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Chapter 1 Rebirth!

Ye Yu, Ye Wangdu! Yejiang Avenue! In a driving luxury car on Yejiang Avenue, there is a boy in the back row, who is 18 years old.

"Reincarnation? Rebirth? Interesting. Hmm~I will stay dormant for a few years," Ye Chen murmured to himself, and soon a stream of memories flooded into his brain.

This memory contains the memory of this body! The owner of this body was born in the Ye family. Which family is the Ye family? The Ye Family is one of the strongest forces in the world.

The world is called the Seven Continents, and the world government is the ruling force. The world government is established by more than one thousand countries with thirty-six families, including five permanent member families and five permanent member countries.

The Ye family is one of the permanent member families. The world government has been established for more than 100 years. Every ten years, there is a new commander and president.

Every matter at the national level can be decided only after the Council and their opinions are unified.

Ye Chen's ability now is terrible! He has been the champion of two successive World King of War contests, with more than 1000 countries competing with 36 royal families. Ye Chen rises like a shining star!

Although the King of War is not the most powerful, it is also a supreme honor.

Ye Chen is the only one who knows about winning the championship. He was the King of War Dabi wearing a mask at the beginning. As for his representative? He simply challenged the King of War of a small country and told them that he could participate in the King of War contest on behalf of his country! Of course that small country will.

What makes Ye Chen feel strange is that more than five hundred years ago, the world's first man of destiny announced that there was a strange fruit called Baishou fruit in the world, which was black and purple in color and weighed more than five hundred kilograms. Life expectancy will not decrease within 500 years after taking it! And this kind of strange fruit only has 120!

But when that Ming Shi knew that there was Baishou Fruit, why did he want to make the news public? This makes Ye Chen feel very interesting.

People at that time also lived in ancient times and were very superstitious. In order to snatch the fruits of longevity, the Second World War broke out directly and lasted for four hundred years.

Within one year of its appearance, Baishou Fruit was robbed by more than 100 forces, and the other forces attacked out of the anger of the leaders at that time!

After all, everyone wanted to live a long life. With years of friction and resentment against the First World War, the war could not be stopped at that time.

Human science and technology have also developed rapidly in the past four hundred years. One hundred years after the end of the war, human beings on the earth have become the world leader!

Many extinct creatures on the earth, such as dinosaurs and mammoths, were completely expelled by humans on the seven continents to various primitive forests and wilderness mountains.

In history, the animal tide has always been a nightmare for human beings in seven states. Every time the animal tide comes, although cities have built walls, not only those who walk on the ground, but also those who swim in the water and fly in the sky will attack human beings. All creatures that can hurt people will participate in the animal tide.

Every time an animal tide comes, human beings will be killed and injured countless times. Although human beings have expelled those large creatures to very remote places, they are not sure whether they will start again.

Moreover, in the process of fighting with wild animals, humans found a very unbelievable fact that these animals all use a way of communication, which is called animal language!

But thirty-six families have already separated from the control of the state and have their own territory and army, and all aspects of thirty-six families are no worse than those in developed countries.

Thirty six families are called thirty-six royal families. There are thousands of waiting families, hundreds of thousands of nobles, tens of millions of distinguished families, and endless ordinary families. These small families under the royal family live in various countries and are the backbone of each country.

The 36th royal family has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the number of branches is controlled at about thousands. The main line is that only the family owners and their brothers of each generation and their first two generations and the next generation of their lineal line are the main line.

To put it bluntly, it means the owner and his children, his brother (or half brother, their father must be the same person), his brother's children, his parents and grandparents.

In addition, I can only become the main contact person after being recognized by the family and passing the assessment. The territory of each royal family is more than 50 million square kilometers.

There are 28 top countries, 273 large countries, 560 medium-sized countries and 969 small countries on the seven continents. There are kingdoms, republics and federations in these countries. As for the empire, there is no such thing as an empire. There was a large country called the Big Wood Empire in history. Unfortunately, the imperial family tried their best to destroy the imperial family.

Since then, there has been no empire but the kingdom. The ruling family in the kingdom is called the royal family.

The laws in this world are the same, which were customized by the world government more than 100 years ago, and are basically the same as those in other ordinary world.

Ye Chen is on his way home now. The predecessor of this body has just finished his birthday party and is sitting on a luxury car.

Because of his status, his predecessor was not usually in school, and his relationship with his classmates was not very good. The birthday party was just held by his classmates to curry favor with him. The party was full of reality.

Therefore, the predecessor wanted to go out to see the outside world and make his own world. The Ye family also allowed him to make a splash and improve his ability to serve the family in the future.

When he got home, Ye Chen looked at Ye's garden. The manor was too big for Ye Chen to see! "Mr. Chen, how big is our garden?" Mr. Chen is the driver and bodyguard arranged by the Ye family for Ye Chen!

"Nine young masters, this garden has existed since the first generation of the Ye family, covering an area of ten thousand mu", said the old man proudly. Ye Chen was indifferent and deserved to be enjoyed by his reborn family.

Zichen Hall is a big living room of Ye Chen's family! After arriving at the gate of Zichen Hall, a bodyguard opened the door for Ye Chen and bowed his head to "Hello, Ninth Young Master" Ye Chen nodded slightly and walked to the hall.

After entering the hall, under the guidance of bodyguards, Ye Chen enters a small living room and meets his parents and relatives in this life.

"Hello, grandparents, parents and aunts." Ye Chen first said hello to his grandparents with an old man in a Chinese tunic suit and a black hat and an old woman in a dark cheongsam and a flower shaped crown.

Then his father in purple checkered shirt and black trousers said hello to his mother in purple cheongsam and aunts in the same cheongsam.

Ye's family wear retro clothes, and most of them are clothes of that era hundreds of years ago. Ye Chen's brothers and sisters have all gone out for training at a young age, leaving only his little sister and himself at home. It's not that they don't come back. They are all taken seriously by Ye Huang, Ye Chen's father. Don't let other children come back because they don't care about trifles. This shows that Ye Huang is a very strict father.

Xueying, Ye Chen's grandmother, loves Ye Chen very much. When she sees Ye Chen coming in, she waves and says, "Chen Er, come and sit next to Grandma." Ye Chen walks over and sits down to greet everyone for a while before entering a room.

When he entered the room, he saw that the younger sister was sleeping on the bed. Ye Chen smiled and shook his head. He picked up a beautiful coat box on the bed and walked to the bathroom. He knew that this was a suit that the younger sister gave him.

But he didn't know that Ye Xier had designed it for him for three months. After taking a bath in the bathroom, Ye Chen puts on the suit that Ye Xier has chosen for him and then goes out of the bathroom. He finds that Ye Xier is awake and sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes.

It's so cute to see Ye Chen's love rippling. It is worth mentioning that Ye Xier is not Ye Huang's own daughter, but the orphan of one of his former comrades in arms.

Ye Huang once encountered a crisis, which was saved by Ye Xier's own father in exchange for his life. Ye Huang found Ye Xier who was still living in Tianhua Military Region for only three months in order to repay his kindness. He regarded her as his own flesh and blood and gave her the surname Ye! As for Ye Xi'er's mother's origin, it is quite mysterious, but there has been no news.

No one knows the life experience of Ye Xier's own father. Ye Huang also gave him a box of lunch when his own father was dying of starvation. Since then, Ye Xier's own father has followed Ye Huang.

Ye Huang thinks that he just wants to make a living. However, most of the assassinations that Ye Huang will encounter later are the killers that Ye Xier's own father helped him solve. His martial power is far higher than that of Ye Huang.

Therefore, Ye Huang's doting on Ye Xier makes Ye Chen's own children extremely envious.

"Brother Jiu, when are you back? I don't know how to wake someone up." Ye Xier looked at Ye Chen carefully and found that Ye Chen was wearing the suit he set for him.

"Xi'er is a good girl. Brother Jiu has just come back. I went out first."

Ye Chen went out after saying that, but he still didn't adapt to his identity. He found a place to sit down and chat with others. When they saw Ye Chen coming out, they all handed him red envelopes to celebrate his birthday. Ye Chen didn't politely accept them one by one.

Ye Xier quickly changed her clothes and came out. A white fairy smiled and came to Ye Chen.

Ye Xier's face is as beautiful as jade and as pure as ice. It's really beautiful and beautiful! And the bright eyes of autumn, bright as stars! The appearance of sinking fish and falling geese is just like this.

She was dressed in a white gauze skirt. The bottom of the skirt reached half of her lower legs. A pair of slender white legs were wrapped in the white skirt, and two juicy arms were exposed.

Wearing silver metal hair hoop, there are many thumb sized flowers with green petals and white stamens on the hair hoop. Two delicate jade feet are wearing crystal shoes, and there are many sparkling diamonds on the white skirt.

The convex and concave delicate body, together with such a dress, looks very elegant and extraordinary, so you should be a fairy in this world.

Ye Chen has not seen a beauty before, but Ye Xier's temperament and feelings are somewhat different! This may be the obsession left by the predecessor and Ye Chen has not rejected it. In fact, the main reason is that Ye Xier's appearance is too perfect!

Ye Chen really doesn't know how to describe this little fairy sister. She really loves me with a smile!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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