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Chapter 1 Zhu Yunwen Is Imprisoned

In a mysterious dimension, the world here also has more than 200 countries and regions

There are also people with black, white and yellow skin

There are also many sects and cultures of the Cross, Crescent and Lotus

However, all the people here speak Chinese and write Chinese characters. Whether it is trade, war or ancient times, there is only Chinese and Chinese characters as a way of inheriting culture.

But countries also have historical records. Before the 15th century, each country had its own language and culture.

But why did they use Chinese and Chinese characters later?

Scholars from all over the world have explored the origin of Chinese characters in Huaxia, but the historical records of Huaxia from the 15th century to the 17th century are chaotic.

Until the 24th century, the future man Mo Ran died when he took the opportunity to sail. Daming, who came to the battle of Jingnan, staged a story full of bitter laughter, and showed the world this history

So what did Mo Ran experience in those years


Mo Ran woke up and found himself in the sea of fire. This magnificent ancient palace was crackling with fire. From time to time, some pieces of bricks and tiles had to fall down, which obviously could not last long.

The soldiers outside the palace were wearing chain armour inlaid with wrought iron. These soldiers surrounded the palace several layers. A banner next to it said "Qing Dynasty King's Side".

The face of a monk in black on one side was flickering. He felt the horror of rebellion. After burning Zhu Yunwen, the monk thought that he must have nothing to do with Zhu Di. Otherwise, although he was a hero, he might not have a good fate

The fire in the hall is raging. There is a woman and a child in a phoenix dress in the fire. They are holding Mo Ran and crying loudly: "If you listen to the emperor, how can our family have such a life now? You are uncle to the Yan thief, but he doesn't recognize your nephew at all.".

Mo Ran rubbed his broken body. How could he be held by the woman in phoenix clothes? Didn't I come here to investigate this rewritten history?

Just now, I was hit by the falling crossbar with the emperor in the dragon robe. I thought the crossbar would be burned out and sent it to the hell, but I didn't expect to be so fated, and nothing happened.

But how did another two-year-old child die in the bed behind him. He looked at them. The pupils of those eyes were dilated and his face was blue. It was obvious that he had been ill for a long time, and then he was frightened by the fire and died of fear

Mo Ran breaks free from the woman's arms. The love affair is unbearable at this time. If he doesn't try to escape, he will be burned

Mo Ran asked uneasily, "What year is it now? You are the last emperor and queen." (Mo Ran just got out of the boat when he found his exit was a burning palace. Zhu Yunwen came to visit Mo Ran when he saw his sudden appearance. Before they could greet each other, they were hit by the burning crossbar of the palace.)

"I am your Queen Ma, your majesty! What's the matter with you? We are not the last emperor. The last emperor was so noble as you. He would not die to be a fugitive monarch and be ashamed of his ancestors." The woman shocked Mo Ran

Shang Zhou was burned to death, but he had no integrity, not to mention Daji did not burn with her. Could it be that the emperor was Jianwen Emperor? Mo Ran thought to himself. But why does Queen Ma call herself Emperor?

When Mo Ran was thinking, part of the wall of the palace suddenly collapsed, falling in the middle. He only protected Empress Ma, but the crown prince Zhu Wenkui was hit.

Empress Ma looked at the bleeding crown prince Zhu Wenkui at her feet. And Zhu Wengui, the youngest son who died in bed for a long time. Instantly too old, tears chirped straight out.

Mo Ran looked at Prince Zhu Wenkui, and there was no breath.

He remembered the Cang Jupiter emergency medicine in his arms. This medicine can quickly restore the body with one breath left after taking it, but the dead people can't help it.

Mo Ran comes from Cang Jupiter in the 24th century. For the whole of China, Cang Jupiter is one of more than 1000 stars in his country. However, Cangjupiter has the advantage that this planet is rich in panacea and is a highly developed planet. Even with such high technology, this medicine is not mass produced. Only six of them have been in the hands of senior researchers for so many years.

I was on a voyage to escape, but who would have thought that the so-called escape turned into a disaster

Empress Ma is very sad at this time. The crown prince Zhu Wenkui has died, and her favorite little son Zhu Wengui has also died for a long time.

He kept saying, "Why does God torture me like this? Let me see my husband is stupid and my child is dead."

Mo Ran felt unwell just now. Looking at his clothes, he found that he was wearing a dragon robe. The man who was hit by a crossbar and lying in the fire was obviously himself. What happened? Could it be a coincidence that he took Zhu Yunwen's body.

Empress Ma doesn't think it's interesting to live. Her husband can't run the army himself. Now, looking at the fire, where did she make a fool of herself? Was she stimulated or was she crushed by wood?

And the two sons also died

She said to herself, "Zhu Di, Zhu Di, I hate you." But now I'm just a weak woman, how can I take revenge?

She also said to Mo Ran, "Your Majesty, there is a passage under the table in front of you. The passage leads to outside the palace city of the capital. You can escape from there.".

Mo Ran: "Don't you run away with me?"

Empress Ma said, "I have been born without love, and revenge seems impossible. I am here with our two children. The secret passage is very narrow, and only one person can live at a time."

Mo Ran thought about Empress Ma's words, and couldn't help but say, "Revenge? How can you avenge someone who has killed in the palace? Don't say you are a weak woman, even I can't avenge even a man, unless I have a million soldiers."

Empress Ma looked at Mo Ran strangely and said, "You forget that the Yan thief Zhu Di just captured the towns along the way from Peiping to the capital. If you escape now, most of the towns in the world still belong to you. The emperor will not even forget that!"

"What? Zhu Di just beat down the towns along the line from Peiping to the capital. Why should I be so shortsighted? How many people are there in Zhu Di now?" Mo Ran asked Empress Ma.

Empress Ma said, "Yan Thieves have only one hundred thousand soldiers in the capital, and even if they incorporate the capital's army, they will not exceed 300000."

"I heard that at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there must be millions of soldiers and horses in the world. Is that true?" Mo Ran wanted to know something about the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

Empress Ma said, "At present, there are 1.5 million troops in the garrison all over the country, plus the prepared troops, as well as the recruits recruited in Zhili, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, and the guards of the kings, there are actually more than 3 million troops that Daming can mobilize."

"What's wrong with you, the emperor? You should know better than me!"

Mo Ran said in a hurry: "In fact, I was saved by an immortal. Although I have recovered my life, my head is not bright."

Queen Ma: "The fairy saved you well. Although you have become a bit silly, you will not give up hope at least. Otherwise, according to your personality, you will never escape.

But remember that you are an emperor, remember why you almost died, and remember to avenge our family. "

Mo Ran: "Revenge our family? Aren't you and I all right?"

Queen Ma: "Although I don't trust you to escape alone, I'm a female. Being with you will only drag you down. In fact, I don't ask you to take revenge. As long as you are alive, as long as my husband is alive, I will be happy."

Mo Ran pulls Queen Ma, whose face is still full of tears. You can't take it too hard. Although I am an emperor, I need someone to prove it. After all, few people know me who live in the imperial palace everyday.

Mo Ran didn't want Empress Ma to die. Empress Ma didn't want to drag her so-called husband down. The two men couldn't argue. After several minutes.

Seeing that the house was about to collapse, Mo Ran led Empress Ma to the secret road. Empress Ma broke away from him and said to him, "Your Majesty, go quickly. Remember to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou, where Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai, Huang Guan and Lian Zining are. In fact, most of the countries belong to you now.

Even if Nanjing fell, it can be saved. Sheng Yong and Tie Xuan are also nearby. As long as you insist, you will win the victory of justice. Remember to take the seal and private seal, which are the evidence to prove that you are the emperor. You must take them with you.

I won't burden you any more. Remember to avenge my concubines and children. " After saying that, Queen Ma bumped into the fire not far away.

Mo Ran could not stop the self seeking Queen Ma when he saw this scene. He did not wear protective clothing at the moment, so he must not go to save Queen Ma. Otherwise, he would have to travel to hell with Queen Ma, and could only watch Queen Ma being eroded by the fire.

At last, he could only say to himself, "It seems that I am destined to make a big effort. The emperor has to do it if he doesn't do it." He kowtowed to the fire where Empress Ma died.

He, who has not yet fallen in love, is most impressed by such a chaste and martyred woman. He wants to express his admiration in this way.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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