" "Because I think he will not be elected even if he votes for him. After all, there are millions of voters in Romania! What about you?" "I think so too..."

The restless citizens watched TV and radio. Or simply rush to the Presidential Palace. According to the convention, the President will deliver an inaugural speech... although there are few things that actually follow the inaugural speech in administration. However, in any case, the mentality of being a live horse doctor with a dead horse and the fluke mentality. People usually listen to the politicians' nonsense and take it as a consolation. Especially when the future president is a mafia boss.

Zhao Hong did not disappoint the people's expectations. In fact, using language to control people's minds is one of his best skills.

"I will use my lifelong energy to build my country into a prosperous, strong, great country that can make all the people proud. I am committed to eradicating poverty, hunger and chaos. Dear citizens, please trust me and your most loyal friends. I have done what I said."

After this solemn speech, Romania broke out with rare cheers - probably the most applause and cheers for the president's speech after the country's independence.

Then, the new president launched a set of economic stimulus plans, medical reform, public security plans... This series of bold policies aimed at eradicating Romania's chronic diseases were also introduced one by one. In the lengthy report of the House of Lords of Parliament, which lasted more than five hours, more people saw the expectations of national rejuvenation. More people have also decided to throw out their prejudices and support the president with a background of gangsters.

The General Assembly of the United Nations was held one month after the President released the new policy plan. Zhao Hong, who was full of enthusiasm, appeared on the world's political stage as a national leader. For him, there is no better reward than this.

"My efforts have brought about today's achievements... I succeeded. Yes, I have succeeded. Bill, Anderson, Little Jimmy. Have you seen that? Your boss, I, Zhao Hong, I am omnipotent!"

The new president who was making a speech recalled that before, those subordinates who either cried, or swore, or even spoke with death, turned up their mouths uncontrollably and showed a very bright and charming smile... The final outcome proved that he was right. Those fools are losers!

Of course, no matter how pleasant his speech is, it is impossible to get applause from anyone on the stage.

But he doesn't care about those things.

In this way, after finishing this round of speeches, Zhao Hong is satisfied and ready to leave. Special car, airport, special plane - it was also at this time that when he stepped out of the black bulletproof car, the sniper in the distance pulled the trigger. For half of his life, a hole was shot in the head of a powerful and powerful man. As the bullet flew out, brain plasma and blood sprayed the beautiful secretary who followed him. She screamed hysterically. Zhao Hong's body fell back, his eyes wide open, and he could not close his eyes.

I'm afraid Zhao Hong has forgotten something, something called "common sense". For example, the "free world" does not want a yellow monkey who is a gangster to become the president of a European country - even if it is democratically elected.

The firing of the gun ended Zhao Hong's magnificent life. After his death, the Vice President of the Opposition came to power and immediately abolished all the reform measures he had formulated. Romania fell into chaos and disorder again. Romanians did not expect that the long-awaited dawn would disappear in such a short time, and the gap between the front and the back was unacceptable.

Such drastic changes have made this ill fated country deeply remember this matter, the yellow president with black hair and black eyes, and his unfinished reform plan... This matter is still remembered even decades, hundreds of years later, and countless people lament his fate, And he kept thinking about whether the country would become better if he was still alive. However, in any case, the story is over, and a new story has just begun

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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