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Chapter 1 Encounter the God of Plague

Today is the most unlucky day for Chen Peng, the village doctor of Chen Family. He can't remember how many times he got up from the pit.

Because the bad road leading to the village makes people feel very tired walking on it, not to mention that he is now half pushing and half riding an electric bicycle filled with Chinese medicine soup.

These Chinese medicine soups are the necessities of the only Chinese medicine shop in Chenjia Village. He goes to the town almost every week.

In the town, Chen Peng cried for his father and begged his grandmother for the wholesaler to make medicine for him. After he brought it back, he only needed to give some to the patients to earn a small price difference.

This is the daily routine of their Laochentou Traditional Chinese Medicine Shop

When he threw the broken flashlight into the basket of the electric bicycle, he could already hear the sound of water in the ditch near their village entrance.

It's the place where the village's aunts and sisters wash clothes with club mallets. Sometimes they make the river bank "slap", and talk about family gossip.

It's the big night now, but there's no sound of their playing.

Soon, Chen Peng found that the familiar sound of water seemed to be different from the usual sound.

Because, he clearly heard several discordant sounds, as if something was beating each other rhythmically in the water, and this high and low voice reminded him of more

Chen Peng felt very puzzled. No thief would steal cement, would he?

Recently, the village has to renovate the riverbank, which is very busy in the daytime.

At night, no one cares, because it is said that the place is haunted by ghosts, and it is also a female ghost.

Chen Peng did not know how the legend of being haunted came about, and he had never encountered it.

His curiosity was suddenly hooked up, and he could not help slowing down. In the panic, he simply put up the electric bicycle and looked suspiciously at the bank of the river where the sound came.

It didn't take him long to see, by the dim moonlight, two shadows, one black and one white, seemed to be fighting each other on the bank of the ditch.

This very strange sound is coming from over there.

"Is it true that I am not suitable to go out today, and I met the legendary water devil?!"

He just felt his head banged and the whole person was stunned.

The two shadows, black and white, looked like the black and white impermanence in the legend.

Chen Peng cried bitterly in his heart. He regretted that he should not listen to his father Chen Baoguo and must go to the town to buy medicine today.

In fact, there is still a little soup left at home, which can cope with several days.

But he must go because of his stubborn temper.

I fell down a lot on the way, but now I still meet... water devil?

Every year, one or two people drown in this small river in summer. Most of them are people who are not very good at water, including adults and children.

Can't these ghosts use this rare opportunity to find a double?!

Chen Peng suddenly had goose bumps all over his body, and he prayed silently in his heart.

At the same time, the bodhisattva sitting in the ruined temple on the top of the mountain, which had been visited by incense before cursing, promised to protect him safely. Unexpectedly, the chain fell at the critical moment.

After a flurry, Chen Peng quickly regained some sense, and he gradually denied this very absurd idea.

Because as a college student who has just left the university and majored in integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, he has taken extremely sharp scalpels and dissected fewer human specimens. He does not believe that there are any ghosts and gods in the world.

Therefore, the flurry just now was just caused by something unreal in his subconscious.

The sound of the collision of the black and white shadows became faster and louder, and finally it seemed to be unbridled.

Chen Peng suddenly remembered that it could not be Chen Jiageng, the village head, who was a thief, right?!

However, when Chen Peng thought about it, it was almost impossible. As the head of the project, Chen Jiageng was good at giving notes to villagers, but not necessarily stealing building materials.

This kind of thing started from the day when he became the village head, and this river embankment renovation project is no exception.

Now, who is making trouble in the dark here?!

Chen Peng was very curious. He hesitated a few times in the dark, then bent down to sneak into the shadow like shrimps in the creek


Although he was careful, he stepped on something soft, and then his weight was unstable, and his whole body suddenly fell forward involuntarily.

Out of instinctive emergency response, his two hands seized the thing in a panic, and soon realized that it was a stuffed women's bag and a paper box.

Then, he found a stack of RMB in his bag, which made him nervous.

Who has too much money to spend? He threw it on the ground at will.

Is it true that there are water devils. In order to attract passers-by, they throw a set of paper money on the ground as bait, so as to lure people who don't know how to live or die to take bait?!


While Chen Peng was in a trance, a flustered male voice came from there.

Maybe it's because I don't know where I came from. Maybe it's because I'm exhausted.

At the same time, the sound of slapping each other suddenly stopped, and two shadows, one black and one white, quickly separated.

The white shadow drifted into the nearby farmhouse and disappeared.

The black shadow was approaching him step by step.

Chen Peng suddenly realized that this guy was Chen Tao, the joint defense team leader in the village?!

What is he doing here secretly this evening?!

Could this guy have changed his sex and come here to supervise and check?!

But from the time point of view, I can't say it at all.

In addition, he and the village head, Chen Jiageng, were originally wearing a pair of trousers. They usually got together in the village. If people saw one of them, they would hide far away as if they had met the plague god.

The only conclusion is that this guy doesn't know which house he is with

"It's me, Chen Peng... Chen Tao, why are you here?!"

Chen Peng hesitated for a moment, and then revealed his name, so that the guy could not jump over the wall and touch a stone and hit him. Then he would lose more than gain.

"Who am I talking about? It's sneaky. It's you. Didn't you go to the town to buy medicine?! Why are you back now..."

Chen Tao's tone is not only a little uneasy, but also a little dissatisfied.

Chen Peng coughed dryly and said, "Don't mention it. I lost a little time buying medicine in the town today. I came back with bumps... I almost spilled all the medicine I bought."

"Why do you like to travel in the dark? Don't you know how to get a flashlight?! It really scared me... I thought I met a ghost."

"Don't mention it. I bought a flashlight from the Internet. It hasn't been used many times. What are you doing here so late?!"

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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